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Thread: My clinical death experience contradicts soul sleep! I talk to dead people

  1. #11
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    Seeing darkly does not refer to silly visions. It refers to God's plan. This is why we are to open the 2nd half of the book in Revelation 10 to get a further understanding from Rev. 12.1 to 19.21 which expound on the major points of the Tribulation from Rev. 7.1 to 11.19.

    In your post you said there were "numerous people all gathered to welcome me into the afterlife, all mybeloved were there," but nobody is in heaven yet, so these are fallen angels masquerading as loved ones or demons. It should be pointed out as well that most loved ones are not saved, for most people don't give their lives to Christ. Nowhere in Scripture do we find people in heaven yet, so your faith is not that of a Christian. I have never met anyone as old as you who ever gave their life to Christ so you will never repent. You want to be embraced by a party spirit in Hell. That's what the Holy Spirit is telling me about you. Jesus did not go down to Hell. He went down to Abraham's bosom, the good side of Hades where Lazarus is in soul sleep. Figurative language to be sure indicating the the spiritual stance that Lazarus was saved, but there is no party going on right now in Paradise below. How silly.

    Rev. 10.2 says the book is a "little book" accompanied by angels which is the same book in Rev. 5 prophesying of these things to occur these past 20 centuries and the end of this age. It is not a large book. Nowhere do we find as well the book of life in Rev. 20 referred to as a large book nor without angels present as you claim. Angels accompany the books in Revelation, but you have no angels present now? I didn't think I had to clarify this point with you, but you believe in books devoid of the presence of angels. These are demons or fallen angels then that you pose as loved ones. You present different dimensions and void of angels. You speak of a tree that is not in 3rd heaven but elsewhere? None of this agrees with God's word. There are 3 specific books in Revelation, but you present many books none of which are identified as these 3 books? Again, nothing you speak of agrees with the Bible.

    There are no pulsating orbs in Scripture. This is more your imagination and Satanic elements imposed on your mind that you don't resist. Meaningless pulsating orbs of gold. It was wrong for you accuse me of adding the phrase "pulsating orb." Those were your own words. You are a liar towards to me. Shame on you. Satan is the father of lies and you are emulating him. Appreciate how you can twist your mind and change your idea on a dime then Satanically accuse others for your flippant thoughts. You said, "You also change what I really said in my testimony by chancing and adding and selective editing my testimony such stating wrongly that I said I saw a pulsating orb, what I actually stated 'I saw a golden orb' ... when I never stated any such thing, this is not being truthful!" You are a liar. You have been exposed on the Internet for all to see! You said, "II saw a beautiful pulsating orb of golden light that I took for the Lord Jesusas it emanated perfect peace and love" mistakes and all. Satan will love you and even give you a peace to some extent, though not like the peace a saint has from God, to draw you to him.

    "People in hell were not in a state of soul sleep" you said. Nobody has gone to Hell yet, nor are they in a state of soul sleep when they do. Hell is a conscious existence of eternal separation from God. Hades of the grave, that place of soul sleep, will be thrown into Hell.

    Jesus has not returned personally to anyone but you say he has to you - twice even. Paul spoke with Jesus in the light when he fell to the ground on the road to Damascus, but this is proven because others with him fell to the ground also and heard His voice. Paul had a conversation with Him. You had no such conversation. Satan whom you call Jesus likes to be as coy as possible. We are told in Scripture when Jesus returns we will all know it, so this is more your self speaking with some spirit not of God. It is a great tragedy many who take the spirit masquerading as an angel of light to be Jesus. Muhammad and Joseph Smith did that. It's kind of late to be starting a new cult now at 72 isn't it?

    Your story gets more creative: "lately have begun to remember more and more about thestrange otherworldly realms I saw over the period of three hours." The embellishment increases.

    You are both dogmatic in what you experienced and dogmatic that it is from God despite these many holes in your story. You question nothing of the validity of your experience that it is without deception. I don't need to know you personally to know you are not only deceived but deceiving others. Your words should convict you. The Holy Spirit is telling me that the evil spirit assisted you in recovery to come back to teach more false teachings to deceive the world further since what you preach contradicts the Scriptures as we have gone over together.

    The depths of your deceit go down further and further. I never changed what you wrote. You wrote "pulsating orb." That would be very sinful to change a golden orb to pulsating orb. I did not do that. You mentioned that it is both golden and pulsating. You are not taking responsibility for what you said but ever changing your story just as you said over the years you added more details to your story. You said, "There was also much more to my experience" which I can understand you are afraid to talk about considering how little you said already exposes you so much.

