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Thread: Calvinism is a Delusional State of Mind

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    Default Calvinism is a Delusional State of Mind


    Quote Originally Posted by macolyis
    When someone is dead in their sins.. dead in trespasses means they are seeking only their own evil lusts.. not seeking God.. they are fully set on evil with their whole intent of heart.. and in perfect harmony with Satan! That is what walking according to the course of this world means .. that is what walking according to the prince of power in the air means.. it means being in PERFECT accord and harmony with Satan, in every intent and purpose! It means being WHOLLY depraved and completely evil! The carnal mind is naturally at ENMITY with God ... not subject to His law.. and CANNOT be otherwise!

    So the point is, one in that state CANNOT get out of that state on his own.. the only way a God hating carnal man can come to love the very God he HATES with every fiber of his being.. is if GOD quickens and regenerates him .. meaning he will have a new heart ..that has a new relationship with sin .. and can be truly sorry for what he has done .. and have a DESIRE and ZEAL to go to Christ to get clean and live righteously! God HAS to GIVE this desire and quickening and new heart, before ANYTHING can happen!.. Someone who is DEAD, cannot respond to stimuli .. cannot respond to the Gospel.. cannot believe!

    The reason salvation is by election .. is because if God did not "impose salvation" as you say.. not one evil person would choose to accept Christ.. because all men are evil.. and naturally hate God .. The reason God does this, is because GOD WANTS A PEOPLE FOR HIMSELF and a REWARD for His Son! He saves some by ELECTION for HIMSELF.. it is NOT ..NOT for us!
    Dead in sins does not mean Totally depraved. It means lost communication with God. It means man is fallen and fleshly, separated from God. So that is your first mistaken assumption. God has not given you a new heart, regenerating you, to know you are the elect because you admit you refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated, therefore, surely you will go to Hell. You're in a state of cultic delusion misreading God's word trying to understand it soulically by your own strength rather than spiritually.

    God has given you sufficient grace to receive what He did for you, that is why He pleads with you and implores you to believe in Him. How sadistic that would be if you could not accept the cross while God pleads with you and implores you to take of the water of life freely: "If ye offer a sacrifice...unto the LORD, ye shall offer it at your own will" (Lev. 19.5). "Whosoever is of a willing heart" (Ex. 35.5).

    You're like Hitler, like Satan, who claims the Jews were created for the gas chambers and the Aryan race was born for salvation irresistibly. You're a bad guy! Bad to the bone! Without conscience.

    Your sin is to take man's fallen nature and the image of God in which he is made and to warp these terms. Man still remains in God's image even though he is fallen. You're at enmity with God, since you refuse to come to the cross as a helpless sinner so that God may regenerate you, give you a new spirit and a new life to be a new creation.

    Try to understand your mistaken thinking. Man is not totally depraved if God provides sufficient grace to have the free choice. Nor does it make sense that man has to be irresistibly regenerated, for that would be evil, because to preterition people, passing them over, giving them no opportunity for salvation is Satanic. God simply would not operate this way. If it is evil for us to behave that way, how can God's standards be below our own? He created us. The Creator is always greater than the created in His image. The Bible warns us about false Christs such as the one you worship. Nothing in the Bible agrees with you on this matter, for you always insert into the text that which is not explicitly stated.

    When the Bible talks about man's utter corruptness still by the sufficient grace of God He has given you at least the ability to come to the cross. This is at least one thing you can do by your own free will.

    Man is not dead in the physical sense unable to respond to the gospel. Rather, man is dead in the spiritual sense -- lost communication with God. But do not fret for God has supplied you with more than enough grace to receive the cross and need not have to engage in "will worship" (Col. 2.23), that is, assuming you were irresistibly selected. What pride and delusion! Arrogance and obnoxiousness. This is you.

    Christians believe in election, so when you use the word election, understand how you are misusing it. Election is not irresistibly imposing salvation, but it is by God foreknowing our free choice which gives glory to God that He can do this and your god cannot. God is relational and personal and expects a genuine personal response so that God would then regenerate you. We are not robots. Get over it. You may not like the way God does things, but He does them anyway. He has given you the free will despite your evil proclivities, even insanity to deny free will, for His grace is sufficient for us all. Praise the Lord!

