Another way you can determine whether the ARA (i.e. John Halko and Barbara May) is doing a good job is see how many players are ranked players from Alberta. Every year it keeps going down ever since Halko and May have been in power. As of the June 2, 2015 update there are only 75 players ranked from Alberta. That is a pathetic showing considering the fact we have 6 facilities in Edmonton alone with 3 or more courts, one with 4 courts, and many more facilities with at least one court. The problem in large part is they do little to introduce the sport of racquetball to elementary and junior high school students. So their approach is doomed to fail whatever they do because they avoid the one essential thing -- getting kids excited! If Halko and May lack the spirit, no wonder why the spirit of racquetball is dead in Alberta. How could kids ever get inspired by the two fattest people in the sport of racquetball today? They might think, "I'd better not play this sport or I will end up like them." There is no interclub let alone a ranked interclub. And they really shy away from running more than just a few bare bone tournaments across Albert per year so they do as little work as possible. They are fat and lazy!

The ARA is a joke in my humble opinion. I am free to say this and tell the truth because I have been banned since 2009 from playing in Alberta racquetball sanctioned tournaments though I can play in any tournament across Canada. If the ARA was a business in the private sector it would have long since gone bankrupt. And when I say ARA I am specifically referring to only Barbara May and John Halko. The ARA needs fresh new board members with new eyes and new ideas. Creativity is sorely lacking. Plus, it doesn't help when the morality of Barb is to lie to protect her hide to cover up her negligence at my expense. She's an unrepentant sinner. She is willing to hurt another to protect her serfdom, and Halko is no better because he attacks the Christian also and does not hold her accountable, but is aiding and abetting in her crime. This is their legacy and what they are remembered for. There is another word for this -- evil!