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Thread: The Dangers of UnChristian Thinking

  1. #1
    Maruchan Guest

    Default The Dangers of UnChristian Thinking

    To all whom it may concern:

    Being a Christian, I find it a bit troubling when I come upon a forum like this. I am not sure how to best discuss the situation, so I believe I will do so by stating my viewpoint in a respectful manner, and answering any replies with scriptural points.

    I am not a perfect Christian. I have done many bad things in my life, and I regret them. However, as I have the Holy Spirit guiding me, I can tell when there's something really, really bad going on. And that's the feeling I'm getting now.

    Troy, all I have seen in your questions and in most of your posts, is a need to criticize, demonize, judge and attack. What I have seen is you making issues such as the Rapture, Creation, speaking in tongues, etc. and turning them into 'identifiers' as to whether or not someone is a true Christian.

    [removed inordinate reviling]

  2. #2
    GodWarrior Guest


    Can you PROVE Troy is wrong? He is doing God's work and doesn't need you here spreading Satan's lies!!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maruchan
    To all whom it may concern:

    Being a Christian, I find it a bit troubling when I come upon a forum like this. I am not sure how to best discuss the situation, so I believe I will do so by stating my viewpoint in a respectful manner, and answering any replies with scriptural points.

    I am not a perfect Christian. I have done many bad things in my life, and I regret them. However, as I have the Holy Spirit guiding me, I can tell when there's something really, really bad going on. And that's the feeling I'm getting now.

    Troy, all I have seen in your questions and in most of your posts, is a need to criticize, demonize, judge and attack. What I have seen is you making issues such as the Rapture, Creation, speaking in tongues, etc. and turning them into 'identifiers' as to whether or not someone is a true Christian.

    [removed inordinate reviling]
    You are sinning accusing falsely which is unChristian. This is really bad. This is your feelings, what causes you to be so hostile. What I have said is the truth; if not, you could show otherwise.

    What I have said is to help you, not to criticize you, demonize, judge or attack you, so why do you do these things? If your accusation was true, you could prove it rather than just self-declare. For example, I have never said only those who are saved are those who have all these truths, but rather it is an indication of spirituality. Even a RCC member could be saved.

    What is being shown is in percentage terms, more osas arminians would be saved (born-again) than calvinists; more of those who accept Biblical tongues than switch then to gibberish babble would saved. The same goes for those who accept the rapture than those who don't. Or those who have a correct rendering of creation are more likely to be saved than those who have an aberrant teaching. Certainly, it is not the other way around. The Bible says we shall know them by their fruit. The fruit includes not altering God's Word.

    The Holy Spirit has not guided you in what you said. It came from your selfish self. Don't be like that great and vague accuser? He doesn't like specifics very much, nor do you when you accuse from your proclamations.

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