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Thread: My Racquetball Canada Rankings

  1. #1
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    Default My Racquetball Canada Rankings

    Ranking for January 17, 2013:

    1) 12th in Canada (very briefly 9th in Canada between ranking updates after beating 9th ranked Ashton Duda, Regina and 5th ranked Nathaniel Husulak, Saskatoon).
    - previous highest ranking 15th in Canada somewhere back in the 1990's
    - highest ranking at the age of 45
    - I never even got into the top 10 before...
    2) 1st in Canada 45+
    3) 1st in Canada 40+
    4) 2nd in Canada 35+
    5) 4th in Canada 30+
    6) 9th in Canada 25+
    7) 2nd in Alberta

    First two goals reached: 1st in Canada 40+ and top 20. Third goal: top 10 in Canada.

    Unfortunately Jack McBride, the president of Racquetball Canada, is trying to get me banned from Racquetball Canada sanctioned tournaments. His hostility stems from the fact that I believe Jesus is God according to the Scriptures and Jack does not. He is lashing out by trying to martyr me, for he knows that I know he is going to Hell according to God's word-the 66 books of the Bible-since he will never give his life to Christ. At the end of the day he's a bad guy as are all those who are going to Hell.

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  2. #2
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    Rankings for Feb. 5, 2013:

    1) 13th in Canada
    2) 1st in Canada 40+
    3) 2nd in Canada 35+
    4) 4th in Canada 30+
    5) 2nd in Alberta

    Goal: top 10 in Canada.

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    Tim Landeryou is doing terrific. He beat Kris Odegard (#3) in the 2012 Nationals so is tracking him. He beat Mike Green (#1) in the 2013 Brossard Selection so he moved up from 4th in Canada to 3rd in front of Kris, now tracking #1. This is deserving not just because Tim is playing great but because Kris has a tendency to forfeit his next round of play in order to protect his ranking.

    Jack McBride is trying to get Racquetball Canada to remove my Christian link on my profile, my favorite website, that also exposes Barbara May for lying to protect her hide. When I exposed her publically in 2009, she tried to cover it up by banning me from the Alberta Racquetball Association sanctioned tournaments which remains in effect to this day. John Halko, the president of the Alberta Racquetball Association, is also guilty for he is behind this unjust behavior. Evil world! It is no surprise all three of these individuals are antichrist. They reject Jesus as God Who died on the cross for the sins of the world and was resurrected the third day to prove He is God. According to the Bible they are going to Hell. Jesus spoke about Hell more than anyone. Read John chapter 3.

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  3. #3
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    Rankings for March 18, 2013:

    1) 2nd in Alberta
    2) 14th in Canada
    3) 1st in Canada 45+ (2nd in Canada 40+)
    4) 3rd in Canada 35+

    Goal: top 10 in Canada.

  4. #4
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    My rankings for April 10, 2013:

    1) 2nd in Alberta
    2) 14th in Canada
    3) 1st in Canada 45+ (2nd 40+)
    4) 3rd in Canada 35+
    5) 5th in Canada 30+

    Goal: top 10 in Canada

    The top ranked player 19-24 is Pedro Castro who is 10th in Canada.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  5. #5
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    May 12, 2013 rankings:

    1) 2nd in Alberta
    2) 14th in Canada
    3) 1st in Canada 45+ (2nd 40+)
    4) 3rd in Canada 35+
    5) 5th in Canada 30+

    Goal: top 10.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  6. #6
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    June 11, 2013 Canada racquetball rankings:

    1) 14th in Canada
    2) 2nd in Alberta
    3) 1st in Canada 45+ (2nd 40+)
    4) 3rd in Canada 35+
    5) 5th in Canada 30+

    Pedro is one of my favorite players. He moved up from 10th to 7th in the latest ranking update.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  7. #7
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    Ranking updates never quite following the guidelines set by Racquetball Canada which are suppose to be the 2nd Tuesday of EVERY month.

  8. #8
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    Still no ranking update Nov. 18, 2013 even though the first Selection event for the 2013-14 season is taking place in Winnipeg Nov. 28 to Dec. 1, 2013. The ranking coordinator is probably trying to get a couple tournaments from Nov. 15-17 weekend into the ranking update for a more accurate seating for the first Selection event.

    The ranking procedure states: "Prior to Racquetball Canada Selection Events, a separate update will be done exactly 2 weeks prior to the start of the tournament."

    I complained about this to Racquetball Canada in 2012 but it fell on deaf ears. The next ranking update in 2012 took 6 months to update.

    The last ranking update was July 26, 2013. There have been several tournaments since then.

    My view is if the ranking procedure states rankings are to be updated every month then update them every month, otherwise change the rules if whoever is in charge can't abide in the procedure, or get someone who will.

