Minister Carter of a small Presbyterian Church in his hometown who wants to be a youth minister

Quote Originally Posted by PreachingJesusToAll
Yes God is the saviour of all who Believe! Thats What Calvinists teach!
I know, that's why you are not born-again. You're preaching a false Christ. God is the Savior of all men not just only those whom you allege to be saved by irresitible grace disallowing anyone the choice in the matter! Grace is restistible (OSAS Arminian) not irresistible (Calvinism). There is a pride that exudes from you that really turns Christians off so you are not a Christian brother. There is no such thing as a Calvinist Christian or Christian Calvinist. That's like saying Satanic Christian or Christian Satanist. You have troubles understanding what we are telling you because you have been brainwashed into a cult of Calvinism. We are not claiming you are saying man has no free will, but that your version of free will is entirely faulty, because your god is unwilling or impotent to be able to provide sufficient grace to all men. God is impacting your conscience and imploring you to listen to walk away from all things Calvinism instead of continuing to seek to rationalize your flesh and bear false witness, for it is clear if it is evil for us to behave the way the god of Calvinism does, then it is evil for us too. It is the doorway for Satan into the kingdom of heaven and local church settings.

"Verily I say unto you, What things soever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and what things soever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" (Matt. 18.18). Christians will not loose Calvinism on earth, but will keep it bound, because it is of the serpent; so shall it be bound in heaven.

That would be quite an odd statement to claim God would not be the Savior of all who believe. Surely you don't think this is the distinguishing factor that determines Calvinism from Arminianism as though Arminians don't believe God is the Savior of all who believe? Surely you jest! After reading your long article, it has all the typical arguments of Calvinists and misreadings of God's word which show the evil nature of the god of Calvinism. Make no mistake, Satan seeks to produce a simulation or facsimile of God's design. Call it Satanic grace and baptism of the evil spirit. My prayers go out to you.

As a young lad you have grown up in the brainwashed environment of Presbyterianism like Mormons grow up in their environments which is difficult for us Christians to understand how you can not see the plain truth, but that is the nature of cults. All reason flies out the window! Contradictions abound. You're grabbed by feelings, whether that be feelings of pride and self-exaltation or community or even happy thoughts. There is an end to all things false: total depravity, irresistible grace, limited atonement, unconditional election.

We can sense your self-exaltation and it would be very painful for us to have to spend eternity with you, for to be around a worshiper of a god who does not provide sufficient grace to ALL MEN is not a loving God. Since He does provide grace to all men and everyone the opportunity to be saved, then no man is Totally depraved. Total depravity and made in God's image are mutually exclusive. The entire Adamic race is made in God's image and certainly falling from grace can't change that fact! Consequently, all 5 points of Calvinism are false since they rely on TULIP dependent on Total depravity.

1 Timothy 4.10 says God is the "Savior of all men, specially those who believe" NOT "Savior of all men who believe, specially those who believe" for that is nonsensical and redundant. If God was the Savior of all men who believe only then there would be no need to say "specially those who believe." Since you continue to be unwilling to deal with this verse as a child would read it, it shows something is wrong in your heart.

You're not thinking because your spirit is dead to God; that is why you come across very puffed up without the love of God.