We should treat the Bible like any other book in order to show it's not like any other book. Inerrancy is important, but the gospel is bigger than inerrancy. What are apparent discrepancies only establishes what is agreed upon about the core message that is revolutionary: Jesus was confessed as the Messiah by his disciples, he performed miracles and healed people, he forgave sins, he prophesied his own death and resurrection, he died on a Roman cross, and he was raised bodily from the dead. Christians don't die for inerrancy, we die for Christ for that is where are hearts are. That's our salvation. The Bible was not hanged on the cross. Jesus was.

For example, if this issue about Abiathar and Abiathar's father, Ahimelech (Mark 2.26), makes you not believe in Christ, then you are approaching faith wrongly, http://www.bible.org/page.php?page_id=3839