please, be specific. Who were the ones involved in child sacrifices? Every living thing on the face of the Earth (except for Noah)? The Canaanites? The people in the promised land? The Amorites? And even if they were, why does god tell them to kill EVERY SINGLE ONE? This includes the babies who were going to be sacrificed, as well as the babies who had nothing to do with the sacrifices. And, by the way, mass murders aren't the only thing covered in this list of atrocities. You simply skirt the entire issue here by saying "they were committing child sacrifices". This doesn't even cover one tenth of the atrocities God commits in the first 4 books of the bible. What about all the much too severe punishments (almost always death) prescribed for such harmless, victimless things like homosexuality, and working on the sabbath? What about the cruel animal sacrifices he condones? You ignore the entire issue here, and dismiss it with a inane, pointless generalizatio. Stop defending your god in the face of such atrocities. If Jesus was God, and God did half of the things that he was said to have done, than Jesus's death should have been celebrated, not condemned. You continue to completely ignore what I brought up here by saying that I am in favor of child sacrifices. Thanks, now I know that whenever somebody says something that I disagree with, I will come up with an ad hominem attack, just like you. I don't believe that child sacrifices are right. I believe that they are wrong, and should be punished. However, the manner in which your God punishes them, by killing people who weren't even involved in the child sacrifices, is completely unjust. I also believe that the other 95% of this list of atrocities is unjustifiable in any way. You make no attempt to dismiss the vast majority of these statements, so I will assume you agree. Now that we are clear on that, you should really stop worshipping your god. You tell me that I am unsaved. However, you are the one who is worshipping a mass murderer, who loves to watch animals being tortured in bizarre, cruel ways. How many atrocities must you be shown, commited by God and in the name of God, before you realize that your god cannot be Jesus, and if he is, than Jesus cannot possibly be good. If I am going to hell for seeking the truth, then so be it. I would rather be in hell than spend an eternity with your sadistic, cruel, and utterly horrible fairy-tale you call god. When I look at his track record, being seperated from God actually sounds pretty good.
(On a side note, is there a 100% survival rate for Chrsitians who suffer snake bites or accidentally eat poison? Because if there isn't , I am afraid that your holy book is mistaken.)