The Dalai Lama is a great deceiving man. He is going to Hell.

He tells people they can become little buddhists, how they can become gods through yoga. Really?

He received the Nobel Piece Prize and is greatly celebrated.

He claims to be the 14th reincarnation of the original Dalai Lama. This man is a bold face liar or himself greatly delusional.

He claims to be the god of the Tibetan people, and claims, he can turn you into god.

Is he the prince of peace? No mention of Christ, just the Dalai Lama in cooperation with the Pope John Paul II. The Pope put the Buddha statue on a Christian altar in Cicily, Italy in St. Peter's church, saying they were praying to the same God, even though the Dalai Lama claims to be god.

In 1979, the Dalai Lama was called "his holiness" in St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York by a prospective Saint of the Roman Church, Cardinal Cook, who said "all the world's religions are basically the same" and "this is one of the dramatic movements of the Spirit". Of course, this is not of the Holy Spirit, for the Spirit of truth rejects little gods and ecumenicalism. This is occult invasion.

Deity yoga is visualizing we are already God. If we visualize as god-like, we will be god-like buddhists to create our own reality. Buddha, an atheist, was originally a Hindu. We have just created things with our mind; nothing is real, Hindus say. Buddha didn't talk about God. Of course, there are various kinds of Buddhism. They don't accept reincarnation as taught in Hinduism as it is a different kind of reincarnation. However, you can just overcome reality by creating your own reality in your visualizing mind whatever you want. Really? He still has to use transportation, eat food and partake of the necessities of the world.

Truth doesn't matter anymore. Let's just get along. Don't you know this world is under God's judgment? Pretend there is no Gospel of Jesus Christ. Being united around a lie isn't going to get you anywhere. The lust for power in evangelicals is brought in by eastern philosophies of being little gods; such power trips are selfish and self-serving in power evangelism. The Charismatic movement is about power of the Spirit, so they are using the Spirit to gain empowerment, but it is not done in a transformed life. Revivals of manifestations is about personal advancement in this world.

If only we realized these techniques, so many could have been saved that were not. Really? This secret power is achieved by praying for this power and electrifying ecstatic shaking and falling downs.

But Jesus said, continue in my word, then you will know the truth and be set free. Paul spoke, and a multitude believed. Miracles must be genuine, not by shock treatments. Jesus did so many miracles, but they believed Him not.

Many will do great sign and wonders at the end of this age, even to deceive many elect. Many will say, Lord, Lord, didn't we prophecy in your name? He says, I never knew you. Either they were not saved to begin with or they will lose the reward. Many duplications can occur by Satan-by territorial powers, lies and wonders.

The deceiver will say, if it is a miracle, it must be of God, so they are being set up for false miracles and the signs and wonders of the Antichrist. Satan will give you the power you want. God doesn't play that game. Benny Hinn touches this man and the man falls down five times and his wig falls off five times to just see the wig fly off each time. That is what Benny Hinn said. Crazy huh? It's a carnival.

Correct doctrine gives us the truth.