    "I have willingly offered all these things" (v.17); "willingly offered himself unto the LORD" (2 Chron. 17.16). Abel gave a free will offering and so was saved. Abel was totally able though depraved not totally depraved.

    Like all cults they take some truth and twist it into a lie. That's what you have done with all 5 false points of Calvinism. Rather, God predestinates by foreknowing our free choice: a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints (OSAS). My prayer is one day you give your life to Christ. I would not wish upon my worse enemy where you are going.

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    Dead in trespasses means completely and totally spiritually DEAD.. a carnal mind CANNOT be any other way than at ENMITY with God!

    Romans 8:6-8

    "For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is
    life and peace. Because the carnal mind is ENMITY against God; for
    it is NOT SUBJECT to the law of God, nor indeed CAN BE. So then, those
    who are in the flesh CANNOT please God."


    What does Enmity mean? It means HATRED.. the carnal mind HATES GOD!


    Ephesians 2:2-5

    "in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves"


    Who is the prince of power in the air? SATAN! Paul is saying that he and all the elect once conducted themselves "in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were BY NATURE children of wrath, just as the others."


    He is saying that true Christians ALL walked according to the prince of power in the air.. what does according mean? It means IN ACCORDANCE.. it means in PERFECT harmony in every intent and purpose WITH THE DEVIL!


    "But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were DEAD in trespasses, MADE US ALIVE together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), ""


    Did Paul and other believers wake themselves up from the dead? Did they have an ah hah moment .. or an epiphany and make a choice to CHOOSE Christ .. while they were in perfect accord and harmony with the prince of power in the air (Satan) and living only for fleshly lusts?


    NO! God woke Paul from the dead! Paul when he was called, was walking in perfect accordance with the devil .. Saul and Satan were of ONE HEART,, ONE PURPOSE and were in COMPLETE AGREEMENT .. Paul was on his way to DO THE WORK of SATAN with zeal and passion (kill Christians).. he had no self generated epiphany .. no ah ha moment .. no self generated twinge of conscience.. He was brought to His KNEES by a DIRECT personal encounter with JESUS CHRIST.. made a NEW CREATION and made NEW choices based on the NEW CREATURE God made him!


    You just do not think men are very evil.. or the world is very evil.. you do not think the world is wholly given over to idolatry and devil worship... you don't think Satan has deceived pretty much EVERYONE except a VERY the word of God clearly says he has! You do not know what a heinous evil creature you really are.. you cannot see it .. because your own depraved mind is preventing you from seeing it.. for you to see it .. you would need to be WOKE FROM THE DEAD.. and that is NOT something you can do.. ONLY God can raise the dead!


    "You're like Hitler, like Satan, who claims the Jews were created for the gas chambers and the Aryan race was born for salvation irresistibly."


    Is God like Hitler too...because He clearly teaches some were MADE as objects of WRATH .. and some as OBJECTS OF MERCY!


    Romans 9:18-25


    "Therefore He has mercy on whom HE WILLS, and whom HE WILLS He hardens.


    Notice .. it does not say God waits to see who is the most moral .. or who has an ah ha moment .. He has mercy on whom HE WILLS to have mercy!

    "You will say to me then, "Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?"

    Same question you are asking .. the word of God answers!


    "But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God?"



    "Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, "Why have YOU made me like this?" Does not the POTTER have POWER over the clay, from the same lump to MAKE one vessel for HONOR and another for dishonor?"

    Who MADE the vessels of honor for honor .. and the vessels of dishonor for dishonor?.. THE POTTER>> NOT THEM!

    "What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath PREPARED FOR DESTRUCTION, and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had PREPARED BEFOREHAND FOR GLORY, even us whom He CALLED, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?"

    Notice.. those who were prepared BEFOREHAND for glory He called.. while He endures with LONGSUFFERING the vessels of WRATH which He MADE and PREPARED for DESTRUCTION!


    DID YOU MAKE A CHOICE and have an epiphany to go to Christ FIRST.. did you CHOOSE HIM FIRST?


    "You DID NOT choose Me, but I CHOSE YOU and APPOINTED YOU that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you."
    John 15:16

    YOU say you chose Christ.. Christ says YOU DID NOT CHOOSE HIM .. Whom should we believe.. a lying blasphemous God hating HERETIC such as you . .or JESUS CHRIST?

