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Thread: Judas Iscariot

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  1. #1
    BellonaFlayreRiver Guest

    Default Judas Iscariot

    Everyones favorite topic!! JUDAS ISCARIOT!!!

    ok, so here are my questions:
    1. Judas was known as the "right hand" of Jesus.
    2. Judas "betrayed" Jesus with a kiss. A kiss has always (as far as i know) been associated with love. And also, why would you kiss your enemies? you dont love them either.
    3. After Judas "betrayed" him, Judas hung himself. You dont hang yourself after defeating an enemy. You hang yourself when you are utterly depressed.
    4. Judas grows more and more evil from the first Gospel in the Bible, to the Last. So, he isnt always betrayed as an ultimate villain.
    5. If Jesus had not been handed over to the Romans, he may never have died on the cross. If he had not died on the cross, he might never have died for our sins. so was his betrayal necessary?

    What if Judas did exactly what Jesus asked him to? What if Jesus asked Judas to betray him?

    ok, so my main question is this: if Jesus had never been betrayed, how would he have died (would he have died)? and if he didnt die, how would we be saved by the ultimate sacrifice (since if he didnt die, there wouldnt have been an ultimate sacrifice)?

    and if Jesus had to die, then was judas acting through his personal free will, or was he just a pawn (for lack of better phrasing, sorry) in the big scheme God needed? and if he was a pawn, then how can we condemn him for doing something he had no choice but to do (in other words, that God had made him do)?

    ive been thinking of this for a long time, so any help you could offer would be splendid!
    Last edited by BellonaFlayreRiver; 01-06-2007 at 11:43 AM. Reason: title change?

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