
Type: Posts; User: Nottheworld

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  1. Are You Ready to be Received Up to the Judgment Seat Before the Tribulation?

    The first rapture before the Tribulation is exclusive to Christians who are overcomers. Not all Christians are overcomers for many, actually most, still lie on a bed of fornication. They are not...
  2. 15 Independent Sources for the Resurrection of Jesus to Detract Mythicists

    Bart Ehrman, probably the famous atheist New Testament scholar today on the resurrection claim of Jesus, said there are 15 independent sources for the resurrection within 100 years of the cross.
  3. Page 225, Now let us especially notice what...

    Page 225,

    Now let us especially notice what the essence of mortal sin is. To do so will enable us to know how to keep ourselves away from it so that (1) our flesh may not be corrupted, (2) we may...
  4. Replies

    In Battling the Enemy

    In Battling the Enemy

    Those who live by feeling are even more worthless in spiritual warfare, because to battle the enemy in prayer is truly a self-denying work. What incalculable suffering is...
  5. Replies

    The Relation between Sin and the Body

    The Relation between Sin and the Body

    A Christian enters a decidedly hazardous period of his life upon coming to know the truth of co-death and experiencing something of freedom from sin. If at...
  6. Article: Calvinists Misunderstand the Difference Between Ransom For and Substitution

    You can view the page at
  7. Calvinists Misunderstand the Difference Between Ransom For and Substitution For

    Whoever Does Not Believe Will Perish

    The Bible declares that the Lord Jesus died for all. If a person does not believe in the Lord Jesus, will he perish?


    “The love of Christ...
  8. Replies

    Why Christ Must Be the God-Man

    Why Christ Must Be the God-Man

    Why is it that in God’s plan of redemption Christ must be simultaneously God and man?


    Suppose there are three persons, A, B, and C. C has sinned, and...
  9. Replies

    In season 3, episode 5, the argument made by the...

    In season 3, episode 5, the argument made by the man claiming to be God on the Ferry to Melbourne said Jesus had a twin brother and that Mary lied about Jesus being the Son of God. There is only a...
  10. Calvinism is the Most Evil Cult in the World

    Calvinism is the epitome of Satanic evil. Check out what the following Calvinist apologists had to say regarding sin and evil:

    1) Loraine Boettner - "Even the fall of Adam, and through him the...
  11. [Mat 11:13-17 RSV] 13 For all the prophets and...

    [Mat 11:13-17 RSV] 13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John; 14 and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come. 15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear. 16 "But to...
  12. J.D. Hall Believes Adam Had Freewill but it Was Lost Into Man's Corrupt Nature

    J.D. Hall says man's free will was lost because man's nature became Totally depraved. Did it? Of course not.

    Leighton Flowers made a side comment about a video that I saw with him and Matt. J....
  13. Total Depravity = Total Inability = Total Insanity

    [Eze 18:30-32 KJV] 30 Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn [yourselves] from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall...
  14. Muhammad Predicted His Own Death for Being a False Prophet

    Muhammad predicted how he would die for being a false prophet and it came to pass.
  15. Many People Confirmed that Joseph Smith Borrowed from Solomon Spalding to write BofM

    Joseph Smith was such a fraud, stealing from Solomon Spalding.

    Joseph Smith was not the first to make up Lehi and Nephi. These names were in the fictional record of Solomon Spalding.

    Henry Lake...
  16. Emanuel Swedenborg Originated Levels of Heaven not Joseph Smith

    Swedenborg originated levels of heaven not Joseph Smith. It's false. If there are levels of heaven then salvation is by works. Apparently in the lowest heaven (Telestial) you don't need to believe in...
  17. Mormons are Not Clear on Where They Go After They Die

    In Mormonism instead of there just being one heaven, there are many heaven. What Mormons are somewhat confused about is who goes where. I think it is purposefully vague as Satan is the author of...
  18. Replies

    Some Fair Questions for Mormons

    It seems Mormons have a starting assumption for their cult about the trillions stars in the universe that life can exist near. Initial mistaken assumptions are deadly. The truth is scientist Hugh...
  19. Sticky: 25 Prophecies About Mormonism

    25 Prophecies We Shall Know Them By Their Fruit: Why Mormons are Going to Hell

    "Don’t let them waste their time in endless discussion of myths and spiritual pedigrees. These things only lead to...
  20. Where is the Humility in Mormonism and Seeking after Truth?

    "He that trusts his own heart is a fool" (Prov. 28.26). The Bible is constantly talking about the corruptness of men's hearts. And so it is in creating Mormonism and following it.

    Truth in...
  21. The Tribulation hasn't started yet so nobody is...

    The Tribulation hasn't started yet so nobody is left behind yet.
  22. Replies

    Article: The Operations of the Trinity

    You can view the page at
  23. Replies

    The Operations of the Trinity

    The Obedience of the Son

    Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped, but...
  24. Replies

    "A feast is prepared for laughter, and wine makes...

    "A feast is prepared for laughter, and wine makes life happy, and money is the answer for everything" (Eccl. 10.19). This is not cynical greed. This verse suggests a little wine can be good just as...
  25. Replies

    Job Proclaims God’s Righteous Judgments God...

    Job Proclaims God’s Righteous Judgments
    God Knows Men’s Ways (Job 23 NASB)

    After Kevin Garvey, the police chief, said he didn't believe in the Bible, he read this passage.
    ​ ​
    8 “But if I go...
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