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Thread: Tetrad Lunar Eclipses in 2014-15 Occur Just Before the Tribulation

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    Default Tetrad Lunar Eclipses in 2014-15 Occur Just Before the Tribulation

    "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood" (Rev. 6.12). 7 Year Tribulation follows.

    E.15 What's the difference between a solar and lunar eclipse? Where can I find more information about eclipses?

    Author: Joseph Lazio <>

    A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and Sunand the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth, viz. (not to scale!)

    Sun Moon Earth

    Solar eclipses can be total, partial, or annular. A total eclipse iswhen the Moon obscures the Sun entirely. A partial eclipse is whenthe Moon only covers a portion of the Sun. Because the Moon's orbitabout the Earth is not perfectly circular, sometimes it is slightlyfarther away from the Earth. If a solar eclipse occurs when the Moonis at the far point in its orbit, the Moon will not cover the Sunentirely. A thin ring, or annulus, of sunlight will be visible aroundthe Moon. This kind of eclipse is called an annular eclipse.**

    Solar eclipses can be damaging to one's eyesight, unless properprecautions are taken!** See FAQ Question B.11 and the Eclipse HomePage, <URL:>.

    A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Moon and Sun,viz. (again, not to scale)

    Sun Earth Moon

    Lunar eclipses are either total or partial, depending upon whether the Moon moves completely into the Earth's shadow or not. Lunar eclipsesare always safe to view.

    Eclipses do not happen once a month because the Earth's orbit aboutthe Sun and the Moon's orbit about the Earth are not in the sameplane. The above "pictures" are if one is looking "down" on the Earthfrom the North Pole (or "up" on the South Pole). If we look at thesystem from the side (looking at the Earth's equator), the typicalsituation is

    Sun Earth

    (with the angle shown exaggerated greatly, the actual angle is about 5degrees). Only when the three bodies are in the same plane can aneclipse occur. The total number of eclipses, both lunar and solar,never exceeds seven in a year. Because the Moon is so much smallerthan the Earth, and casts a smaller shadow, solar eclipses are moreinfrequent than lunar eclipses; in a year, between 2 to 4 lunareclipses will occur and at least 2 solar eclipses will occur. *Total*solar eclipses happen only every 1.5 years or so.

    For additional information see the Eclipse Home Page,

 (After the four "blood red moons" of 2014 and 2015, there are no more tetrads occurring on Jewish holidays in this century.) Holidays in 1967/68 and 1949/50 The tetrad of 2014-2015 falls in the 67th and 68th years. Therefore, there must be some significance if the Tribulation spans the last seven years of the seventy. Biltz discovered that there have been seven Feast of Passover/Feast of Ingathering tetrads since 1 A.D. These began in 162/163 A.D., and occurred thereafter in 795/796 A.D., 842/843 A.D., 860/861 A.D., 1493/1494 A.D., 1949/1950 A.D., 1967/1968 A.D., with the eighth tetrad scheduled to occur in 2014/2015 A.D. calculator

    Mark Biltz -
    Jewish Holidays -
    Jewish Calendar converter -
    Calendar converter -
    Simple Hebrew to Gregorian converter -

    Red Blood Moons - 1967/68 and 1949/1950 - - Actually Luke 21.32 refers to a wicked generation which has been going on since the beginning.

    My best guess is the Tribulation and first rapture according to readiness starts no earlier than late 2015 and no later than early 2017, and lasts for 7 years. The Temple must be completed by late 2017 within 9 months of the first rapture. I can't be more exact than that.

    1967 + 50 = 2017 AD. I don't think the First Rapture of a few overcomers and the 7 Year Tribulation can start any later than 2017. All debts are forgiven. The Antichrist will try to maintain those debts, but by 2024 at the latest when Jesus returns in Person, all debts are cancelled. I don't know if money is done away with or if just debts are done away, but if all debts are done away with only, that would leave a lot of corporations bankrupt who pray on the indebted.

    "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood" (Rev. 6.12). 7 Year Tribulation follows.

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    With the final lunar eclipse of the Tetrad Sept. 28, 2015 (Rev. 6.12), the first rapture according to readiness commences (Rev. 7.9) and the 7 year Tribulation ensues (8.7ff).

    The first four trumpets (8.7ff) take three and a half years to complete or forty-two thirty day months to reach mid-trib (Rev. 9.1) from Oct., 2015 to about Mar., 2019.

