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Thread: Racquetball Canada Banned Troy Brooks from Playing in Sanctioned Tournaments

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    Default Racquetball Canada Banned Troy Brooks from Playing in Sanctioned Tournaments

    Jeff Buller (and to everyone else),

    Please remove me from the Grande Prairie tournament as I have been permanently banned for life from Racquetball Canada tournaments by the atheists Terry Nelson, Cheryl Adlard and Jack McBride who don't accept Jesus is God.

    The verdict is in. I am not allowed to defend myself. They require I apologize as well as remove anything I have ever posted (see attached), including videos, about John Halko, Barbara May and Kathy Iwaasa. They gang banged me all within a week by each of them sending a complaint letter about a month ago. Very well orchestrated! Well done. They had an opening and they took it starting with Kathryn Iwaasa followed up by two more letters one from John and one from Barb. It's not a matter of truth but who complains more to these organizaitons. The world can't understand what is going on here, but my brothers and sisters in Christ know that I am being martyred and like a lamb to the slaughter because of the evil deeds of the above mentioned individuals. As the Bible says, "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake" (Luke 6.22). Even so I forgive them for they know not what they do.

    The objective of the Lord here is always to lead you to Christ so He wants you to remember how a Christian was treated for the gospel of salvation delivered by the Holy Spirit and exposing unethical, abusive and immoral behavior. If you are a silent Christian, if there is such a thing, all is fine. Jesus said, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish [going to Hell], but have everlasting life" (John 3.16). And so we know those who reject Christ are going to Hell, namely John Halko, Barbara May, Jack McBride, Terry Nelson, Cheryl Adlard, Milton Iwaasa, Kathryn Iwaasa and Coby Iwaasa. They know I know this about them so they retaliate endlessly in their hearts and often overtly. The entire Iwaasa family is Mormon so they reject who Jesus truly is. I tried to help them. Matt. 10.32,33 says unless you confess who Jesus truly is to others, He will deny you before the Father in Heaven. Mark 8.38 says if you are ashamed of Jesus He will be ashamed of you. And Matt. 12.30 says if you are not for Jesus you are against Him. That's crazy to be against your very Creator!

    Recall this all started in 2009 because board member of Alberta Racquetball Barbara May (atheist) lied to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence, so when I exposed her publically for this unethical behavior there has been a non-stop barrage of attacks, banning (banned 7 years at this point from the ARA) and complaints from an entirely non-Cristian run organization (namely John Halko and Barbara May). Cheryl Adlard in a recent email was likewise extremely aggressive and unwilling to stand up for what is right. What this shows if nothing else is those who are going to Hell will never repent and never give their life to Christ. They are relentlessly and endlessly hostile. As Jesus said, they are "condemned already" (John 3.18). They condemn themselves by their words and actions and are too selfish to come to the cross as helpless sinners to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior. And that's sad because I would not wish upon my worst enemy to be like that or to end up where we all know they are going.

    The Iwaasa family has clout because of Coby Iwaasa. They would like him to return to racquetball one day so I am their offering to their gods (Mormonism is the most polytheist religion on the planet). It is a great sin to think you are going to be a god of planet one day and that you always existed. This is why some label Mormonism "supernatural atheism" because the proof you can use against atheism is the same proof that disproves Mormonism. Infinite regress is impossible (it comes out of man's imagination) because if there was you would have had an eternity to come into being before now, so you should have already happened. Therefore nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator who was alone from everlasting is whom we call God.

    God was alone from everlasting. "Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen." (1 Tim. 1.17) "He alone has endless life and lives in inaccessible light. No one has ever seen him, nor can anyone see him. Honor and eternal power belong to him! Amen" (1 Tim. 6.16).

    There are only 10^24 planets in the universe, not enough planets for all the Mormon exaltations to be gods of those planets. In just a couple generations the exponential reiterations require more than 10^99 planets. Actually, no planet is habitable. Over 800 variables (Hugh Ross) are required for life to exist on another planet. Knowing this you will appreciate life more on earth is precious.

    I am even being offered up to the gods of racquetball. They are really just idols. No matter how abusive board members (namely John Halko and Barbara May) can be they are not accountable and will lash out if exposed. The same is true when you expose a Mormon. When I emailed the Iwaasa family they were in a cult with many proofs and apologetics, I knew my time was short. But the Holy Spirit wants me to stand up for what's right and not concern myself with the consequences, and let the chips fall where they may. People remember. Seeds are planted.

