They are very hostile. Virtually every day I get an email from an atheist whining about this or that.

Just picture Christopher Hitchens and Bill Mahr having a conversation a few months ago on his show.

There is nothing one can do. They are going to Hell. The reason they avoid the proof for God is because they exalt themselves. The reality is it is more painful for them to give their lives to Christ than it is for them to lock themselves in Hell for eternity. They are bad people.

Obviously nature can't start up from nothing nor always have existed, so nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, and this is whom we call God or our uncreated Creator. Just by observing nature we know He is (Rom. 1.20). And they can't find a naturalistic explanation for the original of the disciples' beliefs in their testimony they had seen Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings.

Very simple a child can understand.

They just bow to their subterranean motivations. As one grows in their spiritual life it seems spiritual Christians virtually forget atheists even exist to walk even deeper in the Lord.