    It is in the fourth trumpet that we see "a third of the sun was struck...a third of the day was kept from shining" (Rev. 8.12) which should occur in the last year of the first three and half years of the Tribulation. Amazingly, we see four partial solar eclipses which occurs once every decade or two: Feb. 15, 2018; Jul. 13, 2018; Aug. 11, 2018; Jan. 6, 2019.

    What's important is it happens right when it is suppose to just before the "fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star [Satan] fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the bottomless pit" (Rev. 9.1).

    This then brings the return of Christ in Person three and half years after that which would be about Aug. 2022.

    It's important according to Matt. 24.29, "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light."

    In the year 2022, there are two total lunar eclipses. It would be odd if there were none since this marks the end of the Tribulation and return of Christ in Person. And there will be two partial solar eclipses--the sun is darkened though not completely!

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    Now for a reality check! Usually people always think we are in the end-times and they look to the coming years as the time of the Great Tribulation that is upon us. What reason do we think it is different this time and we are living in the super bowl of end-times?

    1. Israel is a nation after 2500 years (the fig tree is showing its leaves - Matt. 24.32 - and millennial kingdom "summer" is near), so it won't be more than 50 years since they took over Jerusalem before the Tribulation which finalizes the consummation of this age. 1967+50 (or 49 year Jubilee)=2017 (2016).
    2. The countries of the world have never seen global debt/GDP at such astronomical levels. The 10 bankers on the 7 headed beast who is the 8th can only make money when debt increases and now they are pushing on a string.
    3. Population explosion makes the current path unsustainable - eugenics is the mind of many which is accomplished by war and nuclear explosions.
    4. Resources (oil, food, metals) can only go up and up and up so the spread between wages and resources will widen which always leads to war as the nations position themselves for those resources.
    5. The implant under the skin to buy or sell is available right now to be distributed to the masses.
    6. Israel has in their sites to have the Temple on the Mount completed by 2018.
    7. There are no more Tetrads on these first and last feast days for centuries to come.
    8. Barack Hussein Obama is the 7th who will receive a deadly wound, appear to have died, but shall be revived as the 8th. His False Prophet is Oprah or Tony Blair or someone else I overlooked. Obama is a conflicted man with so many Muslim family members.
    9. The 8th Tetrad since the cross that will fall on passovers and the feast of tabernacles is 2014-2015. That's it!

    This is it! Now if this does not happen as described with a margin of error of one year from these dates, then I am really confused when 2017 rolls around and the first rapture has not taken place. However, conceivably God who confounds us, will allow for the "branches to become tender" (Matt. 24.32) a little longer before it "puts forth its leaves".

    The implant under the skin widely distributed could not be delayed past 2030-50. I just don't see it. The bankers need to protect their lending.

    If God were to ask me right now which scenario for the commencement of the 7 year Tribulation is most likely, I would say 2016 with 90% certainty, 5% for the 2020's, 5% for the 2030's, and 0% for anytime after that.

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    Jesus returns 2022. 2022 is a Sabbatical year. 2015 is a Sabbatical year. The last Total Lunar eclipse of the Tetrad is Sept. 28, 2015.

    This is it! If it isn't, I am a monkey's uncle! Then there is the 7 year period of asteroid Apophis (250 meters wide) which passes by Earth April 13, 2029 and again April 13, 2036, which are both Sabbatical years. But my guess that is too obvious a warning. God will use this as a diversion, to divert peoples' attention away from the 2015 to 2022 period.

    "As it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood" (Rev. 8.8).

    But what if someone blows up that asteroid on the first go around and those asteroid bits hit all over the earth?

    "And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth" (Rev. 6.12). This can occur when a large asteroid hits earth and chunks shoot up in the atmosphere in large numbers then fall to the ground looking like falling stars. But I don't believe this will happen because we can stop any approaching asteroid. Unless of course someone illegally sends a nuclear weapon to blow it up and then it falls to the earth in many pieces which looks like falling stars also. The second pass in 2036 will be far off from earth because of the effect of gravity on the first approach in 2029.

    Now I realize how the earth doesn't have to wait 2 billion years before the sun gets so hot it burns up earth. All you need is a large enough asteroid that hits earth which will happen long before then.

    Let's go through the steps of this alternate scenario:
    1) There is a Lunar Tetrad in 2032-33 (Apr-Oct-Apr-Oct) which corresponds with Rev. 6.12: "the full moon became like blood".
    2) 2036 Apophis hits earth directly with debris like "the stars of heaven fell unto the earth" (Rev. 6.13); or by blowing it up and chunks of it falling to earth.
    3) "As it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood" (Rev. 8.8). "And there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters" (Rev. 8.10). This occurs as further explanation of 6.13. I don't ascribe to this alternate view, just speculating.
    4) "The third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise" (Rev. 8.12). What occurs in verse 12 seems like a natural consequence of a large meteor that occurs in 8.8,10 and 6.13.

