In case I forget, I want to record to remember the 8 major sins of Arnold Barnhardt to protect God's children from him (and to put on the full armor of God):

1. When I first gave Arnie the gospel of salvation in 2012 at Millennial Place in Sherwood Park, Alberta, and several times thereafter, he never said he believed it or acknowledged that he was a brother in Christ or that he was born-again and when. That's, in fact, why I gave him the gospel, because he didn't acknowledge he was a brother in Christ. The Church would not exist if Arnold was a Christian because he is silent about it. I asked him why he never says Amen to when I give the gospel, but he remains silent, hiding what he really believes. His coyness reveals his heart. His ego prevents him from finding agreement with Christians because he centers all things on self. He exalts himself above all human beings.

2. In the 3 years I have known him not once have I ever seen Arnold ever give the gospel of salvation to anyone, that Jesus is God, died on the cross for the sins of the world, resurrected the 3rd day, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. He can't recall ever giving the gospel of salvation to his own wife. His wife is perishing--going to Hell--but he doesn't care enough for her to give the gospel to her? What love is that?

3. Arnold is hostile to me when I give the gospel of salvation to people, accusing me of mentioning Hell. The gospel of salvation is salvation from Hell, not just sin and self. When I mention Hell I explain the reason because sin separates us from God and prove Jesus is God by the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings seeing Jesus alive from the dead, for which there is no viable and plausible naturalistic explanation. To leave out Hell is to reject John 3.16 in which Jesus mentions Hell when he gave the gospel to Nicodemus. It reminds me of Larry King interviewing and putting Joel Osteen on the spot about why he never mentions Hell. Osteen is a fraud like Barnhardt. They wear sheep's clothing, but underneath they are wolves.

4. Even worse, he will fuel the fire of rage in the person I gave the gospel to by talking to them privately behind my back and accusing me similar to Rev. 12.10 where Satan accuses the brethren day and night in vague nuances. Never once did I ever see Arnold defend the gospel of salvation with me when I shared God's saving grace with others when he was present. The Apostles were killed for this so I am in good company. Blessed are ye when men shall cast out your name as evil for the Son of Man's sake (Luke 6.22). Whether myself an Apostle today or the Apostles in the first century, Arnold Barnhardt remains ever vigilant in his hostility towards God's children. Unless you are willing to confess who Jesus to others, Jesus said He will deny you before the Father in heaven (Matt. 10.32,33).

5. Arnie speaks of good works to get saved, but the Bible says salvation is not by works, lest anyone should boast. His ego in exalting his flesh and self depends not on the Holy Spirit, but his own strength. He does not distinguish his faith from other religions that believe the same.

6. Arnold says he will find out of if he is saved when he dies, which is completely contrary to the Scripture because the Bible is given to show how to be saved and know if we are saved now, to fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ today as members of the body of Christ. How sad it would be if we could not know if we are saved now and who our brothers in Christ are! It would all be a farce since some would be saved and some not when we break bread. Sounds like pretending. In the event one is saved let's go through the pretentious motions now even though we might not be saved in reality. Absurd! How unfortunate that would be if we can only be filled with doubt till the day we die. That's evil. I rebuke Satan's suggestions and false claims. Moreover, once-saved-always-saved (John 10.28).

7. On Friday October 2, 2015 at Tim Horton's in Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada, Arnold admitted to me he is going to Hell. From this point on I can no longer treat him the same. I can only spend time with him to give him the gospel and for no other purpose. He needs to understand and accept the one true Lord Jesus Christ, for there is no other name under heaven by which one can be saved. If Arnold were to die this moment, he would go to Hell. He is ashamed of Jesus so Jesus said He is shamed of him (Mark 8.38).

8. Arnold Barnhardt is over 60 years of age. I have never met anyone that old who ever gave their life to Christ. It seems he has long since made up his mind what he wants to believe even to the point of creating a false Christ. How sad! You don't need an eternity to decide. These few short years are more than enough. I am finding more and more people are creating a false Christ that is not the exclusive Christ Jesus of the Bible. They treat Jesus as some vague quality instead of the actual historical Jesus and the Jesus who created the universe, entered into it, literally died on the cross to atone for sins through His precious blood, and resurrected Himself LITERALLY the 3rd day.

We shall know them by their fruit. Praise the Lord for this discernment! Amen.