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Thread: Aliens Don't Exist and If They Did, It's Irrelevant

  1. #31
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    You start out faulty because science doesn't come from nothing. It has a cause. It is illogical to forsake the cause of science and only accept science is true, otherwise your premise could be false.

    Before we move onto your other points, I thought we could start with your first point.

  2. #32
    yiweitech Guest


    Science is caused by science, not God, you tell me that God has some hand in science, please prove it or I really wouldn't believe it. Science is true because the universe exists, the universe bounds us using science, and we can use science to achieve great things which God has no hand in even if he existed.

  3. #33
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    The laws that govern science can't pop into existence from nothing, for that which does not exist can't cause anything such as the laws of science.

    You have proposed the reason why science exists is because the universe exists. So go to the next step and ask what caused the universe? Don't shut your mind down for Satan.

  4. #34
    yiweitech Guest


    The universe was caused by the big bang, what the big bang was caused by, we don't know yet, but if was by some supreme being, why can't there be other lifeforms? And that supreme being would be an extraterrestrial
    Merriam Webster: "originating, existing, or occurring outside of earth's atmosphere"
    A supreme being not of our universe certainly qualifies.

  5. #35
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    We do know the big bang did not come from nothing so it must come from something.

    A supreme being we are talking about is uncreated, timeless and spaceless. Whereas a life form is not.

    So it is fair to ask what caused a particular life form, but illogical to ask what caused the uncaused cause since by definition being uncaused always existed.

  6. #36
    yiweitech Guest


    I don't care if it's timeless, spaceless, or whatever, it came from outside of Earth's atmosphere and that makes it extraterrestrial. Now as to if god is a life form, god stated that there were gods before him, so obviously they are not timeless, but then again, the bible is full of contradictions, mistakes, and imperfections because it was written by HUMANS. You think that God may have wanted to hire a proofreader. Now, many modern researchers believe in multiverses, does god play a hand in those other universes too? Now you claiming that god always existed, why would he create us? why would he create a being of such imperfect and incompetent people? why in the universe would he bother to want races lesser than him? to rule over them? but no, he is all good and almighty and would never do such a thing, so he was bored? being the only thing in the nothingness? so was god the singularity? does a god exist inside every black hole?
    P.S. please move on to my actual points, we can spend decades debating the dictionary definition of a fictional character.

  7. #37
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    You are talking about some god you claim had gods existing before him. If such gods were true then you would still have to ask what caused those gods.

    Whereas I am talking about the God of the Bible in which He says there are no gods before Him, beside Him, or after Him since He is uncreated, thus alone from everlasting.

  8. #38
    yiweitech Guest


    Okay so what came before him? nothing? so he created himself, out of his own image, which is nothing...seems why would he create mortals again?

  9. #39
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    That's illogical to say the uncreated created himself since he already existed.

  10. #40
    yiweitech Guest


    It is illogical to say there is something that was uncreated and just bam...smack down in the middle of nothing, it is even more illogical to believe so with the only evidence in the form of a single book.

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