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Thread: The Book of Wisdom

  1. #11
    xlighte Guest


    Chapter 11

    1: You are spoiled rotten.

    2: You pollute and desecrate the Mercy of the Lord.
    You take it for granted.

    3: The Lord hates this.
    This breaks His heart.
    This makes Him angry.

    4: If you truly love
    the Lord, it will make you angry,
    also to see this done, to the Lord.

    4: He is God.
    He has a heart.
    He has feelings.
    He gets your leftovers.
    He gets the crumbs that
    fall from your table.

    And even then that is not enough.
    For what He does for you.

    6: You have no shame any more.
    You have no integrity any more.
    All you have is your sins
    to which you love more than God.

    7: What do you do for the Lord?

    8: Pray to him?

    9: You offer up your sins and
    your wants and your
    desires to him when you think of Him.

    10: You tell him how much you love him.
    You remind him of all his promises that you
    believe He owes you.

    11: Yes, this is what you do with all your
    heart your mind and your soul and your
    strength everyday.

    12: You give the Lord your leftovers.
    and the crumbs that fall from your table.

    13: The day is coming when
    the leftovers and crumbs that fall from your
    tables is not going to be acceptable
    to Him any more.

    14: When you willfully and knowingly,
    do any sin, you are polluting the
    mercy of the Lord.

  2. #12
    xlighte Guest


    Chapter 12
    1: I put my trust
    all in God.
    On nothing else
    will I take a chance.

    2: I have seen the lives
    of those who thought.
    With the devil
    they could dance.

    3: They cry the tears
    the tears of fools.
    They always refuse to do
    what is right.

    4: They always know
    they know it all.
    Now they sit all alone
    in their darkness
    with no Light.

    5; When the devil talks to me
    I will not listen
    to his reason or rhyme.

    6: To live the lives of those
    who disobey God's Word.
    To live the life of hell
    time after time.

    7: I do not win all my battles
    because God has made me Wise and Holy.

    8: I do not win all my battles
    because God has made all my enemies
    unwise and evil.

    9: I do not win all my battles
    because God loves me and hates my enemies.

    10: I win all my battles
    because the Spirit of the Lord
    fights them all for me.

    11: I have no Glory.

    12: All the Glory belongs to my God.

    13: I belong to my God.

    14: I have no victories.

    15: All the victories belong to my God.

    16: I rejoice in my God
    in all his victories.

  3. #13
    xlighte Guest


    Chapter 13

    1: God has bestowed upon me
    the great honor and privileged
    of writing my name in His
    Lamb's Book of Life.

    2: It is the utmost greatest privilege
    of all time to know and live and fellowship
    with the Almighty Living Lord God.

    3: The same God
    that created the eye
    not only to see the images
    of his creation
    but to taste the colors
    of his majestic Glory.

    4: I refuse to accept
    nothing but the very best of God
    after all He is my God.

    5: I expect to live in all
    His blessings and goodness
    till they overwhelm me with
    the greatness of His beauty.

    6: Then I will mount up
    with the wings of an eagle
    and soar to even greater
    heights than ever before.

    7: There are no valleys for me
    I do good anywhere I go.

    8: Because the Lord
    is my God.

  4. #14
    xlighte Guest


    Chapter 14

    1: God told me
    just the other day.

    2: He would cause greatness
    to come my way.

    3: I am so glad
    God created me.

    4: To live in His Glory
    as far as the eye
    the I can see.

    5: The Glory of God
    is my home.

    6: And all eternity
    is my throne.

    7: Privilege of privileges
    God gives to me.

    8: To dance in His Glory
    like the sunset upon the sea.

    9: I know I know.

    10: I have it better
    than most.

    11: Because my Father
    is the Lord of Hosts.

    12: How could I ever
    ever complain.

    13: I was born by God
    into his beautiful name.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    This is not one of the 66 books of God's word so I will move it over to the Roman Catholic forums, for she is that great harlot that makes drunk the nations with the wine of the wrath of her fornications (Rev. 14.8).

  6. #16
    xlighte Guest


    Chapter 15

    1: I know it was hard for you
    that day in that place
    called Gethsemane.

    2: You were all alone with your Father
    when you cried the tears
    of blood for me.

    3: The Scriptures of Truth
    must be fulfilled.
    That thus it must be.

    4: With a crown of thorns
    naked and bruised.
    On a little hill
    at that place
    called Calvary.

    5: I promise you Lord
    I will never make you cry
    or break your heart
    never ever again.

    6: I know how hard it was for you
    The crown of thorns
    naked and bruised
    on the alter of God.

    7: That place of
    death and sin.

    8: I will not sin
    because of Thee.

    9: Your Words of Life
    have made me free.

    10: Free to be
    and free to do
    all the things
    that pleases You.

    11: I owe it all
    all to You.
    For there is nothing
    I can not do.

    12: I love to love
    the things You do
    Here again.

    13: Is my I owe you.
    From me to You.

    14: I am forever
    ensnared by the

    15: To rejoice
    in his presence
    in the beauty
    of his

    16: By the
    power and strength
    of his Mercy.

    17: I shall always
    please him
    with the
    grace of

  7. #17
    xlighte Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    This is not one of the 66 books of God's word so I will move it over to the Roman Catholic forums, for she is that great harlot that makes drunk the nations with the wine of the wrath of her fornications (Rev. 14.8).
    Well then...if you are of God and not of the devil

    Pick out anything that I have said that is not true.

    Then post it.

    If we are going to judge let's judge you too.

  8. #18
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    The problem, obviously, with the Book of Wisdom and was not included with God's 66 books is because you can't add a book from 1500 years later after the first century. Mormons and other cults do the same. This book teaches salvation by works, but the Bible says salvation is not by works, lest anyone should boast.

    While Solomon wrote much on the subject of wisdom in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, he never elevated it to the status of part of the Godhead, a philosophy found in The Wisdom of Solomon. The book refers to Wisdom in terms the Bible reserves for the Messiah, saying, “She [wisdom] is a reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of the working of God, and an image of his goodness” (Wisdom 7:26). The book of Hebrews reserves such accolades for the Son of God, who “is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being” (Hebrews 1:3). Even more egregious, Wisdom 9:18 says that salvation is an act of wisdom, whereas Scripture is clear that salvation is by faith, a gift of God to those whom He calls, justifies, and sanctifies (Ephesians 2:8–9; Romans 8:30). In fact, if man were to depend upon his “wisdom” for salvation, we would be lost forever with no hope because the unredeemed are dead in trespasses and sin (Ephesians 2:1–4) and their minds are darkened (Ephesians 4:18; 1 Corinthians 2:14) and their heart deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9).

    The apocryphal books are accepted by the Roman Catholic Church because many of the books teach Catholic doctrines that are not in agreement with the Bible, including praying for the dead, petitioning Mary to intercede with the Father, worshiping angels, and alms-giving as atonement for sins. Some of what the Apocrypha/Deuterocanonicals say is true and correct. However, due to the historical and theological errors, the books, including The Wisdom of Solomon, must be viewed as fallible historical and religious documents, not as the inspired, authoritative Word of God.

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