Feckless, Corrupt Ruling Class

In the 2020 Election, the courts did not do the right thing, the governors did not do the right thing, the secretary of states did not do the right thing, the state legislatures did not do the right thing, the media did not do the right thing, big tech did not do the right thing, the Senate did not do the right thing, Michael Pence did not do the right thing, the House of Representatives did not do the right thing, the lockdowns in states was not the right thing, storming the capital was not the right thing, but what happened happened and could not have happened any other way.

What you are seeing is the beginning of the global empire or Revived Roman Empire -- the New World Order. At each step of the way this stolen election could have been stopped with a conscience of the people acted upon. The raid on the capital allowed Nancy Pelosi to cancel the 2 hour discussions for each contested state. There were very few present to vote because social distancing imposed would not allow more than a few dozen governors and senators to vote during the proceedings. So there was no real contest even though Christians/Republicans had an alternate slate of electors. It also didn't matter even if Trump got 100 million votes because all that was needed was more drop and roll using Dominion machines (see graph below). Presumably Democrats who had control of the house would vote for Biden, and the Senate would vote for Trump because the Senate had more Republicans. But, of course, very few were present for this to happen. There would have been a tie if Senators showed up! To break the tie goes to Pence (President of the Senate). Or all that was needed was for 3 swing states with their electoral votes to be decertified by either Mike Pence or the respective state legislatures. That would kick the decision into the house where there is a 50 vote total of delegates from their states.

What Pence should have done was decertify at least three contested states so that it would go to the house of representatives, which provides for 50 votes from 50 states. There were 30 state legislatures that were republican and 20 that were democrat. If it was kicked to the house of representatives, obviously Trump would have won. Pence sold Trump out, and I consider this the beginning of the fall of the USA. I now see the big picture of the New World Order by Democrats. The Bible describes this New World order in Revelation 18 that will ultimately be destroyed when Jesus returns, but before then political Rome in Rev. 18 and religious Rome in Rev. 17 will become more and more powerful before Jesus returns to destroy them. Friends, do not be disheartened, this was permissible by God and God will use this evil for good. Everything will come out in the wash with all the evidence of the massive stolen election. You can be sure of it! I guess American doesn't really care about its future standing in the world. Political Rome will not get smashed before Jesus returns. It will get worse and worse. These feckless governors and senators and judges were in it for the money and do whatever they can to line their pocket books. Fair elections is the farthest thing from their minds. Money is the root of all evil, not just the love of money.

There are dozens and dozens of ways the election was stolen. Trump had at least 80 million votes; Biden had around 65 million. Got to hand it to Democrats. Sneaky bunch. Republicans leaders got exactly what they deserved though, in particular Mike Pence. Right in the manual for the Dominion machines it shows how to switch votes (like the 6000 votes in Michigan) and add votes multiple times inserting the same ballot. No Senator who has been a Senator for more than 14 years ever became president. Trump had all the bell weather counties on his side, yet still lost. Biden had 17% of counties, Barack had twice that, and Trump had around 2300. To then lose this has never happened before in history. We have affidavits of people in Italy who admitted during the election they hacked into the Dominion machines via the internet to change the votes. There are at least 10 backdoors. The Dominion machine servers in Germany were confiscated by either the CIA or US Army. So many constitutional laws were broken it blows your mind! Mark Levin does a great job exposing the constitutional violations. A math genius reverse engineered the algorithm using a wheel methodology. In one of many batches Biden received 180,000 votes and Trump only 3,000. I could go on and on, but I'll end it there.

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