    The problem with this alternate view is the the dates don't jive with the Hebrew calendar, but I am not sure they would have to anyway.

    I have a third scenario which seems more probably than the second:
    Since the Bible uses phrases like...

    "every mountain and island were moved out of their places" (Rev. 6.14)
    "hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains" (6.15)
    "the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us" (6.16)
    "third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up" (Rev. 8.7) could this occur if not by meteors? But how could meteors do this if we would never let a meteor large enough to impact earth?

    This can only happen if the meteor was large enough, but we will never let a meteor large enough impact us, so what other option is there? Is it possible explode nuclear bombs on the moon and fragments break off to land on earth? If that is possible then this could happen any time someone is crazy enough to do it, and then that commences the Tribulation.

    Instead of Matthew 24.32 the fig tree branches becoming tender and showing referring to when Israel became a nation, they would refer to Israel becoming a sizable nation to the Euphrates River which could still be decades from now. "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh" (Matt. 24.32). "In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates" (Gen. 15.18).

    Again, I don't believe this scenario, because the fig tree refers to a return to life and the "summer is nigh" is not a hundred or two hundred years or more, but a return to life and manifestation of life even now. There is great nationalization already: when "all the shoot forth" (Luke 21.29-30). See Daniel 4.10-17 and Judges 9.8-15.

    CONCLUSION: If no explosion on the moon could be big enough to cover a third of the earth's atmosphere and cause a great chunk to fall to earth then 2029 to 2036 or 2032 to 2039 or 2036 to 2042 are highly unlikely, so that leaves only one possiblity: 2015 to 2022.

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    The 3rd Temple begins construction soon after March 15, 2010.

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    When I read Revelation 8 about the mountain falling into the sea and the star falling which blocks out a third of the earth and produces wormwood, kills fish in the sea and makes the water undrinkable, the only possibility would be 2029 to 2036, because I don't see any meteorites happening in the 2015-2022 period. But then I ask, can a meteorite do that? What if it is nuclear fallout? That could produce wormwood. The missile can be the star and a missile can explode in the ocean and wipe out a mountain with a nuclear blast.

    See I can flipping back and forth between 2015-2022 and 2029 to 2036 (or 2032 to 2039). The Temple will certainly be built by 2029. Volcanic eruptions can block out a third of the sky so it doesn't have to be a meteor.

    It seems to me then the determining factor is if Israel can't get the Temple built by 2016, then it reverts to the 2029 or 2032 starting date.

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    More Mark Biltz on the Tetrad, but it gets even more interesting. There is exactly 49 years TO THE DAY from June 7, 1967 when Israel took over Jerusalem to the Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015. Then the 4th Total Lunar Eclipse is on Sept. 28, 2015.

    49 years pertains to a Jubilee period of seven sets of seven before the 50th year for the year of Jubilee. "Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the word to restore and build Jerusalem there shall be seven sets of seven [49 years]" (Dan. 9.25). We know this already occured with the 62 sets of seven for 69 sets of seven to shown when the Messiah would enter Jerusalem (483 years) which He did in the year 33 AD. But it also has a double prophecy, because it also points to when Jerusalem was reclaimed by Israel to when the moments before the parousia of Christ would begin over the 7 years of the Tribulation.

    In 2033, Oct. 8, 2033 there is a Total Lunar Eclipse on Tabernacles. The Total Lunar Eclipse on Sept. 28, 2015 belongs to Saros cylce #137 an so does the Total Eclipse on Oct. 8, 2033 separated by 18 years.

    In Saros cycle 137 there is an amazing pattern.
    Oct. 8, 2033 both occurs on Tishrei 15.
    Sept. 28, 2015 occurs on Tishrei 15.
    Sept. 16, 1997 occurs on Elul 14.
    Sept. 6, 1979 occurs on Elul 14.
    Aug. 26, 1961 occurs on Elul 14.
    Aug. 15, 1943 occurs on Av 14.
    Aug. 4, 1925 occurs on Av 14.
    Jul. 25, 1907 occurs on Av 14.

    July 12, 1889 occurs on Tammuz 13.
    July 2, 1871 occurs on Tammuz 13.

