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Thread: Non-OSASers Have No Idea They are Going to Hell

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    Default Non-OSASers Have No Idea They are Going to Hell

    Quote Originally Posted by Don Mohawk
    Once saved always saved, if one stays with god they will stay with god but always has the choice to go a different way. So once saved they should stay saved if they continue to want to be. Maybe I'm just learning enligish, maybe proper sentences aren't any concern to me because this language is backwards and very misleading with many words meaning the same thing. As long as my point gets across I think that is just enough in this world. Such a sin to mispel wordz? I think not. All kids would be going to hell if that were true.
    Where you are confused is that of whom you gave your life to. Did you give your life to the God who keeps, or did you give your life to a god who might keep? The God of the Bible says those who are born-again "they shall never perish" (John 10.28) so let that be proof you never gave your life to Christ but worship a false Christ.

    "For if some one comes and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or if you receive a different spirit than the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel than the on you accepted, you submit to it readily enough" (2 Cor. 11.4).

    There is nothing wrong with English. It is the best language on the planet. That's why it is the most popular. The problem is you are backward, misleading and careless. A vibrant language has lots of words and meaning. Each word has a subtle difference. You are making excuses for not accepting the plain meaning of John 10.28 and 2 Cor. 11.4 by accepting the suggestions of evil spirits who say English is too difficult and misleading. Then read the Bible in your own language as the intent is the same.

    Nobody says you are going to Hell for misspelling a word. Your thinking is not right falsely accusing people. The reason you are not a Christian, the reason you are going to Hell, is because you refuse to come to the cross as a helpless sinner and receive the Lord Jesus who always keeps His elect.

    In the Bible salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast so it is quite the opposite of all other religions of the world. You boast in a false salvation of self-strength to keep yourself saved in a false salvation at that.

    You are going to Hell. You know that deep down inside. It's what you want. And you will probably never repent sad to say.

  2. #2
    Don Mohawk Guest


    I am not confused about where I'm going or about who I gave my life to. I won't assum you knew what I was getting at, hence the big deal made about not being able to read passed mispelled words. If you need clarity here, people on earth can be saved, but they have a choice to if they want to be. rejecting christ or not and all the actions you do while alive. Just because someone claims christ doesn't mean they will be saved no matter what. Once in heaven always in heaven and once comdemed to hell always in hell. <- hard to read?

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    You purposely misspell words, not even making an effort, which is inconsiderate and lazy. And you don't capitalize Christ showing you don't value Him, but instead value your false Christ.

    You are entirely delusional for the Bible is clear those who are born-again "they shall never perish" (John 10.28). Yet you say they can perish which shows you worship a false Christ, therefore, you most certainly, are going to Hell. You're a bad guy.

    You have the free choice to receive Christ to keep you saved. But you say you don't so you don't want this Jesus who does that. That's the choice you reject so you worship a false Christ.

    Once a child of heaven, always a child of heaven; once a child of God, always a child of God saved no matter what! This is the God you refuse to give your life to be kept.

    As Dave Hunt said, that would be a weird kind of salvation if you got saved, lost it the day after, got saved again the following day, then lost it the next day. What a weird and pathetically incompetent god you believe in who doesn't have the infinite foreknowledge to once-save-always-save those who want to be permanently kept: "neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." But you say they can be plucked. Who's right? God of the Bible or you?

    Just as you can be born physically only once, you can only be born of God once. You can't be born of God again and again. When the Holy Spirit enters a believer it is to stay permanently. You don't have this God. You reject Him. Christians have confident assurance that none can pluck us from His hand. Therefore, you are not a Christian, because you have no such assurance as you believe you can lose salvation tomorrow(it shows you were never saved to begin with). Salvation is not by works or self-strength for if that were true everyone would eventually falter and lose their works based salvation.

    What you don't appreciate is there is nothing you can do to keep yourself saved if you were saved, because God is infinitely greater than, and no amount of self-strength or works on your part will suffice. You don't have the humility to accept this that's why God has not given you His life and why you are going to Hell. God knowing that people can't bridge the gap before or after being saved, what He does is allow people to be eternally saved, never to be lost, if they choose to enter into that relationship to be kept.

    See how you contradict yourself. You said once in heaven always in heaven. Therefore, Christians can't lose eternal life because the Bible says our spirits are touching the heavenlies already. Yet you say they can lose it. Additionally, you said once condemned to Hell always in Hell. That's true. When you leave your body of flesh and blood not having given your life to Christ, you are condemned forever to Hell and won't repent. You lock yourself from in the inside because its what you want; you didn't want to receive the Jesus who keeps His elect always. You had more than enough time to decide in this life. It's like you prefer to have one foot in the door and one foot outside the door -- God would never receive you this way. You're uncommitted.

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