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Thread: Kill Drug Dealers and Drug Workers

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    Default Kill Drug Dealers and Drug Workers

    I don't understand why there is not a bounty on high ranking participants in the drug business. For example, the government will pay you a certain amount if you kill a named leader of a drug ring. This could open up a whole new industry - killing drug dealers. The cost to the government would be far less than trying to police it all. The immediate personnel of the drug lord go for another price, and all the way down the line, different payouts are giving depending on the person's level of responsibility in the business. The government would establish by the courts their guilty verdict before they are captured or killed. Posting a Wanted Dead or Alive poster is only posted on the Internet once that person does not show up in court to defend himself and it is proven in court. That person has a right to defend himself in court before the Wanted Dead or Alive poster is posted on the Internet. They are contacted ahead of time to be given this option.

    The only way to beat those in the drug business is to kill them like it was in the wild wild west. Dead or alive. Double the price if you capture them alive to deliver them to the US government or whichever government provides the bounty. We are not allowed to torture them, but we can execute them. Firing squads should do just fine as many bullets as it takes. Hanging seems a bit cruel to me. So would gassing, crucifixion and throwing them into a vat of boiling oil. Drugging them so they die peacefully would not be right either. Let them die by the bullet. The bullet is their business model, so let them receive one bullet in the abdomen so they don't die immediately. If they are still alive after 3 hours, shoot them in the gut again. That seems just. Generate advertising revenue on a tv channel to promote the business of killing drug dealers. I believe this is God's will because the damage that exists today and wasted resources on fighting drug dealers is very inefficient. It's time to get real!

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    If a human being doesn't have a conscience to realize by his engaging in producing these drugs, selling these drugs or defending this industry is a crime against humanity then they belong on the hit list.

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    Sadly, it takes actual Christians to point out this is the solution.

    I would suggest something else. Let's say a member of a cartel captures one of those individuals on the Wanted list and delivers him to the government dead or alive. If he does this and quits the business, he can be removed from the list.

    The problem I see is that if a person does change his ways while still on the list, how does he get taken off the Hit list? That is a quagmire for that individual.

    The solution, of course, is if that person freely turns himself into the authorities, he will not receive the firing squad; though, he must face whatever the court determines as appropriate punishment and sentencing. Sounds fair.

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    The other option instead of a Wanted List and Hit Men for hire, is make it all legal and sell these drugs in grocery stores. Tax the drug business and reduce the deficit. I don't think that's a good idea because clearly these drugs are so offensive to be so easily able to purchase for 1/10th of the current cost, or less, will establish a base of users addicted for such a cheap price that an epidemic will arise especially in economic downturns. Not to mention the fact their productive contribution to society goes out the window. And there will always be those who can't afford it even at the lowered cost so they will commit crimes for it. Next thing you know the IRS will put all these drug dealing tax evaders in jail and will need an army of soldiers to do so. Nothing changes.

    So the only solution is treat it like the wild west with Wanted Posters on the Internet and put a price on their heads for producing and distributing drugs. The price doubles if you bring them into the authorities alive rather than dead so the government can put them to the firing squad. The highest price obviously goes for the drug lord and drops in price going down the chain of command in the organizational structure of the drug cartel.

    I am not afraid of actual solutions to actual problems. As a result of this approach USA would have hundreds of thousands of less people in jail because they won't be able to feed their drug addiction anymore since there is nowhere to purchase the stuff. Simple possession of drugs of some relatively small quantity is not justification to be in jail. Yet hundreds of thousands of people are in jail just for that reason in United States.

    The Christian has the solution since we have a conscience in Christ, but the Christian can't get stuff done often because society blocks us because of religious prejudice. For example, I am speaking now, but who is listening? Who really cares to take real substantive action as outlined here? The Christian will be accused of proposing something so radical or unloving, yet it is loving and it is the truth. Love is not unjust.

    This is why the ultimate solution is Jesus who is love and the way, the truth and the life must return with authority of His words to take control of the situation with a "rod of iron" with His overcoming saints to reign over the nations instead of the existing people in political and corporate power who will rape and pillage given half the chance. They are too corrupt to do the right thing.

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    And if you don't believe me we could at least try the Wanted Dead or Alive method. If it doesn't work then we could legalize drugs so you can buy them at your nearest convenience store. I don't favor trying the latter before the former because that would be caving in.

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    We need to kill the head of the snake. Cause and effect. What the governments of the world are doing is cutting the worm in half or a third or a quarter, but the worm always grows back. The worm will keep growing back, but if you cut off the head of the snake, there is no need to cut the worm in half because the worm goes away by itself because it has nothing to feed on anymore. It tends to feed on job opportunities in the drug business set up by drug lords.