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    Dead in trespasses means completely and totally spiritually DEAD.. a carnal mind CANNOT be any other way than at ENMITY with God!

    "For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is ENMITY against God; for it is NOT SUBJECT to the law of God, nor indeed CAN BE. So then, those who are in the flesh CANNOT please God." Romans 8:7

    What does Enmity mean? It means HATRED.. the carnal mind HATES GOD!

    "in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves" Ephesians 2:2

    Who is the prince of power in the air? SATAN! Paul is saying that he and all the elect once conducted themselves "in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were BY NATURE children of wrath, just as the others." Ephesians 2:3

    He is saying that true Christians ALL walked according to the prince of power in the air.. What does according mean? It means IN ACCORDANCE.. it means in PERFECT harmony in every intent and purpose WITH THE DEVIL!

    "But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were DEAD in trespasses, MADE US ALIVE together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), " Ephesians 2:4

    Did Paul and other believers wake themselves up from the dead? Did they have an ah hah moment .. or an epiphany and make a choice to CHOOSE Christ .. while they were in perfect accord and harmony with the prince of power in the air (Satan) and living only for fleshly lusts?

    NO! God woke Paul from the dead! Paul when he was called, was walking in perfect accordance with the devil .. Saul and Satan were of ONE HEART,, ONE PURPOSE and were in COMPLETE AGREEMENT .. Paul was on his way to DO THE WORK of SATAN with zeal and passion (kill Christians).. he had no self generated epiphany .. no ah ha moment .. no self generated twinge of conscience.. He was brought to His KNEES by a DIRECT personal encounter with JESUS CHRIST.. made a NEW CREATION and made NEW choices based on the NEW CREATURE God made him!

    You just do not think men are very evil.. or the world is very evil.. you do not think the world is wholly given over to idolatry and devil worship... you don't think Satan has deceived pretty much EVERYONE except a VERY the word of God clearly says he has! You do not know what a heinous evil creature you really are.. you cannot see it .. because your own depraved mind is preventing you from seeing it.. for you to see it .. you would need to be WOKE FROM THE DEAD.. and that is NOT something you can do.. ONLY God can raise the dead!

    Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
    "You're like Hitler, like Satan, who claims the Jews were created for the gas chambers and the Aryan race was born for salvation irresistibly."
    Is God like Hitler too...because He clearly teaches some were MADE as objects of WRATH .. and some as OBJECTS OF MERCY!

    Romans 9:18-24

    "Therefore He has mercy on whom HE WILLS, and whom HE WILLS He hardens." Romans 9:18

    Notice .. it does not say God waits to see who
    is the most moral .. or who has an ah ha moment .. He has mercy on whom HE WILLS to have mercy!

    "You will say to me then, "Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?" Romans 9:19

    Same question you are asking .. the word of God answers!

    "But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God?" Romans 9:20


    "Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, "Why have YOU made me like this?" Does not the POTTER have POWER over the clay, from the same lump to MAKE one vessel for HONOR and another for dishonor?" Romans 9:20-21

    Who MADE the vessels of honor for honor .. and the vessels of dishonor for dishonor?

    "What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath PREPARED FOR DESTRUCTION, and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had PREPARED BEFOREHAND FOR GLORY, even us whom He CALLED, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?" Romans 9:22-24

    Notice.. those who were prepared BEFOREHAND for glory He called.. while He endures with LONGSUFFERING the vessels of WRATH which He MADE and PREPARED for DESTRUCTION!

    DID YOU MAKE A CHOICE and have an epiphany to go to Christ FIRST.. did you CHOOSE HIM FIRST?

    "You DID NOT choose Me, but I CHOSE YOU and APPOINTED YOU that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you." John 15:16

    YOU say you chose Christ.. Christ says YOU DID NOT CHOOSE HIM .. Whom should
    we believe.. a lying blasphemous God hating HERETIC such as you . .or JESUS CHRIST?

    (note to moderator.. .. Parture invited me to this forum .. I did not know about your system quote requirement.. I apologize for not using it.. I reposted my reply to him twice and the earlier one has only normal quotes for his comment.. I tried to edit it and could not.. so reposted .. using the system quotes)
    Last edited by macolyis; 11-12-2013 at 05:48 AM. Reason: corrections

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    Quote Originally Posted by macolyis View Post
    Dead in trespasses means completely and totally spiritually DEAD.. a carnal mind CANNOT be any other way than at ENMITY with God!

