Chuck Missler is going to be deceived when the Tribulation comes because he said, "The Holy Spirit will not indwell believers during the Tribulation." Do you realize how evil that is to make that claim? It's pompous, pride-filled and regressive. A person receives Christ, his spirit is regenerated, he is given eternal life but God's Spirit can't indwell in him? That's demonic. There are consequences to this evil teaching. Obviously, you can see Chuck is rationalizing his flesh, because if he was discerning, he would realize how weird that sounds.

When Chuck Missler enters the Tribulation he is going to notice 2 or 3 million people vanished. He will consider this a "fake rapture" because if it was the true rapture he assumes he would be included. He is antinomian, thus he does not consider the first rapture according to readiness. So there Church Missler is in the Tribulation, telling people it is not the Tribulation and that Satan has produced a fake rapture. He keeps accusing the brethren day and night (Rev. 12.10). Think of the judgment that is going to come upon Chuck Missler.

Chuck also said that "Israel is going to replace the Church" because he thinks the Church is going to be removed before the Tribulation. This is a strange kind of replacement theology. Chuck is anti-semetic because he raptures the whole Church before the Tribulation and puts it all on the Jews.

He also said, "the 5 unwise virgins need to fill up with oil by using the mark of the beast." What? The 5 unwise virgins are carnal Christians that's why they don't fill up with the Holy Spirit, so they shall lose the reward of reigning with Christ for 1000 years - the marriage feast.

Study these verses carefully...

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Chuck Missler thinks the 7 lamp stands in Rev. 1 to the 7 churches are the same 7 lamps in Rev. 4: "seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God" (v.5). The 7 churches are not God's Spirit.

He considers those in Rev. 5.9,10 to be the redeemed when most Bible versions disagree with the KJV's rendering of "us". "Them" is accurate, thus it is the 24 archangels praising God's redeemed, not the redeemed praising themselves. And the angels take up the prayers of the saints in Rev. 5. The saints don't take up their own prayers. That makes no sense. "Having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints" (v.8).

Chuck resorts to lying. He says, "all but one of 50 manuscripts use 'us'." All the main versions I read refer to "people" or "men" in Rev. 5.9: "people" (NLT), "men" (NIV), "people" (ESV), "men" (NASB), "men" (RSV), "men" (ASV).

Verse 10 uses "them" (NLT), "them" (NIV), "them" (ESV), "them" (NASB), "them" (RSV), "them" (ASV).

How can the Church be in heaven when it is not even raptured yet "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9)? Surely a vision in John's spirit does not constitute the rapture. Paul was not raptured when he was taken up to 3rd heaven.

In praying about how to help Chuck Missler, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that if you can show Chuck that the 24 Elders can't be the Church and that there is no rapture in Rev. 4, 5 and 6, not till Rev. 7.9, then Chuck would have to change his theory. Nobody I know of has presented a better case than Watchman Nee for Revelation chapters 4 & 5 so get reading,

Another thing Chuck gets wrong is he thinks the Thyatira church is the medieval church. Specifically, it is the Roman Church since it is still with us today. The last four churches are all with us still today. The first three have passed. The Medieval church is not existing today, but the Roman Church is. He also gets the Sardis church wrong because he calls it the Missionary church. The Sardis church is a Revival church like always filling the glass with less water each time after emptying it; these revivals are less and less effective and some are downright wrong! Again, Watchman Nee proves this as well which I totally agree in Revelation 2 & 3,

Chuck even admits the last 4 are unique in this regard that they still remain with us, but where does the Medieval church still exist? Where are people being thrown into evil contraptions being tortured in Christendom? How could you even say the Medieval church is the body of Christ anyway? Makes no sense.

Chuck tripped up when talking about the Temple, because for him it is not a condition before the first rapture in his imminency teaching, but if it takes 3.5 years to build, it would have to start being built before the Tribulation starts because the False Prophet erects an idol of the Antichrist in the Temple 1260 days after the Tribulation starts. Recall Chuck says imminency has no pre-condition, but who says imminency is a correct teaching? None of the verses he give support. He just assumes into the text. There is no imminency because the Temple at least has to be partially built by the first rapture. In fact, we know the Temple must be completed with 2300 days left into the Tribulation which would be by the 220th day from the start of the Tribulation since the Tribulation is 2,520 days long.

I love how a great man like Chuck Missler can't see this and yet little old me can. Thank you Jesus. "And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed" (Dan. 8.14). How can the sanctuary, the Temple, be cleansed if it is not completely built? 2300 days from the end of the Tribulation (Tisha B'Av, Aug. 7, 2022) going backward in time is day before passover in 2016. 220 days from the start of the Tribulation Sept. 14, 2015 is the 3rd day of the 4 day inspection of the Lamb and Red Heifer on April 20, 2016.

Obviously, therefore the first rapture cannot occur until at least the Temple construction has been going on for at least 2 to 3 years, assuming it takes 3.5 years to build. Chuck tries to get around this by saying the first rapture could occur decades before the Tribulation. Again, he is really rationalizing his flesh when he does that. I don't know any scholars who would even touch that nonsense. At least he knows he has to rationalize his idea by bringing in weird teachings. Or I hope he realizes that at some point.

When Chuck, sadly, is in the Tribulation he will see 2 or 3 million missing and accuse them of being Satan's "fake rapture", because Chuckster rejects Matt. 24.40-42, Luke 21.36, Rev. 3.10 which say in order to escape the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world, you would need to be watchful, prayerful, and keep the word of His patience, not just because you are in the Church. Let us not be antinomians like Chucky.

First rapture is at Rev. 7.9 "before the throne" before the first trumpet of the Tribulation (8.7ff). Not before! And it is not a forgone conclusion, but it is according to readiness. Amen.