    In Saros cycle 137 which spans from 1564 to 2953. Before 1871 and after 2033 this pattern of repeating the 13th, 14th and 15th and with a repetion of Sept., Aug. and July goes away.

    Av stands for destruction and judgment because of the golden calf. What occured between 1907 and 1943? WWI and WWII.
    Elul stands for return. What occured after 1943 and between 1961 and 1997? Israel returns to her land. Israel became a nation in 1948 and took over Jerusalem in 1967.
    Tishrei is the month Jesus returns. In the 7th month.

    do you see the pattern? 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th month in marching order.

    Every 50 years the dates are marching forward from 13 to 14 to 15 as well as by months not to mention the coincidence of the same days and months repeated.

    If you compare the other three Saros cylces for the other 3 Total Lunar Eclipses in the 2014-2015 Tetrad, you get a similar pattern. This is too coincidental.

    There is a Lunar Tetrad in 2032-2033.

    Saros Cycle 132
    April 14, 2033 occurs on Nissan 15.
    April 4, 2015 occurs on Nissan 15.

    Saros Cycle 127
    Oct 8, 2014 occurs on Tishrei 14.
    Sept. 27, 1996 occurs on Tishrei 14.
    Sept. 16, 1978 occurs on Elul 14.
    Sept. 5, 1960 occurs on Elul 13.
    Aug. 26, 1942 occurs on Elul 13.
    Aug. 14, 1924 occurs on Av 14.
    Aug. 4, 1906 occurs on Av 13.

    Here we see the 5th, 6th and 7th month in marching order.

    Saros Cycle 122
    Apr. 15, 2014 occurs on Nissan 15.
    Apr. 4, 1996 occurs on Nissan 15.

    Black Cloth (Rev. 6.12)
    March 20, 2015 is a Total Solar Eclipse, Adar 29, the day before the beginning of the Jewish religious new year on Nissan 1.
    Sept. 13, 2015 is a Partial Solar Eclipse, Elul 29, the day before the Feast of Trumpets on Teshrei 1 and beginning of the Civil new year.

    2014-2015 is also a Shemittah year, the 7th year in a 7 year cycle (5775). 2015-2016 (49th year of Jubilee) could then be a Jubilee year and Daniels 49 years to the Messiah.

    2015 is the 49th year from capturing Jerusalem. The year of Jubilee is declared on the Day of Atonement for the beginning of the 50th year.

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    A Biblical year is 360 days. A unit of 7 is 7 years and there is 7 units for 49 years. 49 years x 360 = 17,640.

    "From the going forth of the word to restore and build Jerusalem there shall be seven sets of seven [49 years]" (Dan. 9.25). This prophecy already occurred but is fulfilled again as you can see how it would naturally pertain to when Israel reclaims Jerusalem for the final Jubilee of 50 years and completion of the Temple. This is what Isaac Newton believed also in his literature for a double fulfillment.

    Using the Gregorian Calendar from June 7, 1967 when Israel reclaimed Jerusalem to Sept. 23, 2015, the Day of Atonement, is exactly 17,640 days also, including leap years and regular years. The Day of Atonement pertains to salvation and judgment upon the nations (Matt. 25.31-46). 5 days later is the 4th Total Lunar Eclipse in the Tetrad on Sept. 28, 2015, the Feast of Tabernacles, the last of the 7 feasts which ushers in the Day of the Lord. The Tribulation ensues for 7 years then the millennial kingdom starts.

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    If the first rapture takes place Sept. 23, 2015 on the Feast of Trumpets, there are 2,520 days to the 7 year Tribulation (7 x 360). That brings us to August 17, 2022.

    Wouldn't that be amazing if that was the exact day Jesus returned in Person?

    That's weird. The smallest divisible number using 1-10 is 2,520. What does it mean?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    If the first rapture takes place Sept. 23, 2015 on the Feast of Trumpets, there are 2,520 days to the 7 year Tribulation (7 x 360). That brings us to August 17, 2022.

    Wouldn't that be amazing if that was the exact day Jesus returned in Person?

    That's weird. The smallest divisible number using 1-10 is 2,520. What does it mean?
    I would just make one adjustment. The 7 years is from Sept. 28, 2015 because each day of the 7 days of the Tabernacles is judgment revealed in the 7 years of the Tribulation. So Jesus returns August 21, 2022.

    But Aug. 21, 2022 is not a holiday, so the Tribulation is 2,520 days from Sept. 14, 2015 to Aug. 7, 2022 Tisha B'Av.

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