    Clearly it states: "Ranking updates are normally done on the second Tuesday of every month throughout the year." There should have been an update on the second Tuesday in November as well as an update after that before the Winnipeg Selection event.

    In the corporate world this failing to follow procedure would not be allowed. Government sponsored entities and non-profit organizations tend to be slackers. If Racquetball Canada is seen not to care then why should players? Understandably, players lose interest. They should always update the rankings each month on time -- no questions asked. It's good for business. And, of course, do another update for special events.

  9. #9
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    Default Percentage of Christians in the Racquetball Community Across Canada Still Falling

    I do look forward to playing in Alberta racquetball tournaments one day after John Halko, Gordon Cutting, Barbara May and Allen Bauman pass away, thus, removed from their majority vote preventing me from playing in tournaments in Alberta. It's an evil world, Satan is the god of this world, and these are his evil followers doing his bidding.

    Even though I am banned from playing in racquetball tournaments in Alberta by the mean spirited non-Christians John Halko and Barbara May (covering up her lie to protect her hide) going on 5 years now, I watched a match at the 2013 Edmonton Open at the Glen Allen Recreation Complex between 15 year old Graham Frattinger (192nd in Canada Nov. 21, 2013) and Al Bauman (139th in Canada). I really wanted Graham to win as it would help out his rankings, jumping up from 192 to above 150 in Canada. He is going to be a top Canadian player.

    My intervention against Al Bauman (board member of the Alberta Racquetball Association) was motivated, in part, because he doesn't accept the Lord Jesus as his Savior, and I like showing the power of the Holy Spirit at work to help lead non-Christians to Christ. This was an opportunity to do so. I think how much better Kane Waselenchuk could have been if he gave his life to Christ, like Rocky Carson has who consistently held the second ranked spot on the IRT for years which pays better than 3rd or 4th. In fact, for the first time in years, Kane is ranked #2 on the IRT, and Rocky Carson at the age of 34 is ranked #1 Nov. 22, 2013 (see attachment).

    I believe Kane who seems to be injury prone quite a lot over the years, missing lots of tournaments and defaulting matches due to injury, would have been less injured if he was a Christian intuitively being led by the Holy Spirit in his spirit. It's amazing how Rocky Carson is almost never injured. That is a testament to the Holy Spirit in his spirit guiding him intuitively to take care of himself and listen to his body. Kane lost his first match (without an injury forfeit) in over 4 1/2 years to Jose Rojas in the first tournament of the 2013-14 season, the 2013 Kansas City Ghost of Georgetown. But if you watch that match on you'll notice Kane injured himself and was limping. I believe this is the reason he lost the match.

    Graham Frattinger was trying various serves that were not working against the physically stronger Allen Bauman. Intuitively, it occurred to me that Graham, being left handed, needed to serve the DBZ. And it worked like a charm.

    There are over 30 different serves -- a unique element to racquetball. The outcome of a match can quite often change by finding the right serve but easier said than done especially when you are under pressure in a heated match. The real value of a coach is discerning what that serve is. Intuition is strengthened if you can back it up by collecting lots of data to support it. Learning to play racquetball intuitively, and less by momentary feeling in your outer man, can greatly enhance your game. We are to live by faith and leading of the Holy Spirit in our spirits. But if you are too self-centered and self-absorbed to give your life to Christ, the Holy Spirit won't oust the evil spirit in your spirit.

    A good example of this is the year Kane won his first IRT stop (2001), after I beat Bill Shepley in the semi's, I played Kane in the Canadian Klondike final in Edmonton and took him to the tiebreaker (11-8). After the match, to everyone I gave the glory to Jesus. I remember Cam Bourque's wife, she is not a Christian but a Roman Catholic, was offended by me doing so, came up to me after the match and said as much. That was strange to say the least. Rocky Carson does it all the time. That was the first time in my life I did that after a tournament. I was newly saved, born-again Jan. 2001. The Klondike was in July. What most people don't know is that I was heavily into reading The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee, experiencing a deep dividing of my spirit, soul and body according to Heb. 4.12: "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints [motion] and marrow [sensation], and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart [mind, understanding and intellect]." "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit [God-consciousness: intuition, communion and conscience] and soul [self-consciousness: mind, will and emotion] and body [world-consciousness: 5 senses] be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thess. 5.23).