    Milton Iwaasa's wife, Kathryn Iwaasa, sent in a complaint letter to Racquetball Canada. The half a dozen or so complaint letters sent in by John Halko, Barbara May and Jack McBride over the past 7 years because of their religious intolerance since I am a Christian and they are not has finally won out. But God's judgment is upon them, and does not leave them, so I leave it in His hands how He is going to judge and deal with them accordingly. I would not want to be in their shoes.

    I will save $5,000/year now not playing racquetball and tournaments. For that I am grateful. In 50 years x $5,000/yr = $250,000. With interest at 20% (I consider myself a good investor), that comes to $227 million. Wow! I think I have a new goal in life. Thanks Racquetball Canada! Much appreciated as I was not thinking in these terms before. I like this new course in life I am on now without Racquetball Canada and Alberta Racquetball. It's very liberating. Praise the Lord!

    Let us not overlook how racquetball is dying in Canada, especially Alberta. One can't help with the immorality exhibited here to think that death by a thousand cuts and dwindling participation is occurring because of sin and selfishness of those running the show. Pretty soon all that will be left is John Halko, John Halko's son and Barbara May and Barb doesn't even play racquetball. There are not even any juniors left in Alberta. They may start but they ALL quit. Everyone I play in Edmonton I win 15-0, 15-1, 15-2. It's no fun for me if I am not challenged.

    What a treat it is being attacked not just by atheists and other antichrist folk but members of the Mormon cult since they are not Christians either. There is not one Christian who has come against me for we are members of the body of Christ. Much support has been forthcoming from Christians saying to stay strong for what these atheists (and Mormons) are doing reveals this is a "wicked world". The Church did not disappear for 1800 years as Mormons teach. Joseph Smith murdered two people and burned down the Expositor newspaper for printing negative things about him.

    I sorta feel like the Expositor.

    He had 34 wives, 11 of them married already, 14 year old girls, three pairs of twins and a mother and a daughter for sex partners as well. He had about two dozen children. And it is not even clear which children were his since some of the women were already married. The idea is if they are going to be a god of a planet they need to populate that planet by having sex just like we do now but with many wives to produce billions and billions of spirit babies. Mormonism/LDS is a delusional sex cult with about 150 sects in their cult. Depending on the calculation one estimate is they would have to have sex 8 million times a day. Cults don't think through their theology very well. I am not sure why they are so obsessed with sex when the Bible says there is no marriage in heaven and no sex: "For when the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage. In this respect they will be like the angels in heaven" (Matt. 22.30). Angels don't have sex. There is no baby angels.

    Having lots of children is a twisted way of growing a cult generation after generation by brainwashing their kids at a very young age. The evil spirit "Mormo" is said to bite children who are bad, putting fear in their hearts to question anything. They claim their God was a man before becoming God. Joseph Smith evilly said AS MAN IS GOD ONCE WAS AND AS GOD IS MAN MAY BECOME. Crazy! I know. No Christian would agree with this. There is much documentation that proves Joseph Smith was premediated in his deceit. Fortunately only 1% of the population is Mormon. Data mining 110,000 books prior to 1830 showed statistically significant which books Smith used to write the Book of Mormon that he copied phrases and ideas from so it didn't come from gold plates that nobody ever saw. It wouldn't make much sense to quote the New Testament of the KJV when it wasn't even written 600 BC. That would be plagiarism. And he added several chapters to Isaiah that never existed before. There are many of these brutal textual violations. It's quite entertaining that Smith could be so careless and people so daft to be deceived in this cult. But he is just appealing to their carnal desires to exalt themselves as gods -- it's called "Romance of the Gods" like Zeus and the complex of gods in eastern religions.

    Smith was dragged to jail several times, charged with being a con artist, and kept escaping. Here are couple quality links if you would like to learn how disturbing this cult really is....

    Debunking FairMormon Debunking

    Do you really want to be a in a cult that says the reason black people are black was because of their sin and their forefather's sin? Do you really want to be a in a cult that says the inhabitants of the Americas were Jewish even though genetic analysis shows that's impossible, and they had no means to sail to North America 600 B.C.? Do you really want to be a in cult that lists a number of animals, but they could not have existed in the Americas 600 BC? It's amazing how evil stares you right in the face and you can't acknowledge it is evil. Do you want to be a part of a cult that says on the moon there were people who lived to 1000 years of age? Mormons have no crosses on their temples but lots of Satanic pentagrams in an effort to call down the power of Satan. Mormons think Satan is the literal brother of Jesus and that Jesus did not create Lucifer. Every word in Christianity has a different meaning in Mormonism. It is twisted! It is evil!