    Romans 8:6-8

    "For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is
    life and peace. Because the carnal mind is ENMITY against God; for
    it is NOT SUBJECT to the law of God, nor indeed CAN BE. So then, those
    who are in the flesh CANNOT please God."
    Spiritually dead and having a carnal mind and enmity with God does not necessitate total depravity. What it does say is man's spirit is dead to God, that is, lost communication of spirit with Spirit. You still have the grace of God given to you to have the free choice.

    Jesus said, "You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not. That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am who I say I am, you will die in your sins" (John 8.23,24).

    It wouldn't make much sense for God to plead with you and implore you to believe in Him if you couldn't respond. How psychotic that would be to think Jesus is saying this when you can't respond unless He irresistibly makes you and not others.

    This proves you are not a Christian and probably never will be as you are lock, stock and barrel in your mistaken assumptions. The Bible says there are some we are not to pray for. I believe by the Holy Spirit that I am not to pray for you as it would be entirely wasteful considering your closed heart is worse than most atheists even.

    But let this be an exercise to help other Calvinists repent and come to Christ or to protect and help others from considering Calvinism. Amen.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
    You still have the grace of God given to you to have the free choice.  
    YOU do have the grace of God to make a free choice.. but the problem is .. men will make choices based on the kind of heart they have! Choices are FRUIT.. GOOD trees bear GOOD FRUIT .. evil trees bear EVIL fruit! Men with evil depraved hearts, will make evil depraved choices! The reason men cannot go to Christ .. is because they will not go.. because they hate Him with every fiber of their being!

    Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
    Jesus said, "You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not. That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am who I say I am, you will die in your sins" (John 8.23,24).

    For one, Jesus is addressing the people collectively ..and saying unless they believe in Him they will perish.. some of those people may be elect, who WILL believe! He also is not saying they CAN believe.. He is telling them what will happen if they do not believe.. He did not say belief was actually possible!

    Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
    It wouldn't make much sense for God to plead with you and implore you to believe in Him if you couldn't respond. How psychotic that would be to think Jesus is saying this when you can't respond unless He irresistibly makes you and not others. "
    You are using your own human REASONING to come to the conclusion that God pleading with a person to do something .. while He Himself HARDENS that person NOT TO DO what He is asking.. is foolishness, or in your words "psychotic"; so therefore .. you claim IT CANNOT be true.. for no other reason than; WHAT YOU THINK! God does just this though .. He did it with Pharaoh!

    Do you think it would make much sense for God to plead with Pharaoh if he couldn't respond; and to send Moses to implore him to let the people of Israel go, while God Himself was AT THE SAME TIME hardening the Pharaoh's heart, so he WOULD NOT do what Moses was pleading with him to do? OF course you do not think it would make any sense .. because you are CARNAL, and the things of the SPIRIT are just FOOLISHNESS to those who are PERISHING.. you CANNOT receive them or know them! BUT THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT GOD DID!

    "And you shall say to him, ‘The Lord
    God of the Hebrews has sent me to you, saying, “Let My
    people go, that they may serve Me in the wilderness”; but indeed,
    until now you would not hear!" EXODUS 7:16

    "And the Lord said to Moses, “When you
    go back to Egypt, see that you do all those wonders before Pharaoh
    I have put in your hand. But I WILL HARDEN HIS HEART, so that he WILL NOT
    let the people go." EXODUS 4:21

    Why would God do such a thing?

    "For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My
    power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” Therefore He has mercy on
    whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens." Romans 9:17-18

    He did it, so He could show His power in destroying the Pharaoh! The Pharaoh was a vessel of WRATH made for DESTRUCTION! That is what scripture clearly says.. but you will not accept it, because you hate the true God and love an IDOL whom you CALL Jesus, whom you have CRAFTED in your own vain wicked imagination, to be as YOU want him to be!

    Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
    This proves you are not a Christian and probably never will be as you are lock, stock and barrel in your mistaken assumptions.
    Your hatred and rejection for the clear teachings of scripture proves YOU are not a Christian and probably never will be . and lock, stock and barrel you are greatly MISTAKEN in your assumptions.. and I have scripture to back me up.. you usually quote your FEELINGS.. and string words together that SOUND good .. but are NOT FROM THE WORD OF GOD.. they are YOUR WORDS.. I am NOT interested in Parture 13:6-66!

    Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
    I believe by the Holy Spirit that I am not to pray for you as it would be entirely wasteful considering your closed heart is worse than most atheists even.

    You do not have the Holy Spirit, because you hate what the word of God really says .. and you refuse to even attempt to explain MOST of the very clear scriptures I have posted.. you just keep quoting YOURSELF, as though your words have some authority!

    Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
    But let this be an exercise to help other Calvinists repent and come to Christ or to protect and help others from considering Calvinism.
    I pray this will be an exercise to show your teachings do not hold up in the least, when the LIGHT of the TRUTH shines upon them! Perhaps when all your false arguments fail .. you can resort to contacting a moderator to just ban me! I thank you for hating me for telling you the TRUTH!

    "Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man’s sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, For in like manner their fathers did to the prophets. " Luke 6:21-23

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    Quote Originally Posted by macolyis View Post
    YOU do have the grace of God to make a free choice.. but the problem is .. men will make choices based on the kind of heart they have! Choices are FRUIT.. GOOD trees bear GOOD FRUIT .. evil trees bear EVIL fruit! Men with evil depraved hearts, will make evil depraved choices! The reason men cannot go to Christ .. is because they will not go.. because they hate Him with every fiber of their being!
    It's not free choice to actually receive the cross if you are totally depraved since that choice is not available. The kind of heart man has though depraved God has given sufficient grace to have the free choice to receive the cross. That's why God pleads with you and implores you to believe in Him; otherwise, it wouldn't make much sense and God would just be a sadistic bastard like your god. As we review verses together you will see each and every time where you insert into the text that which is not explicitly stated all the while shutting your mind down for Satan to those verses where God pleads with you and implores you to believe in Him. I know that you have never been born-again, but there is still time until you leave your body of flesh and blood.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
    That's why God pleads with you and implores you to believe in Him; otherwise, it wouldn't make much sense .
    We have already covered this .. and I have shown you what the text very clearly and plainly says.. God sent Moses to plead with Pharaoh to LET HIS PEOPLE GO, while at the same time HARDENING the Pharaohs heart so Pharoah would NOT do what God was pleading with him (through Moses) to do! Even though God sent Moses to WARN Pharaoh and implore of him to LET HIS PEOPLE GO.. it was NOT the WILL OF GOD for Pharaoh to actually do so.. and Pharoah COULD NOT resist the will of God! Why does God still find fault then? Because God MADE Pharaoh a vessel of WRATH and WANTED to show His power by DESTROYING the Pharaoh! Even though Moses was pleading with Pharaoh .. God was NOT trying to get the Pharaoh to repent!

    YOU are the one who is shutting your mind down for Satan.. you REFUSE to accept what those passages say.. even though they are so clear! You are blaspheming the TRUE God. You have crafted a false jesus after your own imagination, that is DISCONNECTED with the God clearly described in scripture.. and that jesus is not the true Jesus .. he is an IDOL who cannot save you.. You have a false jesus .. and false faith in a false jesus, DOES NOT SAVE!

    Why did Jesus speak to the people in PARABLES? To make His meaning crystal clear, because He was TRYING to get them to repent and believe?

    Matthew 13:13-16

    "Therefore I speak to them in parables,
    because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they
    understand. And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says:

    ‘Hearing you will hear and shall not
    understand, And seeing you will see and not perceive;
    For the hearts of this people have grown dull.
    Their ears are hard of hearing, And their eyes they have closed,
    Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, Lest they should understand with
    their hearts and turn,So that I should heal them.’[

    But blessed are YOUR eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear;"

    He spoke to them in parables so they would NOT understand, LEST they TURN and He should HEAL them! Jesus is ONLY interested in saving His ELECT!

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    Quote Originally Posted by macolyis View Post
    We have already covered this .. and I have shown you what the text very clearly and plainly says.. God sent Moses to plead with Pharaoh to LET HIS PEOPLE GO, while at the same time HARDENING the Pharaohs heart so Pharoah would NOT do what God was pleading with him (through Moses) to do!
    You're confused. The first active instance of the heart of Pharaoh being hardened was him hardening his own heart first. Piper said this too though contradicting himself of course.

