I believe Iran should be (and will be) invaded - USA and the nations of the world should come together in agreement to change the government in Iran before it is too late - because they are so belligerent, thumbing their nose at the United Nations. Israel says there will be a point of no return when Iran gets nuclear capability.

The president of Iran has outspokenly declared it wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. They are in bed with many terrorist organizations. They have the delivery system already in place, and it is estimated they will have a nuclear weapon ready for delivery within a year.

There was a 19 man cell that was broken up, of which 2 of those members were charged with trespassing on a nuclear power plant. They flew over to North America by way of Canada. The time of their attack was stopped 4 months before it was to happen. It is now believed the attack would be more beneficial after the election of Bush because they hate Bush for obvious reasons - he is said to be a Christian, and any attack would have fueled the wrath of God through Bush. With the 12th Iman, the so-called holiest one in Islam, the plan is to crash a plane filled with explosives into a nuclear power plant in USA. It would mean nuclear fallout! The mohammed extremist doesn't care, for he is committing suicide which is act bound for hell.

USA might react with nuking the capital of Iran and several Islamic countries, as well as invade those countries for their oil. Iran is learning to work under the ground, having learned from North Korea. Islam does not care about the consequences of USA retaliating by nuking several Islamic cities in response. They do not think that far ahead.

The goal of the extremists was to kill 100,000 people during 911, which they fell short of. Islam has gone insane. There is no middle ground with them. They believe they will get to heaven if they blow themselves up for 72 virgins. There is no reasoning with someone like that, as they brainwash their children at the youngest of ages to blow themselves up in the name of Allah-Satan. I was wondering how the world would proceed, and how Satan would up the ante. Crazy stuff!

Many terrorists, including the terrorist that blew up the USS Cole, have escaped from prison under a Mosque, 100 yards Away from the prison, I read recently.

The choice is simple: though a catastophre will not likely be prevented (actually it is guaranteed to happen according to Rev. 9.16,18), there will be much regret if something is not done NOW: specificaly, invade Iran before it is too late! Though evil will run its course, that is no excuse for the US government not to do what they must do.

Apparently those responsible at the highest level of government have been fully warned that if something does happen, they alone are to be blamed for not taking action to at least attempt to prevent it. Read Countdown to Terror by Congressman Curt Weldon.

Christians do not get involved in national interests, but we are cognizant of them. One really begins to get a sense of what is meant by Jesus will reign with an "iron rod," mentioned 3 times in the book of Revelation, in the coming millennial kingdom reign of Christ. This is necessary because even with Christ ruling in Person, stepping down on the mount of olives when He returns, there is still sin in the millennial kingdom. Not until the 1000 years has ended will sin be done away with in the new city and new earth in the new heaven. Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus!