Quote Originally Posted by DD2104
Well I guess I am what you would call Anti - Religious. I believe in looking at the facts and not in blind faith. I left the Church because of many reasons but the big 3 I guess would be, (1) All the inconsistencies in the bible (2) Intolerance (3) The lack of Evidence for the existence of God. I really want to understand what drives people to believe the things that are in the bible, and in the people that teach them.
Think about this for a moment. Your opening statement is 100% false on all accounts so your rejecting God is baseless and based on your own internal lies, lying to yourself with and lying to others with. You claim to look at the facts and not have blind faith, but you don't look at the facts and you do have blind faith.

Fallacy #1 - Left the Church
You can't leave the Church, nor can you go to Church, for the Church is the body of Christ universally and locally. Where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name there is the Church and the Bible teaches once-saved-always-saved, so you were never in the Church to begin with. How can you leave that which you were never in to begin with? That is illogical.

Fallacy #2 Inerrancy is Needed
Even if there were inconsistencies in the Bible, inerrancy is not why a person believes in God, but it is the proof of the uncreated Creator and the proof of the resurrection of Jesus. You can't find a naturalistic explanation for the resurrection of Jesus admitting He is God. Furthermore, you can't find any contradictions either, so just saying you can doesn't mean you can. Historians don't do what you are doing. They don't reject everything Tacitus and Josephus said because they had some quirks. They are just men, but we can know somethings.

Fallacy #3 Atheists are More Tolerant than Christians
Non-Christians, atheists, are no less intolerant than Christians. Was Jesus intolerant? Knowing that God has chosen a people from out of the world, it would stand to reason a Christian should not engage in the world like a lover of the world does. We must maintain a certain distance from evil. You can't show Christians are intolerant, but you can show Christians are the most tolerant people in the world, by having the most charities in the world for all types of people. Atheists are one of the most selfish groups in the world with the least number of charities.

Fallacy #4 - Evidence for Atheism
There are trillions of things in the universe with causes but nothing shown to be without a cause, so it would seem to me the lack of evidence is for something happening all by itself.

Fallacy #5 - Atheists Want to Understand
You want to understand is not genuine. What drives people to receive Christ is His proof of Himself, knowing we are all sinners which leads to death, and a perfect sacrifice is needed to atone for those sins otherwise, you shall die on your sins. The universe needing a cause agrees with an Intelligent Designer and Savior, but a universe without a cause does not.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXFur...eature=channel - Top Atheist Fallacy on Youtube

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTYe_...eature=channel - 5 Questions Every Atheist Should Ask Himself

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB96K...e=channel_page - 4 Atheist Fallacies that Plague Youtube

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE9w7...e=channel_page - 3 More Atheist Fallacies that Bombard Youtube

"And he said unto him, Though shalt love the Lord thy God with all they heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the great and first commandment" (Matt. 22.37,38).