Quote Originally Posted by Rachella38
Do you know what you are? The Bible would call you swine. You are the first person who I really believe fits that description. And the reason for that is.......

I came along & seen your video, liked it, so I gave it a thumbs up. Even faved it. I went even further to be nice to you. I messaged you & wanted to tell you how much I liked it. Then I'm repaid with you asking me a question, then turning & showing everyone my personal answer to you by posting the answer on a forum where you go, without my approval. That's not right. I'm not ashamed of my answer or anything I tell you, but it's not right to be approaching women through private messages, then telling the whole world what she said. That's what a snake would do. You're not a real man or you would never treat a woman that way. Men don't treat women like that. Especially a woman who's been kind to them. What's wrong with you? Don't you know that speaking in tongues is the LEAST of the gifts? I NEVER talk about this subject. First time I did to my fiance was today, and he's not too happy either with what you did.

Approaching me to find out what I believed, so you can blab it to the world. That's wrong, it's mean & it's backhanded. What was cruel was your comparing me to a rapist. How dare you!
There are lots of swine. The swine are false Christians such as yourself, Calvinists, non-OSASers, Amillennialists, gibberish babblers, sinless Mary worshipers, modalists and many others who try to look like the saved wheat but are not.

I am glad you liked my video when you contacted me, but when you brought up gibberish babble and how much you liked defending it, it was incumbent upon me to respond to you by the Holy Spirit, but the more you tried to defend it, I had to post this on the forums to expose you, because it was clear you were a fraud and will never repent.

You are not ashamed of what keeps you eternally separated from God, the idolatry of gibberish babble, that the Bible speaks against in Matt. 6.7 and 1 Cor. 14? When you come before Christ, He will tell you that that was not His will, then you will reply to Him and say to Him, He is not your Christ. You have said as much to me already.

How am I approaching you? You are the one who contacted me! I am simply responding to you. You are trying to be deceptive which is what a snake would do. How do I know if you are even a woman? Your username could mean anything. Maybe you are pretending to be a woman. A person who cares for people tells them the truth as I have told you the truth, God will judge you for defending this heresy.

Speaking in tongues is the least of the gifts, the gift of knowing different languages, to spread and share the gospel to the nations. It has nothing to do with gibberish babble. But you don't seem to care about that! You're possessed. Do you see how you will never repent? For eternity in Hell you will continue to defend gibberish babble so what can God do but send you there, for He can't have you with the saints in the New City since there is no sin there.

I didn't approach you, you approached me, but I just responded to your false teaching. Exposing false people is God's will. At first I was soft and slow to judge with you, but then the harder you pressed for this false teaching, I returned the favor. Now you are exposed, and you did it to yourself. You've made your bed, now you have to lie in it. For anyone who would defend you in this is just as guilty as you are.

Just as rapists should be exposed, especially if they refuse to repent, you are exposed as you will never repent.

"Don't babble on and on as people of other religions do" or "do not use vain and meaningless repetitions as the heathen do" (Matt. 6.7), for this creates a passivity for evil spirits you let in to gain strongholds in your mind and take control of your will.

The more evil you are, the more evil you will try to defend a lie. As we have seen you won't let up. You'll rationalize your flesh come hell or high water. Gibberish babblers start of as "appearing" to be nice people, but they sure get nasty when you expose them.