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Thread: John Loeffler and Jim Puplava - Nominal (False) Christians at

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    Default John Loeffler and Jim Puplava - Nominal (False) Christians at

    My Phone Call to (FS Newshour Q-Line)

    Re: John Loeffler and Jim Puplava of

    I listened to your show this weekend and regarding your response about the 49 year resets and 7 year resets according to God's word that John called "forced," is it really forced if it is agreed by everyone? God knows man's sin, so this is why God wants it this way. And since the reset is foreknown would it not incentivise all lenders not to lend so carelessly, since 2015 is the next Jubilee year?

    The reason I contacted you though is when you used the phrase "Bible thumping" and when Jim rejected the Biblical solution of the resets, the Holy Spirit wanted me to say something.

    From this I could tell that neither Jim nor John were born-again by the attitude they take towards the Bible not to mention, they never speak of Jesus and who He actually is: our Creator and Redeemer by the cross who resurrected the third day. If you read the Bible as is intended I trust you would at least agree that you are going to Hell (which is not annihilation but eternal separation).

    So the question for you, since the resurrection has been proven, proving Jesus is God and God is proven by the evidence of nature (I can detail these proofs later if you wish), do you guys feel vain according to your work and talents that you will never have eternal life and therefore, you must go to perdition where C. S. Lewis said, you lock yourself in Hell from the inside? This is a reflection on your character as a fellow human being and is considered selfish as you are unwilling to let God’s only begotten Son be your guiding principle in life to walk by the Holy Spirit. It seems to be problematic to reject what God has provided as the redemptive solution to man’s fallen nature.

    Something to consider for the big picture!

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    My Response to Jim and John (Follow-up Call)

    In follow-up to Jim and John who skirted the issue on their program about Jubilees for forgiveness of debts, I have to say, whether everyone would agree to it or not was not the issue, but that it was God's will for ancient Israel and for us today in spirit so it is not something that Jim should have outright rejected. First acknowledge the word of God as correct then apply it to today.

    You bypassed what I said John when I said that both you and Jim "never speak of Jesus and who He actually is" in the time I have been listening to your broadcast for at least 4 years now. In your conversations, you could easily do so once and awhile publicly. If you were a Christian you would naturally do so from the heart. I can feel how it hurts your pocket book though to acknowledge who Jesus is publicly.

    When Jim was challenged, only then did he say he was a Christian (first time I heard it), but it is not clear what he actually meant by this since he had nothing to say about it. Just by saying you are a "Christian" does not makes you one; so you were being quite coy and couth. The Bible says, "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 10.32). Jim never actually confessed publicly on the program Jesus is God, Lord and Savior, who paid the ransom for the sins of the world and was resurrected the third day. It would take two seconds if you did it once a year. You can't spare two seconds to work it into a conversation? Jesus is not worth even two seconds of your time? It is not that doing so makes you saved but because you don't do so is because you are not saved. 1 in 3 people in the world call themselves a Christian but a much smaller fraction actually are in reality.

    The Holy Spirit did intend for me to call to point out that you were not Christians. It is better to know that you are not saved so that you may give your life to Christ than to delude yourself into thinking you are and then go to Hell. Thus, you are living a lie. That has not changed. This was known not by just one show, but as was said, never in any broadcast that I could find did you acknowledge Jesus is God, uncreated, Creator and 2nd Person of the Trinity. So I already knew you were not saved even before last week's show.

    Many times you guys have made off-handed comments against Christianity and Jesus throughout the years-sometimes subtle and other times not so subtle. Listen again to those words Jim spoke where he directly was hostile to the Biblical method about the Jubilees. Similarly John, anyone listening to your tone against Bible thumping was directed against the Bible. Try listening to it again, that's how you come across. How you come across reflects your actual heart no matter how much you try to rationalize it or cover it up. To say the Jubilees were forced is negative. On the contrary, what is forced is to force a person into bankruptcy and undue burden. The seven sets of seven are quite positive and flow naturally in human affairs and not forced at all.

    I did a quick search of the words "John Loeffler" and "Christian" and found you wrote an article in 2001 in which you said you rejected the rapture and called it a myth, even to go so far as to say it is escapism and cheap. Such an attitude is not that of a Christian. So you reject the God taking up His saints before the throne at the first rapture, before the first trumpet, and meeting those who are alive and left in the air at the last trumpet (1 Thess. 4.15-17) along with the resting.

    Nominal Christians (false Christians) call themselves Christians because they think that places themselves in a positive worldly light that will benefit them when viewed by others. It does quite the opposite. Instead of appeasing others, you're actually showing you are trying to be cunning not righteous. Again, the Holy Spirit wanted me to point this out to you. Take a look at the saints "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) which is the throne in 3rd heaven. The only way to get there is by being raptured. And notice it takes place before the first trumpet of the Tribulation (8.7ff). So to reject the rapture, being received up to God, only indicates that you are not a Christian. Take careful note that the first rapture is according to readiness because these are conditional statements in Matt. 24.40-42, Luke 21.36 and Rev. 3.10 so that in order to escape the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world, one must keep the word of His patience, be watchful and prayerful. God can't make this promise to Christians in the Tribulation for death is no blessing, and there will be many martyred Christians during Daniel's last seven. Obviously, "before the throne" is referring to before the Tribulation starts, before the first trumpet is blown.

