The Evil Racquetball Players in Alberta, Canada
What do each of these individuals have in common listed below? They have all decided to reject Christ for eternity, so they are going to Hell

The Doublestandards of John Halko

I went to dinner with racquetball players tonight after we played at the Mill Woods Rec Center. They said John Halko is a 'head case.' I just found out 10 years ago he was playing in a tournament at Body Quest on 50th street in Edmonton, and Manny Gregorio was riling him up on the court while they were playing each other. John Halko apparently shoved Manny Gregorio up against the wall and punched him in the gut 3 times. The referee who was wearing a tuxedo had to break it up. John Halko never got banned from the Alberta Racquetball Association for doing that. The Holy Spirit told me what is wrong with John Halko is that ambition and pride are getting the better of him because he is failing to meet his own expectations of his perceived greatness. Because he is not financially successful as he would like to be and he is an underperformer at racquetball, you get these strange behaviors where he takes it out on others. Who better to take it out on than a Christian who is the 2nd ranked player in Alberta by banning him since 2009 while John remains 12th in Alberta and 85th in Canada going on years now. He is antichrist. I have given him and his partner in crime Barbara May the gospel of salvation, and they reject it. So according to the Bible they are going to Hell. Because they know I know this about them they attempt to martyr me. What I have done is simply matched his unethical behavior with his belief system.

Other Abusive Behavior

That reminds me of Cliff Hendrickson who use to play racquetball and came up to Edmonton for a tournament. I wouldn't lend him $100 after he lost a bunch at the casino. Couldn't he go to a bank machine at the casino? This was during a tournament at Body Quest. Later that day he came into the court where I was about to start a match and shoved me up against the wall for not lending him that money. Danny Tarrabain gave Norm Godbout dozens of stitches when he shoved him into a glass wall and it shattered. They settled out of court. During racquetball interclub at Body Quest Wayne Davidson (who rejects Christ) was losing to me and stormed off the court. When I came off the court, he blind sided me and kicked me in the back to the ground then jumped on me with his fist in my face telling me to punch him. He was close to 300 lbs. What a coward! Gerry Slamko (who also rejects Christ) and others witnessed it. They recommended I press charges against him, but I am not one to do that. Then Wayne made up a lie I was calling his wife and threatening her. What an evil guy! Why would I ever do that? Ridiculous. He should go on a date with Barbary May because she lies to protect her hide too (see below). These people are so unethical. Between Wayne Davidson and Barbara May they weigh over 500 lbs.

Some UFC fighter who played racquetball at the Mayfield in 2009 got violent when I asked him, "I heard you are a Christian?" He said, yes. So I asked him when was he born-again? But he said he wasn't. He said that he was already born once and doesn't need to be born-again. He clearly does not accept the gospel of salvation.

[Jhn 3:7, 9, 12-13, 15-21 KJV] 7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. ... 9 Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be? ... 12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you [of] heavenly things? 13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, [even] the Son of man which is in heaven. ... 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

I asked the UFC fighter how can he be a Christian if he is not born-again as required by Jesus in John chapter 3? Then I walked away into the court realizing he was being obstinate. He came into the court after me and threated me physically saying, "Do you know who I am? You better watch how you talk to me, or else..." as if being a UFC fighter matters. I was warned by other racquetball players, he sent someone to the hospital, smashing his head in outside the Octagon, for a simple comment. He plays at L.A. Fitness on 186 St. & Stony Plain in Edmonton I presume. He use to play at Mayfield before it was closed down. Two days after this incident, somehow I was banned from Mayfield Inn & Suites Fitness Athletic Club after playing there several months. When I asked the Manager after playing there three months why she banned me, she said it was at the request of the ARA, namely, board members John Halko+Barbara May. Within a month word was given the facility was to be shut down permanently. This is God's judgment on them. God intervened and disbanded those hostile non-Christians. Cam Bourque arguing over a point and losing to me, challenging me to a fight outside Mayfield. I think I would win that fight! Over drinks Cam admitted to me that he also rejects the Lord Jesus Christ. These are racquetball players.

Fat Bastard (an Austin Powers reference)

What is wrong with these people? All I can say is John Halko is the fattest person in all of racquetball today. He was massive at the 2015 Nationals in Burnaby at the Revs Center. Self-control is not a word that I would use to describe him. Barbara May (St. Alberta, Alberta, Canada) is the second fattest person in racquetball. These two board members of the Alberta Racquetball Association banned me in 2009 and to this day from playing in Albert sanctioned tournaments. Barbara May lied to protect her hide (sinning bearing false witness) at my expense due to her own negligence that she tried to cover up through deflection or misdirection at me. I consider these two people especially evil. I forgive them though, for they know not what they do. They are totally controlled by their flesh and without conscience. Their outward flesh is visibly displayed as gluttonous. Just think of all their underlying and hidden sin going on as well that keeps them obese.

