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Thread: The Evil Contradictions and Doubletalk of Calvinism

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    Default The Evil Contradictions and Doubletalk of Calvinism

    C. The supralapsarian and infralapsarian interpretation of the decree:
    (1) Points of agreement. Both agree:
    (a) That God is not the Author of sin (supra as well as infra).
    (b) That Scripture (not philosophy) is the only source of our knowledge of God's decree (supra as well as infra).
    (c) That man's fall and punishment is not merely the object of God's foreknowledge but of his decree and foreordination (infra as well as supra).
    (d) That faith is not the cause of the decree of election, neither sin the cause of the decree of reprobation (infra as well as supra).
    The decree of election is not based on faith and reprobation is not based on sin, yet the god of Calvinism is not the author of evil? Man's fall and punishment is due to God's causing it through His decree and foreordination, but the god of Calvinism is not the author of sin?

    If it is not based on faith nor sin God allows then God is the cause of a person's faith or sin, thus not giving the person the choice.

  2. #2
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    (b) From this general differentiation it becomes clear that supra and infra differ in regard to their presentation of the order in the elements of God's plan. The logical order according to supra:
    1. a decree determining the purpose of all things, namely, the revelation of God's virtues; specifically, the revelation of his mercy in the salvation of a definite number of possible men; and the revelation of his justice in the perdition of another definite number of possible men
    2. a decree to create the men thus elected and reprobated.
    3. a decree to permit them to fall.
    4. a decree to provide a Mediator for the elect and through him to justify them, and to condemn the reprobate.
    The logical order according to infra:
    1. a decree to create man in holiness and blessedness.
    2. a decree to permit man to fall.
    3. a decree to elect some out of this fallen multitude and to leave others in their misery.
    4. a decree to bring about the salvation of the elect through Christ. See II, F.
    A decree to create men but not provide sufficient grace for all is merciful when they were born that way?

    All of this is hyper-Calvinism, since it all encompasses the false teaching of Total depravity.

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