Yes, you read correctly, Christianity can be, and is, dangerous. It can be and is detrimental to society, and it deliberately denies scientific evidence and conclusions in favor of those views of goat herders that made stuff up 2000+ years ago.

First off, religion has made no modern contribution to society. In fact, science has done more in one year than religion has in two thousand years. The fact that you are even reading this means you have a computer, a triumph of engineering. The fact that you have a car or other automotive transportation is another triumph. The aspirin you have in your cabinet is another. Even the simplest, most ordinary things, like printer paper and Band-Aids initially required a great amount of thought, reason, and experimentation through multiple designs and manufacturing processes.

Since when has religion done this? A sense of belonging and happiness are all fine and dandy, but these can be had without Christianity. In a sense, Christianity is selling something that you can get for free.

Another thing that really ticks me off about Christianity is their belief that homosexuality is evil. I could say that genetics is responsible, but all you would do is retreat to the Bible and continue the delusion that homosexuality is unnatural.

Do you realize the kind of evidence you are refuting? Do you know how many years of research it took to decode the Human Genome and find the gay gene (yes, there is such a thing). Do you know how smart scientists are? It took a team of these hard-working, intelligent people to come to this conclusion. The same is true with any big discovery in any field. Sure, everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of the world, but no one, NO ONE is entitled to their own facts. Not you, not me, no one. Spirituality has nothing to do with genetics and nothing to do with homosexuality. If you want gays to apologize for being gay, you may as well tell me to apologize for having sandy brown hair. It's that ridiculous. You should also give me an alchemy textbook from ancient Greece and tell me it is true. The Bible is tantamount to that.

And these are just a few of the things that Christianity is guilty of, not to mention its opinion of atheism, which is completely and utterly false.

Also, if you're going to give me the first cause argument,
explains my argument better than I can.

1: You're assuming that time is linear and finite. Sure, it seems so from our limited perspective, but who's to say that this is the case at the edges of time and space? Check into modern physics: the "Big Bang" isn't as stupid a theory as you think.

2: Even if time is linear and finite, does God really solve the infinite regress problem? Essentially, you're saying that God extends infinitely backward in time. Yet again, God is patched into a mystery not because of evidence but because it's easier to assume there's a conscious process instead of trying to truly understand the mystery.

Click here if you want to look deeper into this issue. Especially this article.

You're probably saying that I'm going to hell for all of this unless I come to Jesus. I don't see how you think this is going to convert me. The fact that I would respect a God that condemns free thought and uses extortion to get followers is something I find poisonous, and if the devil is, in fact speaking through me, he's speaking pretty damned logically.

In conclusion:

There is no God. There is no soul. There is no afterlife. Christianity CAN be dangerous and detrimental.