    The Bible teaches God was alone from everlasting but Mormons believe they themselves always existed alongside God (oh the pride!) and were not created beings so they reject the Jesus who is the 2nd Person of the Trinity to atone for sins and who created all things. Atonement from a lesser being is not sufficient to save anyone. John 1.3 says nothing exists that exists without Jesus having created it. That's the Jesus to give your life to. They have turned Jesus into a lesser being, bringing Him down their level, and not God the Alpha and Omega.
    "All things were made by him [Jesus]; and without him was not any thing made that was made" (John 1.3). Not accepting Jesus is God is the same thing JW's do but in a different way. They claim Jesus is Michael the Archangel. Six of one, half a dozen of the other...just another way to reject Christ who He truly is. "And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death" (vv.17,18). Seven times in the Gospel of John Jesus claims to be the great “I am” (4:26; 6:20; 8:24, 28, 58; 13:19; 18:5), and God the Father is I AM also. Hence, the Trinity. For more verses on Jesus the Alpha and Omega see Rev. 21.5-7, 22.12,13.

    This is a good link about exposing unethical and evil behavior,

    My work for the Lord is done here. Time to go onto greener pastures. Praise the Lord for this discernment! Thank you Jesus. Amen.

    Ephesians 5:11-12 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.

    Psalm 94:16 Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity?

    Result of investigation to Troy Brooks rev.doc


    John Halko (Atheist), Barbara May (Atheist) and Kathryn Iwaasa (Mormon)

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    Not Playing Racquetball Saves $5,000-$6,000 Per Year

    This is probably my last post because I have nothing to do with racquetball anymore from this point on. It is all out of sight, out of mind. All of this is a blessing in disguise for me because all the joints on the right side of my body are pretty much shot at the age of 48. Besides, there is nobody to play in Edmonton that can get more a than couple points on me and it is only going to get worse...they are in their 50's. I don't get pushed for tournaments, never quite as prepared as I could be. Now I can work on weights, jogging, and the bike (I had a good bike ride today) without racquetball inflaming my joints. God sent me on a mission to expose unethical behavior of Barbara May and John Halko these past three years, and now the Lord's work is done. Praise the Lord! The burden has been lifted, let Google Search do its thing, and now I have other work to do.

    I played racquetball again for 3 years--call it my 3 year "racquetball ministry" mission--since 2012, spent about $15,000 playing 30 tournaments, and enjoyed myself. I beat the 5th, 9th and 12th ranked players in Canada and was ranked as high as 9th briefly so that was pretty cool. Never expected that. But my chapter is done here now.

    Having been banned today surprisingly I feel quite positive. I noticed I was able to get a lot of extra reading in today more than usual by not playing racquetball because it can be quite consuming which needs lots of down time. I feel like this is God's will for me to stop playing racquetball when I wasn't able to quit on my own since I am a creature of habit.

    My racquetball stint lasted longer than I would have thought because you just knew board members of the ARA Barbara May and John Halko, in bed with her, had no intention of ever letting me play in sanctioned tournaments in Alberta after I exposed Barb for lying to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence back in 2009. Nobody cares about this. It's evil and it goes unchecked. Such is the way of the world and punishes the righteous not allowed to play in Alberta sanctioned tournaments the past 7 years and forever. And when I say forever, I mean forever, because these posts are never coming down from the Internet Wayback Machine. They are permanently etched onto the Internet and the Cloud exposing unrighteousness. The truth stands and is preserved forever. Praise the Lord! I know I have God of the Bible is on my side because He hates unethical behavior and covering up lies and abuse. If there are racquetball sanction tournaments in the millennial kingdom, I am looking forward to playing again then when the Son of Man returns.

    All they needed was one more complainant Kathryn Iwaasa after I exposed that Milton, Coby, and Kathryn Iwaasa are in the Mormon cult who reject God was alone from everlasting. They claim they always existed alongside God and that Jesus didn't create everything. They reject Christianity and look down upon the 66 books of the Bible. They say it is true only insofar as they say it is true. What arrogance! Whereas Christians treat the Bible as inherent. Mormons/LDS claim the Church ceased to exist for 1800 years until they came along. More evil! So much evil! Study the 7 church periods in Rev. 2 & 3. That contradicts what Mormons claim.

