The science that says smoking kills people.
Again, what type of science are you referring to?

God is brought out because you can't produce abiogenesis and disprove the exponential progression of conscience. Nor can you find a naturalistic explanation for the resurrection of Jesus that fits the data most atheist scholars accept.
The exponential progression of conscience is not proven.

My naturalistic explanation is..... Jesus was not resurrected.

Why? I don't think I have enough bandwidth.
You should have enough for some names.

The first day is called good.
Epic fail! Read your bible, the light is good, not the day.

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

The demons weren't cast into the deep on day 1 or day 2, but in Genesis 1.2. The days are summary days that sum up the period of restoration after God made desolate in Gen. 1.2.
So where can I read about the Demons and Lucifer getting dunked in the pool? 'Cause its not in Genesis 1:2

He did prove Himself to you.
He did not prove anything to me.

Just look at Sodom and Gomorrah in rampant fornication.
lol! That is a funny example to use.

If you are gay, you get killed. If you trick your dad into getting you pregnant, its ok.

Since those babies were going to grow up as they did generations before to continue child sacrifices unto their own children, God said enough is enough. God thinks this evil is really evil! You not so much?
I think it is evil for God to create them to be destroyed, then burn in hell for something they have not done yet. But your God didn't give them a chance. Now I guess they'll burn for an eternity for no reason at all.

How is this loving? How is this Just? How is this God-like?

Those babies were born from parents who practice child sacrifices and continued to practice this for hundreds of years. God's wrath came in wiping out those 10 tribes.
So it is impossible for God to just kill the sinning parents? What about not allowing them to have children? Your bible claims he has done that before, why not save innocent lives?

How would you feel if you were raised in a society where you could be picked to be thrown into the fiery mouth of the Molech god and have it televised on tv? Or maybe it was your sister? How does that make you feel?
Well, I would not like to be killed at all, especially if I'm a baby. But if you have to choose between a 100% death rate (Israel killing you) and maybe a 1 or 2% death rate (Molech sacrifice). I think me and my family would have a better chance with Molech, wouldn't you?

You don't think this would be a horrific society that must be done away with?
You mean killed? Is that not one of those sin things?

I think if God is all-powerful he would think of a way to abolish the "evil" practice without murdering little kids.

Though babies are born into sin they are not deemed sinners until the age of accountability if they don't give their lives to Christ.
So they were not evil, or even able to sin yet? But they were still killed? Why did they deserve that?

How old is the age of accountability?

They are both an abomination to God, but I would put murder as being worse than slavery.
So its ok to murder if you are enslaved?

Wow sin is starting to sound relative.

He knew Adam and Eve would be disobedient, but He still had to tell them not to eat of the fruit of tree of knowledge of good and evil, because he knew what would happen. You know what happened next.
He could have not made the tree. That would have saved us (and him) a lot of trouble.

Yes, it is sad so many kids die because of their parents' sin.
Does that sound Just to you?

Yes, because Israel was the one nation on the planet who would listen to Him, after being enslaved for 430 years. Should not the spoils go to the righteous?
You can't be "righteous" and kill innocent people. See how that works?

That was a unique situation in Canaan no doubt, just like when a gun is held to your wife's head by an intruder and in a moment you can blow his brains out and save your daughter's mother.
So sin is relative. I get it now.

Why do you keep defending such evil is the real question?
I ask you the same question.