    Children seem to be more receptive to the cross of salvation. I have never met anyone over the age of 40 who ever gave their life to Christ. You have had more than enough time to decide. However, there are some rare exceptions, individuals that give their lives to Christ past the age of 40, but they are very rare indeed. You don't need a million years let alone a few decades to make your decision for Christ. Suffice it to say, once you leave your body of flesh and blood, your decision is final. But kids seem to be more receptive and less hardened by god of this world. For example, I was eating at Wendy's yesterday, and in the next booth was a family talking about money on and on seemingly endlessly. I turned around and said, "Whether rich or poor, if you give your life to Christ, you'll be good." And the youngest member of the family, a girl no older than 10, said to her family, "I told you so." That was truly beautiful! A child who has not yet received Christ is far less jaded than an adult who has rejected Christ for decades such as John Halko, Barbara May, Jack McBride, Loren Prentice, Cheryl Adlard, Gordon Cutting and many others in the racquetball community in Canada. It hurts my heart to know that they reject Christ and are going to Hell.

    In fact, to my knowledge I am not aware of any board members of Racquetball Canada or the Alberta Racquetball Association or the Edmonton Racquetball Association, except for Doug Jones, whom are Christians.

    At the Winnipeg Selection event in Winnipeg, Manitoba November, 2013 Sherman Greenfield and I discussed the state of racquetball, how it is a shadow of its former days. Sherman and I were contemplating why racquetball has unrelentingly and continuously dropped off for decades, year after year, continuing even to this day. Neither of us could figure out a reason other than to say it's because of the baby boomers. But that doesn't explain why the echo boom hasn't taken up the mantle. It occurs to me the reason why racquetball has fallen so dramatically and key facilities closed, e.g. Saskatoon has only two racquetball courts attached to the side of a YMCA gym, and the Mayfield Athletic Club in Edmonton was replaced with hotel rooms (after John Halko and Barbara May conspired to ban a Christian from this facility). I propose that racquetball in Canada has dropped precipitously and the depth of the talent pool has waned because the percentage of members who are Christians is significantly lower today. This answer satisfies me. It is a judgment from God.

    The way it feels sometimes is there will be nothing but board members left and their well protected expense accounts charged to the provincial associations that raise over $100,000 every couple of years from casinos and collect other free money from the government. Less of it is seen by the players outside the board. And you wonder why racquetball is so dead in Alberta? Players wash their hands of it and quit the sport. The truth is a minimal draw down should go to board members, and most of the funds should go back to the players in the form of free memberships, very low tournament fees, prize money for divisions (like is done in U.S. tournaments) and a greater funding for players that go to national events. For example, the racquetball community did not need to support Barbara May to go to the 2013 Nationals. What a waste of money! She doesn't even play racquetball. I will refrain from mentioning other names (for now), but they have pointed out to me personally, certain individuals (by name) are receiving an exorbitant amount of money for running the junior program which is virtually non-existent. If you don't start right by giving your life to Christ selflessly, naturally you will be self-serving. The latter flows from the former.

    Sometimes I feel like a Jeremiah who preached 40 years and nobody listened with great damaging consequences to Israel. Some may think the drop in racquetball is due to the costliness of the sport, or some other reason, but the true reason is the spiritual condition of its board members and players who refuse to come to the cross as helpless sinners to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior. Consequently, they don't do the right thing, they are out for self and make bad decisions. Lovers of the world preclude being a lover of Christ, a child of God receiving God's blessings.

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  10. #10
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    May 8, 2014 ranking update some interesting developments.

    1) Chris Exner, Saskatoon moved up to 8th in Canada between Lee Connell, Saskatoon (7th) and Nathaniel Husulak, Saskatoon (9th). Chris has the best drive serve in Canada.

    2) Saskatoon now has 6 of the top 10 players in Canada, plus two up and comers, Tanner Prentice (Macrorie near Saskatoon), 26th, and Graham Frattinger #9 (Martensville near Saskatoon). Graham is 2nd in Canada 16 and under. Tanner is 5th in Canada 18 and under.

    3) This is the year if Coby Iwaasa is going to keep pace with Kane Waselenchuk (born 11/9/81) to win his first Nationals at the age of 17. Coby turns 18 in June. Kane won his first IRT pro stop which was in Chicago, beating Sudsy Monchik, a few days before he turned 20. It will be tough for Coby because Mike Green (9/22/73) wants to tie Sherman Greenfield for 10 National titles so Green has to win it this year to do so as he is not getting any younger. To do it next year as well would put him above Sherman. It's an exciting time for racquetball in Canada.

    4) In the past month, Cliff Swain (3/21/66) at the age of 48 beat Green. Cliff and Green swapped wins 1-1 between each other this past 2013/14 season even though Cliff is 8 years older than Green.

    5) Cliff Swain has renewed vigor almost beating Alvaro Beltran at the Ektelon 209 Battle of the Ages 209 IRT pro stop in Stockton May 2014. He would have won 3 straight if he won the 3rd game which he lost 12-10. Since Cliff is tracking Jose Rojas #2, if he had beaten Beltran, Cliff would be ranked 3rd on the USRA at the age of 48. Wow!

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