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Thread: Greetings and Peace to Y'all - I have questions/comments regarding opposing forces~~~

  1. #1
    Cowboy Guest

    Default Greetings and Peace to Y'all - I have questions/comments regarding opposing forces~~~

    I am new and I look forward to learning more here. Thank Y'all in advance.

    I have had my faith strengthened of which I never think it can be stronger, but I am always amazed with the work Christ blesses me with in my faith and grounding that faith in Him. I have been experiencing this since about 2008 when I had to close a mortgage company due to the financial crash. Since then, I have completely wiped out my savings and retirement. Presently, I have no income, am on food stamps and wildly amazed that I have been able to keep two homes. I have learned to let real estate work for me and I rent out one with a 'roommate,' which allows me to enjoy that home on occasion. And, recently, I felt a strong vision that I should rent my other home and travel for one year. This was seemingly working out with qualified candidates responding to my ad, etc. This feels like the right path.

    I grew up with an abusive Mother and I learned to love her from afar. She is still abusive and she has isolated herself from the rest of the family. My Dad died when I was six (6) years old. As an adult, I realized that the abuse was egregious, asked her to seek professional help and the abuse worsened. I wish nothing but the best for her and she has long since been forgiven; however, I know to keep a healthy distance or the quality of my life, happiness, love will spiral downward and my stress level will increase rapidly. Last Christmas was the first time in years that I did not receive a Christmas card from her. Previously, there was always a sarcastic note or a quip about her being a victim.....all very insincere. I noticed the no card because of the things that have occurred since then. I feel like she has been replaced by others coming into my life.....although, I must admit that the others are very, very short lived in attempting destruction in my life.

    I evicted a 'crazy-maker' from one home and she did some very strange things, took items, broke items and yet very effectively put the blame on me or others.....she was a victim. With that, I was awarded a judgment and I recently filed a lien against her property. I was receiving communications strongly that it was time to stand up for myself, so I did and I took her to court. Just before the court date, I began to feel horrible and was diagnosed with shingles and I was in bed for three weeks. Prior to that, I seemed to have gotten every virus going around. Now, I am having tenderness in my hand and it is unexplained. I have always had a strong immune system and in stellar health. My work has completely dried up now. One vehicle developed a noise and it was $5K to repair so I sold it and I have been living on that money. I have another vehicle, but it is older and has a bad engine. I am thankful for it, but I do need a reliable car.

    In deciding to rent my other home, all kinds of crazy things have been happening - electrical issues that indicate a failing neutral wire, which is a hazard; a lot of little things going awry and still no work. I am working through minor repairs, but it is increasing more frustrating in trying to get everything is a variable.
    I have someone looking at my home next week and she can pay six (6) mos. in advance, which will help catch up the mortgage and allow me to not go into foreclosure.

    My faith has become so strong that I cannot help but wonder if the evil forces are coming my way even stronger. I feel a spiritual warfare surrounding me. Yesterday, I went to my Church for deep, solitary prayer and I stated that nothing will stop my faith and that I am determined and not giving up, knowing that benevolence is indeed here for me. In Jesus' Name, I have commanded all satanic forces to get thee behind me. I have never been happier and this is indeed a very dark time. For the first time in my life, I am asking for health, wealth and love.

    Not only have I always enjoyed great health, but my cat has as well. We believe he now has a heart condition. The issue is having no money to get him proper care. But, I am determined to do everything I can for him and help him back to good health.

    The 'hits' keep coming. And, I am quite tired of it, declaring victory in Christ. I know that Our Father is with me, but I really need to feel His Spirit against all of this craziness. I have tugged at His Garments, knocked on His Door and begged for mercy and miracles. Every little bit of money, I consider a miracle. And, I am very, very overwhelmed with gratitude.

    Please help me. What can I do to abate all of this negativity and get back on track of benevolence and goodness flowing daily. It's like I have to stop my progress in moving forward to deal with these emergencies.....all of which require money and I have none coming in, except the possibility of the new tenant paying six months now. Additionally, I have a large claim against BP and have had visions that they will try to settle with me now. I accept this as it will allow me to tithe strongly, pay off revolving debt, buy a car and put money back in the bank.

    What is critical right now: a good, low maintenance, reliable car; my health restored; my cat's health restored; attracting good, Christ-loving people; and, money.....enough money flowing here to help me over this hump. I have no one to turn to financially. I am completely dependent upon God. All of my trust, faith and love are in Him. I do know that in the big picture, everything is greater than fine. I know that all is fine now. I know that my salvation is here. I have asked God to protect me with His Army of Angels and to deflect all evil away from me, my family and belongings so that I can move forward in His Will.

