How can God's grace that brings regeneration reach Calvinism's "totally depraved" sinner who is incapable of believing the gospel of Calvinism? Only by turning grace into Irresistible Grace--a concept unknown in Scripture. Since man is allegedly unable to believe on Christ, Calvinism salvation must be imposed upon him without his first believing the gospel. If Total Depravity means that no man can believe the gospel unto salvation, then not only the theory of Irresistible Grace follows but also that man must be regenerated and made alive before he can believe and be saved.

Yet a biblical view keeps slipping in, betrayed by un-Calvinistic admissions, because the guilt of their own human consciences', that has God's law imprinted on their hearts, which they fight against tooth and nail through Calvinistic propaganda and forced reading of materials by false Christians. For example, the following from Sproul: "Once Luther grasped the teaching of Paul in Romans, he was reborn." This slip of pen contradicts the claim that one must first be regenerated, and only then can the gospel be understood and believed. Which is it? We are reborn/regenerated before we can believe the gospel, or through believing the gospel? Or are we reborn twice, once by God's sovereign act before we believe, and then again after first being regenerated and given the faith to believe?

In contrast, the Bible repeatedly declares in the plainest language (and in numerous passages) that no man can be changed from unrepentant sinner to child of God without from the heart believing the gospel and, as a result of believing, being born of the Spirit of God. But if no one can believe the gospel without first being regenerated by the Spirit of God, as Calvinism declares, then not only the damnation of billions but also the continuance of evil must be God's will, inasmuch as He chooses to regenerate so few and to move upon so few hearts with Irresistible Grace. What grace is this? The Bible, reason, and conscience are all outraged. Dick Sanford has put it well:
The teaching that [because of the Calvinism's God's cold-type sovereignty] a man who's saved couldn't have done anything but be saved, and a man who's lost couldn't have done anything but be lost destroys the concept of grace. It changes grace into simple programming [and isn't that what Calvinism is at the end of the day, simplistic?] Love is not required.... Man isn't responding to a loving God's grace, he is simply doing what he was programmed to do.
With the advent of so much computer programming in society today in the many computer programming languages, many people bring God down to their own simplistic mindsets and assume God is limited to computer programming. Computer programming becomes an idol and people fashion God in their own image of their computer programming skills.