Quote Originally Posted by Faith is a fail View Post
I'm sorry to break it to you but your statement is invalid. You are commiting a No True Scotsman Fallacy. Born again Christians deconvert all the time, you're just presenting evidence that your understanding of John 10:28 is incorrect or that John 10:28 is incorrect.

"No True Scotsman is a logical fallacy by which an individual attempts to avoid being associated with an unpleasant act by asserting that no true member of the group they belong to would do such a thing." http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/No_True_Scotsman
"No True Scotsman is a logical fallacy by which an individual attempts to avoid being associated with an unpleasant act by asserting that no true member of the group they belong to would do such a thing."

I am not claiming you were never born-again because of my feelings but because the word objectively declares a person who was truly born-again "shall never perish".

So no Christians deconverts because God says He keeps those who are saved. We whom are are saved never gave our lives a God we can keep ourselves saved, but we gave our lives to a God who keeps us saved because we know we could not keep ourselves saved. This is humility. The Bible says no man shall be saved by works, lest any man should boast. You boasted, now look at you. You are exhibiting No True Scotsman because it is too painful for you to accept you were too selfish to ever give your life to Christ in the first place.

Jesus said these words and there are dozens of passages throughout God's word to the same effect, nothing to the contrary, so though you may want to exclude John 10.18 from God's word, you would have to throw out all the other passages, then you would have to create new verses 2000 years later, but then that wouldn't be Christianity now would it?

Since you could not find another way to interpret John 10.28 and all options are exhausted, then you got nothing. Just asserting I misread it, doesn't count. You got to show it, like I showed you what it says, that those who are born-again "shall never perish". Roman Church is wrong. And so are you.

Pray on this.