If God is going to select you as an Apostle, there is a process that he will put you through. It is a consecration where he will try you, test you and test you again. He will put you through the worst period you have ever had in your life, just to see if you will stay with him or turn away. He will test you by sending you places to do service for him. Sometimes it will be to test your courage, sometimes to test your obedience, and sometimes to test your trust. Or, it may be all three. Then, he will put you in the middle of the wilderness where you have no choice but to trust him, because there will be no other way. He will test your love for him. He will test your trust. He will test your faith and he will test your obedience. This consecratory period will last anywhere between two and five years, depending how quickly you mature in spirit. If you resist and do things to get out of what you are going through, it could take longer. He MUST be absolutely positive he can trust you before he will designate you as an Apostle. The ministry that he gives you MUST always, and must only be about Him. It can never be about you. When he finally allows you to “Cross the Jordan”, you will be walking in the power of God. Your gifting will be of such a magnitude that not only will you be able to heal anything, you will be able to raise the dead. God’s favor and blessing will fall on you and your health will be maintained.

For those of you who believe that they are apostles who were designated directly from God, if you have not been through a consecratory process and/or if you have no gifting, then you are only an apostle in your own mind.