    The books of the Bible in Rev. 10 & 20 are in 3rd heaven so to see another book outside of Heaven would have to be Hell or your imagination. Either way, it is false. There are not multi-realms you purport nor are they discussed in Scripture: just simply heaven (3rd heaven), hell, universe (1st heaven), 2nd heaven and hades.

    Don't accuse and blame me for discerning the holes in your story. I doubt you will ever repent to discern in agreement with God's word.

    Several weeks continue to pass by and you keep talking but never address the verses that support soul sleep. Where you shut your mind down is where the evil spirit has a hold on you.

    "And death and hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death" (Rev. 20.14). The second death, the lake of fire, is Hell. That would be weird and nonsensical if it was Hell cast into Hell. The Lake of Fire is Hell. Hades is not Hell. You are a false teacher and experienced a Satanic near death experience twice and were approached by an evil spirit masquerading as Jesus when you were a teenager.

    You are a necromancer talking to dead people in heaven.

  2. #12
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    Alan McDougall,

    When you keep dying do you channel these people you say are in a place but that it is not 3rd heaven? Do they prophesy for you? How do you know these spirit communications are of God that you claim are with people? And since nobody is resurrected yet, how can you see them when you claim you see them waiting for you since they don't have bodies? God is spirit so nobody can see the Father. I thought man is spirit, soul and body, so without his body in 3rd heaven you can't see him. Therefore you are claiming to see people in reality you can't see, so they must be demons or evil spirits posing as loved ones. You are greatly deceived.

    Satan is the author of confusion.

  3. #13


    I ask you respectfully to look at the video below and please come back to me with your comments!

  4. #14
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    When someone says they saw heaven and hell in their near death experience I have no problem with that. Where I do find a problem is when the reporting does not agree with the conditions of heaven and hell given in Scripture. You'd be contradicting the word of God. Therefore, I know it is not of God and not an accurate depiction of reality when you claim it is but some Satanic deception to impart a false teaching as occurred in your case that you gave into and don't resist.

    You should be concerned with your conduct by how you continue to avoid the verses given above that expose you as you keep deflecting onto other links without being cordial by responding personally to those points evidenced in Scripture.

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    When someone says they saw heaven and hell in their near death experience I have no problem with that. Where I do find a problem is when the reporting does not agree with the conditions of heaven and hell given in Scripture. You'd be contradicting the word of God. Therefore, I know it is not of God and not an accurate depiction of reality when you claim it is but some Satanic deception to impart a false teaching as occurred in your case that you gave into and don't resist.

    You should be concerned with your conduct by how you continue to avoid the verses given above that expose you as you keep deflecting onto other links without being cordial by responding personally to those points evidenced in Scripture.
    I see you have changed the title of my thread from My clinical death experience contradicts soul sleep and added a lie That I talk to dead people. I never put this in the Title of my thread and by doing this you have changed the truth into your own lie. I have never ever spoken to any dead people in my life, you accuse a born again blood washed Christian of being under Satanic deception , I think you should have a careful look at yourself .

    Please explain why you altered the Title of my thread, without asking permission? I really am sure people will get into heaven, not because of you, but in spite of you!

  6. #16
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    Notice what I did. I moved your thread from the Soul Sleep forums to the Occult forums because your testimony does not match with God's word. You said "I saw numerous people all gathered to welcome me into the afterlife, all mybeloved were there. It seemed like a welcome home party." Most peoples' loved ones are going to Hell, but in your case you said "all my beloved were there." I see self exalted in your words centered around you.

    Additionally you describe it as a "party" going on right now of all your beloved ones. In many cases there is this necromancy communication going on with those posed as loved ones. You were about to speak to your welcoming party if you had not been "drawn back to the earthly world" at that moment. These evil spirits masquerading as loved ones and their party spirit contradict what "we declare to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who have fallen asleep" (1 Thess. 4.15). Those who have died are asleep right now. They are not partying it up right now in heaven.

    You are greatly deceived and open to suggestions from these evil spirits masquerading as loved ones. Hence, the communications you have with dead people as a "welcome party" is Satanic. Don't think Christians can't be deceived. You are deceived already to think so. People are not going to heaven in spite of you or me as you suggest. People are going to heaven because they will be raptured there because of being saved and overcoming (both conditions are required). But nobody is in heaven yet, not even David a man after God's own heart, so when you say people are in heaven right now, you are a deceiver and confused. "For David is not ascended into the heavens" (Acts 2.34).

