Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
You're simply misunderstanding. There is a difference between being against Israel when Israel is being evil and for Israel when Israel is abiding in God's will as His chosen people.

Whereas as Satan is for Israel when Israel is being evil and against Israel when Israel is doing good, performing proper rituals and so forth.

Unfortunately for so called bible believers, their god is a proven Satan any which way; in that in this example it was a Satan against Israel when they were bad and remained a Satan whenever they were bad and became a Satan against Israel's enemies when Israel was reasonably behaving itself!

Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
As to my salvation the Bible says, "I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish" (John 10.28). I have eternal life and therefore, shall never perish, but you perish, because you eternally separate yourself from God.
1. ANY acclaimed holy text is 100% man made and the total evidence ANY are the words of ANY god(s) given to man remains a total of zero!

Your emotional pleas and church propaganda materials do not qualify as legitimate evidence.

2. Unfortunately for so called bible believers, their god is a proven Satan any which way; in that in this example it was a Satan against Israel when Israel was behaving badly and remained a Satan when against Israel's enemies when Israel was reasonably behaving itself!

Either way, Story book bible believers remain Satan worshippers by worshipping their Story book god=Satan!

As far as the claim that ANY are already forgiven -

i) Quoting from a proven 100% Story book (bible) is no legitimate evidence for your otherwise empty arrogant claim.

ii) The Story book promises were made to genuine Story book jesus' believers of which not a single one in history outside of Story book bible land has stepped up and qualified themselves as a legitimate candidate, let alone a confirmed legitimate and genuine Story book jesus' believer.

Tell us all please: Do you still sin?

Much much much much much much better luck next times!

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