Quote Originally Posted by iridescentsquids
I have never stooped to this low a level of ad hominem attacks as you are doing now. And calling me disingenuous because I disagree with you? Now all of a sudden I have to contend with your emotional baggage and animosity for people who disagree with you?
No, that is not the reason I said you were disingenuous. The reason you are disingenuous as I already said is because you come to the table with a blatant contradiction that you will have to let go of for a more forthright conversation between us.

It is quite disingenuous to harbor a blatant contradiction such as saying You don't believe in God because you are not sure if He exists. Making a decision to already not believe in Him even though you admit you don't have evidence either way is quite disingenuous. You're just being dishonest with yourself.

Why is it that you are allowed to employ ad hominem attacks but I can't? I am not saying I have, for I provided evidence for the conclusion you are disingenuous and lack humility to see your contradiction. It's time to grow up and stop being so immature. To copy your own words, you're just being "weird and silly." What is in your heart is full of hostility to your Creator. There is no doubt about that! Where's the humility in that? I am not sure how you could expect me to respect such an attitude as this that you have.

You appealed to your "good intentions," but you know what they say about good intentions, they pave the way to Hell. Self-righteousness masqueraded as good intentions is not good at all. I suggest you come to the table by dropping this contradiction. You're going to have to let your "good self" as well as your "petty self" die even on the cross.

So the word in the English language that has always meant belief God does not exist remains the same word it always has been. You don't get to change it to mean the same thing as Agnosticism to deflect away from the fact that Atheists do in fact believe God does not exist. That's a red herring. That simply will not do.

If you want to continue this conversation, I suggest you address this belligerency of yours immediately. And I will continue to pray for your understanding.