    I am not certain if I believe that evil is capable of this kind of attack, but it such an uncanny convergence and I have never experienced this before in my life, that I believe I need to open my eyes more, yet, it has been exhausting and I simply need a break. I have asked God for a break. In the past, He has responded to this quickly. I want to work and I want to attract great clients, yet I still feel blocked. If I am allowing evil into my mind, I choose to stop this now. I choose God's Will.

    What can I do? Your knowledge is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!!

    Peace and Love!!

  2. #2
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    The Holy Spirit is telling me several things that I can list for you in short order:

    1) You're not sending out enough applications to get a job.

    And according to your profile:

    2) You worship a false Christ who does not allow people to eternally separate themselves from Him.
    3) You reject the Word of God is complete in the 66 books of the Bible.
    4) And you are a legalist requiring baptism by physical water.

    In closing, these false teachings you have are as much symptoms of your spiritual condition and false faith which leads to your various ailments, trials and tribulations. Unless you are willing to accept the true Jesus Christ how can you expect further problems that stem from this to not come down the pike? You speak of those who profess they are victims, but the Holy Spirit is telling me that you are projecting their condition onto yourself, for deep down inside you sense you are a victim when you are not at all. You are responsible for your failure in your mortgage business and to be in that business in the first place. It's time to take the bull by the horn and send out at least 10 resumes per day until you are back to work. Getting back to work will help your physical problems also.

    The yoke would be so much easier for you if you accepted man has free will to eternally separate himself from God as this reflects man's true condition God created in His image and honors man's choice. The yoke would further be untangled if you accepted God's word is complete in 66 books, not add to it or take away from it. Don't allow your flesh to add and take away from God's word. And lastly, when you focus on the physical you miss the mark. What you need is to:

    1) Accept the true Jesus and stop worshiping a false Christ.
    2) Be baptized with or without water (as this is a spiritual condition, not a physical one) and the Holy Spirit: allow God to give you the sense of coming out of the world as a sojourner.
    3) Engage in God's desire for the dividing of your spirit, soul and body as per Heb. 4.12. Read this book slowly and deeply 5 hours a day, and read it a second time in the same manner until it fully sinks in,

    The mistakes you have made are due to the mingling of your spirit, soul and body which need to be divided. What Satan tries to mingle, God divides.

  3. #3
    Cowboy Guest


    I will remain neutral and without judgment, not pointing out any ill-perceived negatives in any person’s faith because I believe that it is very personal. However, I will address some of your comments. And, I thank you for responding.

    Within the Christian Faith, there are arguments/points and counter-argument/points for critical aspects of ones’ beliefs. That said, I was reared believing that Baptism by water is essential to receive the Holy Spirit, which some consider that an immersion in the Holy Spirit is baptism. I will never negate one’s belief unless it is regarding the renouncing of Christ as his or her Saviour. In the Bible, there are 57 verses which speak of Baptism by water; only one of these is in the Old Testament. Baptism without water primarily was an Old Testament method and is only referenced seven times in the New Testament. (I like the number seven, particularly in this regard.) I choose in my faith to not negate either method as both are discussed in The Holy Bible, but when faith is so personal, I choose to explain the differences to someone to whom I might be administering. In my Christian faith and my personal theology, yes, I believe that water baptism is essential to receive the Holy Spirit/Ghost. Holy Spirit Baptism is heavily believed in Charismatic and/or Pentecostal denominations and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this belief.

    I worship and believe in the Triune. God is three: God is Supernatural; God is Man; and, God is Spirit. God is Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent. I believe The Holy Bible is the Word. I also, in my intellect, believe that early priests quite possibly could have manipulated this beautiful book and there is a possibility of missing text. Additionally, through translations from Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek to Latin and then under Prince James, the daunting 12 year translation into Old English, there is a possibility of two things: omissions and embellishments. While I believe that people who touched the Word were inspired by the Holy Spirit to accurately record the Old and New Testaments, I do very much believe in Free Will, which is a gift from God and the very early priests were the only persons allowed to touch a Bible. Additionally, we have factual data in the Dead Sea Scrolls of missing text, which would have been part of the Old Testament as they were written in Hebrew. These were only discovered in the 20th Century. To continue this thought process, the Gospels were recorded approximately 50-85 years after the Crucifixion, with John’s recording at approximately 75-85AD. My discernment/faith and intellect further tell me that these Gentlemen as Apostles were much older then. Also, it is widely believed that the Apostles conferred and corroborated with one another to ensure accuracy and this has negated that Matthew actually wrote the book himself. He relied heavily on Mark’s accounting. I revere the prose and differences of each one of these Books.

