Since almost all scholars have continued to hold the position Paul really believed what he wrote as has been the case all centuries, then the burden on the proof is for you to show otherwise which you fail to address. By constantly asking for the proof and not responding to the answer given is a form of shutting your mind down. Paul met with the apostles he said, multiple times, and they agreed on their eyewitness testimony of the the resurrected Jesus whom they had walked with for three years. Suffice it to say, they talked more than about just the rain when they met.

Your account was removed for your profanity and abusive language. This is not a place for that kind of language. Next time, may you confront the Minimal Facts Approach which remains unchallenged. Normally I put the person through the infraction system, but when you use the language you use, you're gone immediately.

p.s. the same view of gap restoration has been consistent. I am merely agreeing with what scholars were clear on in the 19th century by those such as G. H. Pember.