    The next step in your journey of false teaching and deception is to communicate with these loved ones which is necromancy as has been the path of many before you who claim their loved ones are partying it up in heaven right now with welcoming words at some welcoming gate. My prayers go out to you for you know not what you do.

    We should keep the title of your thread as you are being dishonest about it to reflect the actual position you hold so as not to deceive people what you are really about.

  7. #17
    jerryfromkerry Guest

    Default Soul

    I read all of the above and I can only state what the Holy Scriptures say about this. Ezek 18;4 (KJ) "The soul that is sinning, it itself will die" Ecclesiastes 9;5-10, TEV Yes the living know they are going to die,BUT THE DEAD KNOW NOTHING..................... Work hard at whatever you do,BECAUSE THERE WILL BE NO ACTION NO THOUGHT,NO KNOWLEDGE,NO WISDOM IN THE WORLD OF THE DEAD_AND THAT IS WHERE YOU ARE GOING" Sobering words from the Holy Bible

  8. #18

    Default Deathlike experience due to total heart block

    Quote Originally Posted by jerryfromkerry View Post
    I read all of the above and I can only state what the Holy Scriptures say about this. Ezek 18;4 (KJ) "The soul that is sinning, it itself will die" Ecclesiastes 9;5-10, TEV Yes the living know they are going to die,BUT THE DEAD KNOW NOTHING..................... Work hard at whatever you do,BECAUSE THERE WILL BE NO ACTION NO THOUGHT,NO KNOWLEDGE,NO WISDOM IN THE WORLD OF THE DEAD_AND THAT IS WHERE YOU ARE GOING" Sobering words from the Holy Bible
    I would like to remind you that only God is my judge and it is He that will define my final destiny, not you!

    Romans 2

    New International Version (NIV)

    God’s Righteous Judgment

    2 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2 Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3 So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? 4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?

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    Alan McDougall,

    God has already judged you and your destiny on Eccl. 9.5-10 when you die you go to soul sleep later to be resurrected to be with God or with Satan.

    5 The living at least know they will die, but the dead know nothing. They have no further reward, nor are they remembered. 6 Whatever they did in their lifetime—loving, hating, envying—is all long gone. They no longer play a part in anything here on earth. 7 So go ahead. Eat your food with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God approves of this! 8 Wear fine clothes, with a splash of cologne!

    9 Live happily with the woman you love through all the meaningless days of life that God has given you under the sun. The wife God gives you is your reward for all your earthly toil. 10 Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom.

    Your application of Rom. 2 is faulty.

    1 You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things. 2 And we know that God, in his justice, will punish anyone who does such things. 3 Since you judge others for doing these things, why do you think you can avoid God’s judgment when you do the same things? 4 Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?

    When someone judges you Alan for your false teaching that does not agree with God's word on soul sleep that person who judges you is not "just as bad" as you, for he does not "do these very same things" by falsely teaching that you go to heaven immediately upon going to rest. For yours or anyone's false teaching Alan, God "will punish anyone who does such things."

    A Christian won't be judged with you for the same things because a Christian does not "do the same things" as you Alan. "Don't you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you" Alan"? Can't you see the patience shown to you to try to help you is so that you will turn from this sin of your false teaching?

    "Wherefore comfort one another with these words" (1 Thess. 4.18). What words?

    "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him" (v.14). God will. God hasn't yet, but He will.

    "For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep" (v.15). They are asleep now in soul sleep, timeless unawares in Abraham's bosom otherwise known as the good side of Hades/Sheol.

    "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first" (v.16). The Lord himself has not descended yet so the dead are still asleep.

    "Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord" (v.17). Shall be caught up together with those asleep. Shall is the future.

    Pray on this as I pray for your understanding. Hades and Sheol will be thrown into Hell since nobody goes down to the grave anymore after the 1000 years, that is, after the Jesus reigns on earth for 1000 years. "And death and hades were cast into the Lake of Fire" (Rev. 20.14). Hell is not thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is Hell.

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    Since your clinical death experience contradicts soul sleep, you know that the visions you received were not from God but Satan, and if not Satan then one of his evil spirits, a fallen angel of demon, or your own self and imagination gone wild even a combination thereof.

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