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God Blessed the Christian

The blessing to me is when I tried to enter an Alberta tournament run by Gordon Cutting (who also rejects Christ) and he kicked me out, I went to two Saskatchewan tournaments instead held at the same time as two Alberta tournaments. I beat the 5th and 9th ranked players in Canada. I was never ranked in the top 10 in Canada before, not till the age of 45. As result of these circumstances I became 9th in Canada thanks to John Halko and Barbara May. This is the type of thing God refers to when He says He uses the evil of others for good! Halko's ranking meanders around 85-90th in Canada and has not moved an inch in the last 3 years I have been playing racquetball again. I don't think Barbara May has ever picked up a racquetball racquet in her life, yet Barbara May controls racquetball in Alberta in bed with John Halko. He is unable to move up in the rankings because his conscience is not clear before God. Naturally he won't play as well with the weight on his shoulder of being immoral. I love how God blessed me in all of this and made me victorious both on and off the court in my faith in Christ and remained lovingly in the peace and self-control of our Lord Jesus. Furthermore, they are hurting Albert Racquetball, because several players in Alberta could beat me, but they are never given the chance because I am not allowed to play in Alberta tournaments. Their progress and rankings would be much higher but are stymied by the tag team of Halko and May.

Fortunately, their antics do not harm me in the slightest as I play 3 Saskatoon tournaments per year and 3 national tournaments per year which works out to a tournament every two months. I need this time to build strength with weights between tournaments. Saskatoon is awesome! 5 of the top 10 players in Canada play in Saskatoon. And they have a couple juniors who are close to being in the top 20 in Canada. In Edmonton we don't have anything like that at all. And I know Kane Waselenchuk doesn't want anything to do with Alberta Racquetball. It's a poor reflection on John Halko and Barbara May.

The Failings of the ARA Under Halko/May

There is a Canada-wide program with Racquetball Canada that the provincial associations can participate in to introduce the sport of racquetball to elementary and junior high school students. But the ARA does not get involved. That would be too much work for them! I see the connection of the obesity of John Halko and Barbara May, their hostility towards Jesus, their immoral conduct and unwillingness to employ this program to encourage juniors to enter the sport. Disconcertingly, what juniors would be inspired to play racquetball from someone who weighs in at nearly 300 lbs.?

If you really think about it, John is attempting to ban if he can get away with it players ranked above him in Alberta and prevent any new and younger talent to develop that would excel above John in the rankings. Edmonton is taking the brunt of his policies. It's not working well for him. He is still ranked 12th in Alberta, 85th in Canada, and hasn't budged in 3 years. John does this to falsely make himself look better, but discerning minds know better!

It's funny how I told Barbara May in 2009 what Alberta needs is prize money for the Open players (this is standard practice for most tournaments in USA) which is what I was attempting to do when I was setting up a tournament in 2009 but was cancelled by Barb and John when they banned me. I did not appreciate any of her ideas--lording over my tournament. They only started to give out money this past year or so for the Alberta Closed. What I would also like to point out is that Allen Bauman (who is also antichrist) on the board of the ARA is attempting to make an r2sports ladder work in Edmonton, but I have told him it won't work because that is not what people want. I told him what is needed is Interclub. Think about it. GARC in Sherwood Park has 4 courts, Mill Wood Rec Center has 3 courts, Kinsmen Leisure Center has 3 courts, U of A has 3 courts, 186 St. L.A. Fitness has 3 courts, and I am told NAIT might utilize all 3 racquetball courts again (in fact, you only need 2 courts at a facility for interclub to work). That's 6 facilities altogether. There would be 4 players (and alternates) for each club. Everyone plays everyone so that's 3 games to 15 or 11 per person on league nights. What a great idea! The ARA or ERA only implement my ideas years after the suggestion. Of course, I would not be allowed to participate because it would be run by the ARA presumably, and Barb and John are intent on keeping me banned for life. They are malicious. They are probably hoping I quit playing racquetball as I have done on numerous occasions throughout the years. This is their ill will!

Laziness of John Halko and Barbara May!

What is the reason why something so obvious as interclub and giving a half our talk at elementary and junior high schools to introduce the sport of racquetball to kids has not been implemented years ago and even today? The reason is because it takes work. Barbara May and John Halko--the main board members of the ARA--are too lazy! It is just too much work for them. It's consistently seen in their gluttony producing obesity and laziness. And there you have it! This explains the degraded state racquetball is in in Edmonton under the guise of John Halko and Barbara May. The ERA is just a token organization. The command must come from the ARA.

If I was a manager of this firm Alberta Racquetball, the first thing I would do is fire John and Barb. They remind of Kevin Lowe and Craig McTavish always barely holding onto their job while producing no results. They are simply not competent to run racquetball in Alberta. The proof is in the pudding as they say. Treat racquetball like a business, advertise well to gain more customers, and results will ensue. Those who have passion for the sport will bring it into the light! Barbara May has no passion for racquetball, that's very clear to see, and John Halko is a politico. He is only out for self. I thought it quite funny when Barbara May showed up at the 2015 Racquetball Canada Nationals the last couple days of the Nationals and said how wonderful Alberta is doing that things couldn't be better. Wow! That's delusional. What purpose does it even serve that she is at the Nationals? It's wasteful! The truth is there is no junior element. That's a fact! When I was a kid we had a bunch of kids to play off each other. It is getting more and more sparse. When you go to any of these clubs mentioned above, there are simply no kids playing. It's mostly guys in their 50s and 60s, and 70's now. Thanks Barb! and John who don't see this as a problem.

Physical Abuses Go Unpunished

So few women play. I know Di Burga quit racquetball because Ryan Blackmore (a 'nominal Christian'- a false one) off the court kicked her in the face at GARC, bruised, and several people witnessed it. He never apologized. It seems the standard for banning people from the ARA is when they directly impinge on Barb and John because they are out for self so to hell with abuses others endure is their stance. The ARA did nothing. Barb is a government paid employee from the gov't of Alberta to develop racquetball in Alberta which is a waste of tax payer's money. I guess I shouldn't have expected much in the first place.