
Type: Posts; User: Faithful

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  1. Replies

    Jesus Returns Before 2582/83

    The return of Jesus is going to happen which is what Jesus said He would do and what Paul said, etc. Can we narrow it down further as to when? Yes. The next Total Lunar Tetrad (Red Blood Moon in Rev....
  2. Replies

    My Prayer for Putin

    I know not lots of posts are on this forum, but the most important thing to do is whoever is in the circle of influence of Putin should have the courage to murder him. I know there is someone out...
  3. Replies

    Donald Trump Won the 2020 Election Easily

    Trump won the 2020 election easily, embarrasingly
  4. Over 100 million Cell Phones and Lan Lines Have Mysteriously Been Dropped in China

    Over 100 million Cell Phones and land lines have mysteriously been dropped. This indicates that the number of deaths from Covid in China could be in the tens of millions. Officials are afraid to...
  5. Statistical Impossibilities of Joe Biden Winning the 2020 Election

    There is no way Wisconsin's turnout was 90%.

    Is it possible that Biden outperformed Obama massively in large cities that mattered by sleeping his way to the top?

    How do you account for the...
  6. Democrats are Killing Us with Lock-downs and Mandatory Face Masks

    On Fox today a study reported that 85% of those who contracted the virus wore face masks.

    I've known this since I saw a study done in 1919 for the Spanish Flu. Everyone was required by law to...
  7. Take baby steps to understanding this. There are...

    Take baby steps to understanding this. There are several key partial rapture verses.

    [Rev 3:10 ASV] 10 Because thou didst keep the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of...
  8. How is Indentured Servitude Different than Slavery?
  9. Acronym - S.U.R.G.E. Proves God Created the Universe

    S stands for the second law of thermodynamics that the universe is running down. If it is running down someone must of wound it up. We would have no energy left if the universe was eternal in the...
  10. Replies

    More false prophecies of Joseph Smith. ...

    More false prophecies of Joseph Smith.
  11. Replies

    Also, there is no evidence Indians came from...

    Also, there is no evidence Indians came from Israelite's either from 600 BC or 400 AD.
  12. Replies

    Failed Prophecies of Joseph Smith
  13. Replies

    Roman Catholics are Cannibals

    Roman Catholics are cannibals because they consider the bread to be literally Jesus' body and the wine to literally be His blood.
  14. Awesome Debate Between Mike Licona an John Dominic Crossan Oct. 24, 2018

    Great debate.
  15. The Surest Fact of Antiquity is Jesus Died on the Cross

    There are just too many points of evidence and corroboration for Jesus not to have died on the cross. In fact, you could say, no better proof exists than what we have in the Bible and extra-Biblical...
  16. Replies

    The Children Act

    I just saw the movie "The Children Act" 2018 about a child who didn't want to take a transfusion because he and his parents were Jehovah Witnesses. But the judge ruled against them, and he was cured....
  17. Replies

    Article: We are His Instrumentality

    You can view the page at
  18. Replies

    We are His Instrumentality

    We Are His Instrumentality

    In diagnosing a case, a medical doctor has recourse to many medical instruments. This is not so with us. We have no thermometer nor x-ray, nor any other such device to...
  19. Mormons Consider Themselves Fine Spirit Matter

    "Fine spirit matter"

    fine spirit matter
  20. Replies

    Look How Easy it is to Disprove Mormonism

    Look how easy it is to disprove Mormonism. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1.1). Who is "the Word"? Jesus. "And the Word was made flesh, and...
  21. Replies

    Mormons Disagree with the Book of Mormon

    The Book of Mormon teaches God was never a man nor the offspring of another God

    Mormonism’s founder Joseph Smith taught:

    I will go back to the beginning before the world was, to show what...
  22. I like that point. The Mormon loves his own heart...

    I like that point. The Mormon loves his own heart in his burning bosom than he does for God. What reasoning can you give the Mormon when the Mormon has ruled out reason.

  23. I can't understand how Mormons can be so dumb...

    I can't understand how Mormons can be so dumb since it is so contrary to the proven word of God. But I could easily say the same thing about Atheists, Agnostics, Hindus, Muslims, 7th day Adventists,...
  24. God the Father has sex with the Mother Goddess to...

    God the Father has sex with the Mother Goddess to produce Mary so Mary is a daughter of God the Father. In order for Jesus to be born, God the Father had to incestuously have physical sex with his...
  25. Does the Father have a Father? ...

    Does the Father have a Father?
    The Heavenly Father has a Heavenly Father before Him.

    Prophet Joseph...
Results 1 to 25 of 401
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