    So picture it John. There you are in the Tribulation and don't realize it as you accuse a couple million that have vanished of being a "fake rapture," thus like Satan you would be accusing the brethren day and night (Rev. 12.10). You also said in your article that planes will crash when a pilot instantly vanishes. Would God do that? Not my God. God would wait till the plane lands, of course. Your accusations don't fit reality so what are you doing? You are not only misrepresenting God's word (Rev. 22.18,19) but also sinning bearing false witness against those who have exposed you.

    My prayers go out to both John and Jim to stop pretending to be Christians and actually for real come to the cross as helpless sinners and receive the Lord Jesus as Savior. And to not treat Jesus in some flighty way! The very place you should be confessing Jesus is God and your Savior is on your program at a bare minimum to let people know Jesus is God publicly. Since you do not confess Him to others publicly, He denies you before His Father in Heaven. Jesus is not restricted from financial programs. Financial programs would not exist if Jesus was not God. Whom are you giving your thanks to?

    Since the word of God is the foundation touching all avenues of life, not mentioning Jesus in your daily life or publicly shows you are of the world. Satan is the god of this world. Your conscience John does not recognize the truth of the Church when you say in your article Church and State need to be commingled. Think of your doublemindedness and that of Jim when he said, mentioning Jesus should be left for a Christian radio finance or investing program. To which I reply, be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8). If Church and State according to you should be united then does it stand to reason that you exclude Jesus from your program by never acknowledging Him openly? Lust for money makes you do unethical things.

    Church and State need to be separate because the world is corrupt and cannot be mingled with the Church. They would never fit under Satan the god of this world, so God has them separated until He returns. The Church is for fellowship of the body of Christ. We are considered sojourners. The State's way of doing things completely contradicts that of the Church body of Christ. This is why at least to my knowledge no president of any country has ever been a Christian. A Christian in public office would testify that not only is Jesus God and salvation is only through Him, but the vast majority of souls (likely greater than 99% as reflected in the size of the New City) are unsaved and going to Hell because they do not accept this fact. In public office when nominal Christians (false Christians) are asked about salvation, they normally consider everyone saved or most people saved to appeal their constituents. But remember what Jesus said, if you are not willing to confess publicly who He truly is, He will deny you before His Father in Heaven.

    The Bible says we shall know them by their fruits.

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    Chris and Ryan,

    Help out your dad with the love of Christ. He has a "fork-tonque". Salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast. The truth is not unreasonable but it is unloved. Being coy and couth seems to be the order of the day when it comes to Jim and John.

    It is not enough to give a presentation at a church about financial sense or to say Jesus was born, but you must acknowledge Him who He truly is by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior, that He is God, the 2nd Person of the Trinity, that He died on the cross for the sins of the world, brings His own into co-death with Him, was resurrected the third day to give eternal life, and by His precious blood for the forgiveness of sins saves whosoever is willing to truly repent and believe in Him by coming to the cross as helpless sinners. Perhaps you believe in a Jesus who does not return to reign for 1000 years on earth with 10,000 of His overcomer believers (Jude 14,15). There are many false Christs (Mark 13.22). Why worship a false Christ? for His yoke is easy and burden light (Matt. 11.30).

    And as part of the gospel, publicly acknowledging that unless one believes genuinely God's grace herein, the unsaved shall be resurrected for Hell in eternal conscious and physical separation from God for forever in that place where Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet, fallen angels, demons and unsaved men are going. Free will is not truly free if one does not have this choice.

    Jesus said, "You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not. That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am who I say I am, you will die in your sins" (John 8.23,24). "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am" (John 8.58).

    Jesus said unless you accept who I say I truly AM, you will die in your sins, and He said unless you confess Him publicly or openly towards others who He really is, He will deny you before the Father in heaven. This is another way of saying Jim and John are unsaved and going to Hell, for we shall know them by their fruits.

    "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 10.32).

    Jim and John act embarrassed and ashamed unwilling to publicly acknowledge who Jesus really is. I've never seen them do it, not even once this past decade. Good thing members of the body of Christ don't act this way since Christians have a burden for the Lord and leading of the Holy Spirit in our spirits for the salvation of souls. There would not be much of a Church if Christians acted the way Jim and John do for the truth would never be revealed and openly spoken of.

    "For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels" (Luke 9.26).

    Pray for Jim and John for they know not what they do. And be honest with your motivations. We all know the best way to get new clients to generate commissions off of them is by doing presentations to different groups of people even in a church setting even if you yourself are not a Christian. What does the Bible say about the love of money?

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    In this week's broadcast with George Karahalios, George presented a Jubilee solution. Jim Puplava's reaction was the same as before, not to give it even a second worth of consideration.

    The Bible says we shall know them by their fruit. Jim is not born-again, nor is John Loeffler. They have never professed who Jesus really is.

    Once you know man's sin you realize the Jubilee is the only solution. This 50 year Jubilee restrains peoples' actions and treats man according to his flesh. As the 50th year is approached, the 90's and today's debt bubble would never have happened knowing all debts would be forgiven in 2015.

    Of course, God knows man's flesh can't even keep this law, but the spirit of the law is in focus here and the consequences which will be the Tribulation Sept. 14, 2015 to Aug. 7, 2022,!

    According to Ezekiel's prophecy in the above link. Israel missed many Jubilee's, and Ezekiel's prophecy predicted as a result that Israel would be a nation again till the actual month of May, 1948 (one of the most amazing prophecies in the Bible). That is a long time to be punished for missing the Jubilees.

    Some negative consequences will befall Jim Puplava for his same obstinate attitude against God's word regarding the Jubilees and debt forgiveness.

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