    I could be offended by your accusations and admonishments. But, being offended would make me narrow-minded. However, I simply choose to acknowledge that within the Christian Faith, there are many differing beliefs of which you and I disagree. I would never begin to tell someone based upon a post on a message board what you have accused of me. I respect your beliefs and in closing, my ultimate question was not answered.

    I have lived my life believing that evil was certainly a much, much lesser energy than the Benevolence of the Trinity. It is only recently that I am considering the fact that if one believes in Christ, then conversely one believes in evil as they are opposing beings/forces. If you do not believe in evil or satanic forces, then your love for God is not coming from true Free Will. It is the beauty and the gift of Free Will to recognize and discern good from evil and ultimately choose Christ. It is possible that in believing that evil can be stirred, it can also be immediately snuffed by one’s belief in the Trinity. “Get thee behind me now in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour.”

    If this forum is not a safe place to inquire without being erroneously judged, then I will seek this elsewhere. Otherwise, if someone has input regarding my original post, I look forward to reading your responses. Thank you in advance.

    Peace and Love to you!

  4. #4
    Cowboy Guest


    Being strong in my faith, I explored a few items here. What I have found is a group that if you do not agree with, you are admonished, banned, and been given an infraction. Here is what I know about Christianity: Jesus Christ rejected absolutely no one. The Church I attend is open to all and if it ever rejected someone based upon their beliefs, etc, I would be crushed and broken-hearted, much as I felt perusing this site and seeing you judge and tell people that they would be banned if they did not repent. I can tell you that you are not The Judge or My Judge. God is my Judge. Further, love is the glue to Christianity as well as many World Faiths. When I am faced with situations such as what I experienced here, I deliberate in my mind this: Judge not lest ye be judged; and, is this person coming from a place of love and integrity?

    This is a message board. This is not an organized Church. You might have a religious organization via the internet, but there is amazing power, love and spirit in a physical structure, which across all Christian Denominations is considered The Lord's House. The Lord was a very strict God in the Old Testament and He lovingly mellowed with the conception, birth, life and death of His Only Son, Jesus Christ, Our Saviour. Further, Jesus reduced the Ten Commandments to two simple beautiful commandments: Love the Lord, your God, with all you heart, body and soul; and, love thy neighbor as thyself. These are the greatest two commandments and override all else.

    For the people are building this organization, I say this: While I agree that there are some strange denominations/beliefs within the Christian Faith, I have never, ever, seen or experienced such vitriol to other human beings......all in the Name of Christ. Whether these people are seeking or simply curious about your beliefs, a kinder approach will grant you more questions, followers, expansion, etc.....whatever it is you are choosing to accomplish. But, to admonish, ban and blatantly tell someone they are not Christian is an abomination.

    To all of you here who are members of this website and advocates of biblocality, please consider not being so angry. Please consider being open to others. We are all walking the planet together. None of my communities are hateful like this one from the perceived owners of or organizers of this site.

    I came upon this forum to ask a specific question, which was not addressed. I will continue to peruse this site as there absolutely is some useful material here, but not from certain members who take it upon themselves to judge others. In this, I wish you well.

    I hope your community expands in true peace and love.

    In Christ,

    Last edited by Cowboy; 06-12-2013 at 04:29 PM. Reason: typo

  5. #5
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    The gospel of salvation is given to all no matter how personal someone may think that infringes on them. Actually, if you really love someone you will point out mistaken beliefs and mistaken assumptions, otherwise you don't really care for others. You sound like you only wanted to receive praise not real help.

    The condition for receiving the Holy Spirit is being born-again not baptism. Baptism of water and the Holy Spirit is the experience one undergoes of dying to the world and coming out of the world after one is saved. Otherwise, it becomes a work and we are not saved by works. Since baptism in the NT occurs with or without water, we should treat the water as symbolic only.

    You are absolutely wrong about the Holy Spirit. Jesus said the Holy Spirit is given when a person is born-again. This shows you were never born-again, because you admit you never received the Holy Spirit at new birth. What you entered into was the baptism of the evil spirit who claims the Holy Spirit is not given until sometime later. Charismatic gibberish babblers are not saved either, for they claim the infilling, more than just receiving the Holy Spirit, is through gibberish babble which of course is nonsense. Tongues are the gift of languages to spread the gospel to the nations not mindless gibberish. Satan tries to engulf you in passivity through gibberish babble. Pentecostals are not Christians. They worship a false Christ as do you. It's your choice to continue to want to worship a false Christ. All I can do is point out your error.

    The infilling of the Holy Spirit comes with the dividing of one's spirit, soul and body.

