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Thread: Mormons are Not Clear on Where They Go After They Die

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    Default Mormons are Not Clear on Where They Go After They Die

    In Mormonism instead of there just being one heaven, there are many heaven. What Mormons are somewhat confused about is who goes where. I think it is purposefully vague as Satan is the author of confusion.

    "It is not all to be comprehended in this world; it will be a great work to learn our salvation and exaltation even beyond the grave.[12] The nature of the other two degrees within the celestial kingdom have not been described, except to say that the people who go there will become 'ministering angels'."

    "Joseph Smith taught that the earth will also receive a celestial glory.[14] Some Latter-day Saints believe that the earth will be the celestial kingdom, or at least a celestial world within the celestial kingdom for humans who lived on the earth and qualified for the celestial kingdom".[15]

    Why is this false? Because scientifically we know the earth will be burnt up within 2 billion years even sooner than that depending on how hot the earth gets as the sun gets larger and larger. It may take only a few hundred million years more. How can a Celestial kingdom that is suppose to be the highest glory when it will be burned up "without the sea" as the Bible says? Mormons are confused. If you believe lies naturally you will be confused.

    When you read about who are the inhabitants of the 3 Celestial kingdoms, and the Terrestial and the Telestial kingdoms, you come away with the headiness of it all, so your mind of your soul is agitated and you lose the sense in your intuitive spirit, because your mind takes reign. In the Bible the truth is there are not these different heavens. There is only one heaven.

    And to get to heaven is not by works lest anyone should boast. All believers become pillars of the New City and belong exactly where they belong in the New City as foreordained by God's foreknowledge of what's best. So there is no Terrestial kingdom that if you work hard enough you can move from the Terrestial to the Celestial. And there is no receiving Christ after death for you had this entire life to decide already. You won't change your mind.

    Where Christians differ in a big way is we simply receive the Holy Spirit's guidance moving in our spirit to walk by the Spirit. And because of this operation of the Holy Spirit in the lives of born-again believers, the Holy Spirit has us reject these various heavenly kingdoms concocted by Joseph Smith because they are works attained not life attained. Smith said, "In the telestial kingdom, each person's glory will vary depending on their works while on the earth."

    In Mormonism "liars, and sorcerers, and adulterers, and whoremongers, and whosoever loves and makes a lie," that is, those who reject Jesus, still go to heaven, but to the Telestial heaven. This word was invented by Joseph Smith as a mingling of the word Terrestial and Celestial. TE + RESTIAL.

    As you can see the words Mormons use are not the same meaning as the Bible uses and early church fathers used. Joseph Smith presents a strange spirit and should be wholly rejected in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Smith even taught there are different levels of the Telestial kingdom, and presumably the Terrestial kingdom to. Se we are looking at no less than 9 heavens. Funny.

    Since none of this is true, you can be confident all Mormons are going to Hell, because all Mormons reject who Jesus truly is. Jesus said if you are ashamed of Him, He is ashamed of you (Mark 8.38). He said if you are not for Me, You are against Me (Matt. 12.30). And unless who Jesus truly is to others, He will deny you before the Father in heaven. So Mormons are most definitely going to Hell. Mormons deny who Jesus truly is before others.

    "[Mat 10:32-33 KJV] 32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."

    Christians believe outer darkness is that place of loss of rewards for believers. Though there is regret, gnashing of teeth, there is not loss of eternal life and no fire or furnace as in Hell. It is the place of discipline for believers who did not overcometh. They overcome, by the blood of Jesus, but not all the way so they lose the reward of returning with Christ to reign over the nations for 1000 years, before entering the New City on the New Earth.
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