James Walker, great presentation, turned from Mormonism when he was 21 years old. My prayer is that Coby by the time he turns 21 will become a Christian also, and you too Milt. Watch this whole heartedly. Try to understand it. And the light of the gospel of grace will enter your heart.

What was devastating for James Walker to find out about Mormonism I pray you will be devastated as well to discover.

You cannot be saved after all you can do, not for the Celestial, Terrestial or Telestial (actually there is only 1 heaven). Outer darkness is not what you think it is. Hell is not what you think it is. There additionally is not 3 levels of Celestial. There is no marriage in heaven the Bible says. Paul said he wished everyone could be single to be invested more in the word of God. Outer darkness is for those who are born-again who did not overcome to receive the reward of reigning during the 1000 years. 1000 years is a long time to lose this blessing. Hell is for everyone who believe is salvation by works lest anyone should boast and do not, thus, accept the true Jesus.

Jesus paid it all. You can't do it. You need help. If Jesus didn't do it all you have no recourse from Hell.

Mormons are as close to universalists as there can be without being completely universalist. Everyone is saved in Mormonism. Almost nobody goes to the lowest place of Outer darkness except Lucifer and 1/3 of the fallen angels (demon-humans) and sons of perdition, that is, those who know the gospel of eternal progression in Mormonism but reject it anyway. Muslims, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists even Atheists and Agnostics apparently all go to at least the Telestial kingdom which is glorious.