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Thread: God needs a place to dwell

  1. #1
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    Default God needs a place to dwell

    In the beginning God planted a garden. There He went to find man (Gen. 3.8-9). After man sinned, God had no resting place on earth. Later, Noah’s dove could not find any resting place for the sole of her feet on the earth that had come under God’s judgment of the flood (8.9). Typologically speaking, God again had no resting place on earth. This is why later on God built the tabernacle as His dwelling place. It is then shifted from the tabernacle to the temple. But subsequently the temple, too, came under judgment: not a stone was left upon another in 70 A.D. This, though, was followed by the Church. For does not Ephesians 2 tell us that the Church is "a habitation of God in the Spirit" (v.22)? God does indeed dwell today in the Church, the body of Christ (1 Tim. 3.15). In the Old Testament period there was neither lamplight nor sunlight in the holiest of all, and yet the holiest place of all was full of light because God dwelt there. According to the same principle, today if anyone seeks to have light he must come to the church. You are unable to meet that much light in an individual saint; but when you come to the local church, you receive very much light. It will be strange indeed if you come to the church and receive no light at all. If people refuse to come to the body, they remain in darkness. But the moment they come to the church, they find light.

  2. #2
    FtotheE Guest


    Hello i'm new to these forums,

    But does God really need a place to dwell? I was always of the opinion God lived in every one of us and He was everywhere. How could it be that such a big person would fit into a small place?

    kind regards,

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by FtotheE
    Hello i'm new to these forums,

    But does God really need a place to dwell? I was always of the opinion God lived in every one of us and He was everywhere. How could it be that such a big person would fit into a small place?

    kind regards,
    God needs a place to dwell and He wants a place to dwell with man out of His glory.

    You are under the false impression God lived in everyone. This is the meaning of the veil being rent when Jesus died on the cross so that God could indwell anyone who would receive His life for the Holy Spirit to indwell the spirit of those born-again.

    Don't accept Satan's lies that God lived in every one of us. He certainly is omnipresent (present everywhere simultaneously), but this does not mean the Holy Spirit is indwelling the person. Understand this by realizing that when God breathed His Spirit into the body from dust, the soul life was created, and the spirit life was also created which came directly from God's inbreathing around 6000 years ago.

    When this happened, God was fully in control of all things, even over man's spirit, but His uncreated life (eternal life) had not entered the man for the man had not yet eaten of the tree of life in the garden, as some do now wherein the tree of life typifies Christ. Do you see how God can be everywhere, yet not indwell the spirit of man by His Holy Spirit that needs a new cleansed spirit in order to indwell?

    To given an analogy, if you come into a room you are all-knowing and aware (like Jesus was when He broke into creation) of all that is going on in that room (the world) no matter where you stand in the room. This is the same with God which defines His omnipresence. Or, if you create a ball of clay and round it as though it were like the earth, you would be omnipresent because you are all around the clay at the same time. This explains how God could fit into such a small place. Powerful statement eh?

  4. #4
    Jimmie Guest


    But surley god is, was and always will be totaly complete...why does he need a garden to sit in?

  5. #5
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    To repeat, He wants to walk with man out of His glory, this is why God needs a place. We are for Him, that is, we who are saved. And God can't dwell in man's spirit if it is unclean. Jesus can not return until Israel is fully in control of Israel. He needs an Israel to come to. God and the Lamb after the millennium can not be at the center of the new city unless the fullness of all the saved have been prepared to be pillars of the new city. In the OT God could not find a place to dwell in Israel when the temple was without the ark. God had no resting place on earth when man sins, but He will have His place reigning from the temple on earth at the center of all nations from Israel and then in the new city and new earth.

    Your question, which Christians know the answer to - because God wants to be with us - does not agree with your profile when you said Yes to all 18 questions.

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