Unable to Let Go of Self

The Holy Spirit placed it on my heart to say Wayne's first instance of hostility was because always in the back of his mind he knows I know he is going to Hell because he rejects Christ Creator of the universe. Thus, the aim is always to try to shed the Christian in a bad light. Wouldn't it be better if Wayne gave his life to Lord Jesus and became a brother in Christ? instead of exerting his energy against a Christian. That would be something to rejoice. Praise the Lord!

But he has had decades to choose and accept Jesus as Savior so if he was going to get saved he would have done so by now. He is too selfish and self-centered afraid to let go of self and place his trust in Jesus. That's sad!

Everything else and all his antics flow from his flesh and dead unregenerated spirit where the evil spirit resides.

Since I know Wayne reads this, my suggestion to him would be to buy "The Spiritual Man" (CFP white cover) from Christian Fellowship Publishers and read it intently like no other book he has ever read. I don't get a dime for recommending this book. Discover life of new creation of God. Once you get saved you never go back. Those who are born-again "they can never perish" (John 10.28). While Wayne could yet become like me, I could never regress to become like him.

Take this course on the resurrection of Jesus. It's a bit expensive but it will be very rewarding. I get nothing for recommending it. I just know Gary R. Habermas is the leading scholar today on the resurrection.

http://www.credocourses.com/get-the-resurrection-gary-habermas-bundle/ (it's slow to load, be patient)


I leave it in God's hands.