Why can't Christians accept a first rapture before the Tribulation according to readiness who "kept the word of My patience" (Rev. 3.10)?

Is it not because the flesh wars against the Spirit?

Why can't Christians accept that the "hour of trial" (v.10) which "shall come upon all the world" (v.10) has not yet happened?

Is it not because the flesh wars against the Spirit?

Why can't Christians accept only those Christians who "kept the word of My patience" (v.10) shall God "keep thee from the hour of trial" (v.10) of the Tribulation?

Is it not because the flesh wars against the Spirit?

Why can't Christians believe the only way God can assure of non-martyrdom in the Tribulation to escape the Hour of trial for being accounted worthy is through rapture at the first rapture?

Is it not because the flesh wars against the Spirit?

Why can't Christians accept a first fruits (Rev. 14.1-5) and the man-child overcomers (12.5) are raptured first like Enoch; and a final harvest rapture of Christians at the last trumpet (1 Thess. 4.15-17; 1 Cor. 15.50-52) through the flood?

Is it not because the flesh (in antinomianism) that wars against the Spirit?

Why do not Christians want to believe to be "accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass" (Luke 21.36) of the Tribulation, they must "Watch ye therefore, and pray always" (v.36)?

Is it not because of the flesh that wars against the Spirit?

Why can't Christians believe the "taken" (Matt. 24.40-41) are raptured at the first rapture, and the "left" shall be raptured at the 7th trumpet?

Is it not the because the flesh wars against the Spirit?

Thank you Jesus for your truth! Thankyou Jesus for showing us not everyone who says they are a Christian is.