    You're always wrong, always inserting into the text that which is not clearly stated indicating to Christians what is driving you is the evil spirit in your spirit like Hitler who also claimed he was irresistibly selected from birth. That is neither genuine nor loving. You're going to Hell because it doesn't look like you will ever give your life to Christ. You prefer "will worship" (Col. 2.23) on a pedestal claiming you were irresistibly selected and not preteritioned. Funny. Pathetic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
    You're confused. The first active instance of the heart of Pharaoh being hardened was him hardening his own heart first. Piper said this too though contradicting himself of course. .
    I do not follow Piper, but the WORD OF GOD! He is right though ..but ..what you need to understand .. is .. men naturally have hearts of stone... so the way God hardens hearts, is He just withdraws the common grace of God and GIVES men over to their own depraved nature.. God hardens their hearts, by not softening their hearts! In other words, men are evil and when they do good, it is because GOD softened their hearts! Thus men can ONLY go to Christ if GOD softens their hearts!

    There are MANY passages that say GOD hardened his heart ..

    Exodus 9:12
    "But the LORD hardened the heart
    of Pharaoh; and he did not heed them, just as the Lord had spoken to Moses."

    Exodus 10:20
    "But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s
    heart, and he did not let the children of Israel go."

    Exodus 10:1
    " Now the Lord said to Moses, “Go in to Pharaoh; for I HAVE
    hardened his heart and the hearts of his servants, that I
    may show these signs of Mine before him,"

    Exodus 10:27
    "But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s
    heart, and he would not let them go."

    Exodus 11:10
    "So Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh; and the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he did
    not let the children of Israel go out of his land."

    Exodus 14:8
    "And the Lord hardened the heart
    of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he pursued the children of Israel; and the
    children of Israel went out with boldness."

    What do you do with these passages .. blot them out with a magic marker?

    How about a NEW TESTAMENT interpretation from PAUL?

    Romans 9:17-20

    "For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My
    power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” Therefore He has mercy on
    whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens. You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His
    will?” But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me
    like this?”

    I am not sure how he could be more clear.. Was Paul driven by an evil spirit like Hitler? Was Paul unloving and always inserting into the text that which is not clearly stated? Paul clearly is interpreting what happened with the Pharaoh ... as God hardening his heart so he will not repent.. having mercy on whom HE WILLS and HARDENING whom HE wills .. there is just NO OTHER HONEST WAY TO INTERPRET IT.. I am READING WHAT IT SAYS,,.. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO KEEPS INSERTING YOUR WORDS INTO THE TEXT! Funny. Pathetic! You HATE the true God and His word with every fiber of your being and you would blaspheme till your last BREATH before you would accept the true Jesus.. It is EASY to accept a jesus you MADE to be the way YOU want him to be .. that is why men MAKE idols.. they can CRAFT a god that appeals to their carnal sensibilities.. but one can ONLY accept the TRUE Jesus, if He CHOOSES you FIRST!

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    Quote Originally Posted by macolyis View Post
    I do not follow Piper, but the WORD OF GOD! He is right though ..but ..what you need to understand .. is .. men naturally have hearts of stone... so the way God hardens hearts, is He just withdraws the common grace of God and GIVES men over to their own depraved nature.. God hardens their hearts, by not softening their hearts! In other words, men are evil and when they do good, it is because GOD softened their hearts! Thus men can ONLY go to Christ if GOD softens their hearts!
    Since the first active instance was the Pharaoh hardening his own heart first then it is on him, his responsibility. God doesn't withdraw His common grace to all men which is why Romans 1.20 says none of us are "without excuse." God can harden or soften, but it is always sufficient to have the free choice. This is what your god can't do since it is insufficient to irresistibly impose salvation and preterition. Plus, you are doubletongued, because you admit Piper is right who puts it on the Pharaoh's responsibility then you deny free will. What you need to understand is that though men are depraved, God is so great (not your god) He draws everyone providing sufficient grace to us all whether special grace through the gospel or common grace afforded to all men so they are without excuse. You're not a Christian. You have never been one. You are in the cult of Calvinism. God is hardening your heart. Perhaps you will get cancer or some illness which will bring you to the brink and only then might you search God out with all your heart and soul to find Him. I pray you do whatever measures God uses to try to convince you including these forums.

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