    God has given us His word passed down in 66 books. He does not leave out chapters or books, so you simply don't trust in the God who can do this. This opens the door for false teachers who will add things to God's word or take away like Catholics and Eastern Orthodox who have added various books.

    You don't believe in free will because your idea of free will is not having the free choice to be eternally separated from God in Hell. You believe in a Calvinistic idea that people are all irresistibly forced to believe or a 7th Day Adventist idea that people who are not saved are annihilated. Either way, you are wrong.

    Matthew wrote Matthew. However much you think anyone corroborated, Matthew wrote Matthew. Each of the 4 gospels are so different from one another, they were independently written.

    Your extreme liberal take on many different doctrines that contradict each other as acceptable is certainly not God's will and entirely Satan's work that you embrace. Do you also think Muslims are not going to Hell either?

    You are not banned here for disagreeing (presently you are not banned), but for not abiding in the rules of the forum which are reasonable rules one should expect anywhere. So your accusation people are banned here simply for disagreeing is sinning bearing false witness on your part.

    Jesus kicked the dust under his feet with many people. He said to the Apostles after they deliver the gospel if it is not received, move on.

    You are a hypocrite because you say not to judge but then you judge. How's that being neutral? All you are doing is exalting your flesh. That is entirely doubleminded. Shame on you. What love is that? Your integrity is deplorable. Judging is alright as long as you are doing it.

    The Bible is against denominations: don't say I of Cephas, or I of Apollos. The church of a locality is the only way the Bible defines the universal body of believers. It's not what you think: massively contradictory organizations. Rather, Apostles are directly chosen by God who work regionally and appoint Elders of a church locality. If this is something you don't want to accept, your issue is not really with me, but with the word of God.

    Physical structures are not considered the Lord's house. The Lord's house are the churches. The churches are identified according to their locality. Within a locality there are many meeting places that don't require a physical structure. You are vain to think so. If someone asks me what church I belong to, I tell them to the church of my locality, and don't ascribe to a cult-like movement of Pentecostals or some denomination that spans not only states but countries and continents.

    The purpose of Biblocality forums is to express these points, to emphasize them, and bring peoples' attention to them the Biblical definition of the Church, not your version.

    Christians here are not angry. With love we have shared the truth with you, but instead you have accused like Satan. Why so angry? Your frustrating life circumstances you're taking out on me. You seem to be projecting your own anger unto us.

    I hope you one day appreciate the answers given to your questions in your opening post will help you repent, for they show the source of your problems whether you want to accept it or not.

    Praise the Lord!

  6. #6
    Strengthened Guest


    One last comment. Since I am of satan, fuck off. YES, to you, I say, "Fuck the Fuck Off."
    Last edited by Churchwork; 06-13-2013 at 01:17 AM. Reason: Profanity and false accusation.

  7. #7
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    You're profanity is terrible, and yes, I know you are not a child of God because you are not born-again and do not have the Holy Spirit, for you admit you are a of Satan. Your anger and hostility is palpable. Since you admit you are of Satan realize you are going to Hell to be eternally separated from God.

    You should not lie on your profile claiming you are a Christian then call yourself of Satan. What a warped mind you have.

    You're the same person with the same IP address as Cowboy answering the profile questions differently this time showing an inconsistency in your heart and doubleminded.

    Such dishonesty is not going to work here.

  8. #8
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    I understand that you believe you don't have the Holy Spirit when you were saved. Think again.

    Besides bestowing life to believers at new birth, the Holy Spirit executes a further work of abiding in them. How regrettable for us if we forget this! “A new heart I will give you and a new spirit I will put within you ... and I will put my Spirit within you” (Ezek. 36.26-27). Note that immediately after the clause “a new spirit I will put within you” there follows this one of “I will put my Spirit within you.” The first statement signifies that believers shall receive a new spirit through the renewal of their deadened spirit by the incoming of life. The second has reference to the indwelling or the abiding of the Holy Spirit in that renewed spirit of theirs. Believers at new birth obtain not only a new spirit but also the Holy Spirit dwelling within. Is it not sad that many fail to understand the newness of their spirit and the abiding of the Holy Spirit in their new spirit? Christians need not delay many years following regeneration and then suddenly wake up and seek the Holy Spirit; they have His entire personality abiding in them—not just visiting them—at the moment they are saved. The Apostle exhorts us on this wise: “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” (Eph. 4.30). The use of the word “grieve” here and not “anger” reveals the Holy Spirit’s love. “Grieve” it says and not “cause to depart,” for “he dwells with you and will be in you” (John 14.17). While every born-again believer does have the Holy Spirit permanently residing in him, nevertheless the plight of the indwelling Spirit may not be the same in all saints—He may be either grieved or gladdened.

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