    The head of the snake are drug lords and people all the way down the chain of command to a point. I am sure there are brave men and woman in the world who are willing to kill drug leaders and high ranking members of their drug business. Everything has a price.

    Satan uses money to quantify everything including human value, just like the banking industry puts a value on human beings by an average wage in society depending on how much money they print and how little interest can be earned on savings with a policy of ZIRP. Zero interest means zero human value. Well since Satan is still god of this world let's use this evil for good and start creating long lists of people in the drug business to kill them off. This will create new millionaires in society whose work is to track people down on the Hit list and legally kill them. As for many bankers we don't need to kill them, but we do need to imprison them for a very long time. The punishment should fit the crime.

    It's so obvious a solution but everyone has their head up their ass.

    I think the lobbyists to keep the drug war going are doling out so much money to politicians for politicians to do the right thing is virtually impossible.

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    A business man who would like to profit off of the drug industry and contribute to society in an ethical way will not think of selling guns, transportation, monitoring equipment and other ways to profit off the battle. He will introduce a really effective way such as that proposed here, by asking government to get out the way and change the laws. Change the laws to create a Wanted Dead or Alive system so the business man can hire people to kill drug dealers legally. A drug dealer is not afraid until this happens. You have to up the ante to that which the drug dealer responds to. They only understand the gun so the gun is the business of the business man who will convince drug dealers to find a new line of work.

    You will see the world shape up real fast as all the wasted time and energy is diverted away from trying to police all this evil activity. Of course, there needs to be legal precedence about exactly how to do this. The person who is put on the Wanted List must already be proven to have committed the crime. If said person does not want to defend himself after being served that's his choice not to appear in court. If the case is proven, he goes up on the list on the Internet Wanted Dead or Alive.

    People should not go to jail for taking drugs, but they should be killed for being drug lords or drug producers. Kill the head of the snake. Sooner the better.

    By the way legalizing drugs is legalizing the activities of drug lords, the worst people on earth who will kill to defend their business come hell or highwater, taxes or no taxes.

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    The sad fact of this video with such extensive talks by world leaders about what to do against the drug industry is that they admit they have no solution.

    If all options that you know of don't work then try that which you have not considered - a Wanted Dead or Alive list on the Internet of drug lords and high ranking drug workers.

    I know this is God's will. If implemented the suffering will end. I also realize the nations of the world have to come together in providing funding to award those who kill drug lords. There can't be a bounty of $2 million in one country for a drug lord then $500,000 from another country for the same drug lord.

    Let governments create the Wanted List together, produce the funding together and the rules surrounding this enterprise. Perhaps a country with a higher GDP should pay more or perhaps based on that particular drug dealer's sphere of work, the countries he impacts should pay more for his capture dead or alive.

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    Something tells me deep down inside everyone knows this needs to be done but are afraid to say it. Just like Israel had to kill off the Canaan tribes that practice child sacrifices, but because they did not complete the task God used those nations that were left to make Israel's life difficult as Israel remained in deep sin worshiping idols.

    This actually continues today in a form, because Gaza and the West bank that belong to Israel are a thorn in Israel's side. But since these locations don't practice child sacrifices anymore except with suicide mass murderers to a lesser extent, God no longer wants them to be killed off, but increasingly as a buffer zone Israel must claim these lands that rightly belong to them instead of pussy footing around.

    It is their sovereign right to defend themselves, and as these Muslim societies keep attacking Israel with thousands and thousands of rockets, Israel has a right to claim the land as their own (even if no rockets were fired). Just as the USSR had a right to create a buffer zone of eastern block countries so does Israel today.

    Israel will be accused of as occupation and apartheid, but in reality, it is self-preservation and a right to defend oneself. Each nation has this God given right.

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    As Attorney General, Eric Holder has been a staunch defender of the President's legal right to prosecute the War on Terror. In May 2011, Holder testified before Congress on the legality of the operation where US special forces killed Osama Bin Laden earlier that month. Holder testified that the operation to kill Bin Laden was legal, stating that international law allows for targeting enemy commanders. To support this point, Holder said that computer evidence seized from the raid demonstrated that Bin Laden was still leading al-Qaeda. Moreover, Holder said, the Navy Seals conducted themselves in a manner consistent with American values, and that the parameters of the mission included capturing Bin Laden.

    Why then can't we create a Wanted List Dead or Alive for drug lords and their immediate circle closest to the drug lords? Some of these drug lords have killed far more people than Osama killed.

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