I believe Domitian is the 6th, the 5 Caesars died brutal deaths, the 7th is NOT Barack Hussein Obama (lightening, beautiful, high place) who exists for a short while. His purpose is to divert our attention away from the actual Antichrist. Just because your name has the right words and all the letters of your name add up to 18 (6+7+5) does not mean you are the Antichrist or even the forerunner to the Antichrist. There are other diversions such as many think the asteroid in 2029 which cross earth's path again in 2036 is the Tribulation.

The forerunner (Prince Charles of Wales - 666 in both English and Hebrew) will be shot but survive the bullet wound, and revive as the 8th. How does he specifically attain the 8th as resuscitated Neron Kaisar (666 in Aramaic), one of the 5?

Prince William is also a son of a perdition (revived Judas) with Charles who allegedly comes from the Davidic line (to satisfy the Jews) and Merovingian blood line (to satisfy the financial elite and theosophists). So when sacrifices are given in the Temple, they will be accepted by the Sanhedrin, both Charles and William will perform priestly service. This gives them authority.

Barack with Charles broker an unprecedented peace treaty. In exchange to say thank you, Israel puts up an image of Charles in the Temple at the suggestion of Prince William. They are truly glad to have him on their team.

Benedict changes his name to "Peter of Rome" which fulfills the Malachy prophecy for the final pope (the 666th pope) which is prophesied to finally destroy the Vatican and religious Rome (the Roman Church). This is the sign for Muslims to react. They feel their time is now and seize the opportunity. They get ahold of a nuclear bomb and blow up the Vatican; or it is some nut case who thinks the Peter of Rome is the Antichrist. The world is in a frenzy.

Muslims truly believe this is their time they have been waiting for for centuries! The 7 year peace treaty is broken and the Islamic nations in all the noise seize the opportunity to put on a full scale attack against Israel to try to drive her into the sea even overrun her for a short while. Consequently, Israel may use a couple nuclear weapons to stop them.

Barack's motivation is his Muslim faith he shares with his wife. He wants his Islamic race of anti-Caucasians to prevail. He wants to see Israel destroyed once and for all in the name of Allah so he delays as long as possible before USA responds to her attackers. He is a liar and a great deceiver.

200 million machines congregate in the middle east to wage battle (Rev. 9.16) for ownership over not just Israel, but especially to secure the oil. A nuclear exchange occurs killing 1/3 of mankind (9.18). USA and Europe retaliate against Islamic nations who are blamed for nuking the Vatican. Some of those nuclear explosions touch the edge of Russian territory. Russia retaliates and hits a few European and American cities. China responds and so does India with some of their arsenal.

As the nuclear exchange escalates to the point of no return, Jesus returns in Person and stops the insanity!