    I know God's wrath will be upon Barb and John, and the Iwaasa family, but I do not know how it will manifest. Leave that up to God. He will deal with them accordingly. "Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies" (Rom. 8.33). And Jesus said to them, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me" (Matt. 25.40). They are not so much attacking me as they are attacking the Only Begotten Son of God Jesus Christ.

    I feel sorry for them that they have to behave this way, and now after mindlessly sending over a half a dozen complaints to Racquetball Canada that are unjustified and indefensible (I would win in court) the latter had no choice but to bow to demands after all they reject Christ too. I know if I was in their situation and I did someone wrong, I would repent and not try to continue to hurt them. Not everyone has a conscience to do that. Their consciences are seared. They may not even have a conscience to feel guilty.

    And the way you prove atheists delusional is by stating that if there was an infinite regress of cause and effects in nature, you would have happened already, having had an eternity to do so, so you should have already happened. Therefore, nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God. And more specifically the Trinity since Jesus is God and the Father is God and the Spirit is God; therefore, God is One Being and Triune.


    Christians are being marginalized all over the world today (just like the Jews in Nazi Germany) unless they remain silent and conceal their faith but that is not Christian to be silent. The Apostles were martyred. Peter was hung upside down on a cross. So I am in good company. I saw one minister point out the fact that what was once condemned (injustice) is now celebrated. What was celebrated (justice) is now condemned. And those refusing to celebrate what is now celebrated (injustice) are condemned. First Christians are marginalized then Christianity is criminalized. I don't even know who is on the panel from Racquetball Canada that decided to ban me. It's all quite hush hush. What we can say is that no Christian would treat another Christian this way, for we would feel guilty inside, so we know Terry Nelson and whoever else was mysteriously on the secret panel are antichrist and atheist. They are bad people! They do not do what's right but what is convenient.

    It's the same thing in forums on the Internet as occurred at Racquetball Canada. Moderators if they receive enough complaints on one individual even by only one or two complainants and though there is no substance to those complaints the moderator caves in like Racquetball Canada did just because they keep sending complaints ad nauseam as John Halko and Barbara May did. Collectively these two culprits have sent in at least a half a dozen complaints in the last 2 years, and when you look at those complaints they are no more than simple sentences with no evidence to back their vague accusations. In fact, I was never given a reason why I was banned from Alberta Racquetball nor from Racquetball Canada seven years later. You know they are not dealing forthrightly when they do that. What we can say that is factual is none on the board of the ARA or panel of RC are Christians. They are all antichrist so they are all going to Hell according to the 66 books of God's loving word that saves wretched sinners.

    It's an "evil world," Satan is the god of this world and indwells the spirit of Barb and John since they are antichrist. They are going to Hell. There is no doubt about it as the Scriptures are clear. That's why they can be so cruel banning a person for 7 years (and for life) from playing in sanctioned tournaments in Alberta, all to cover up Barb's abusiveness in 2009. It's diabolical really! Now the abuse of power is carried over to RC to appease the Iwaasa family after I exposed their Mormon cult. It's an amazing thing to witness human beings can be like this. I know I could never do that to someone; I would feel bad inside. As their character is now so it will be in Hell and what a terrible way to be that you have to hurt others to bolster your own ego. Their spirit is dead to God so they remain unregenerates, either calling Jesus a liar or a lunatic but not God.

    The feeling that comes over me is sadness for them because they have this albatross over them for the rest of their lives when they had ample opportunity (years and years) to be decent humans to rectify the original sin (Barb lying to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her negligence). And it can't be pleasant or healthy for their spirit, soul and body to unrepentantly carry this sin around forever! Just think of the judgments that will come upon them by God like the Pharaoh faced with each plague as he continued to get harder and harder. They will never know the joy and peace of the Lord.

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    The King of the North (Barbara May) and the King of the South (John Halko or Kathryn Iwaasa)

    The parallels of this teaching are uncanny and touched my spirit deeply in reading Daniel chapter 11. One can't help but see the application which reminds of the abusive behavior of these individuals. Barbara May is the king of the north (from St. Albert), John Halko is the king of the south, and Kathryn Iwaasa from Lethbridge is also from the south.

    The principle teaching here is "the two kings [Barbara May and John Halko], whose hearts are bent on evil, will speak lies at the same table but to no avail, for still the end will come at the appointed time" (Dan. 11.27). No matter when the appointed time of judgment it is inescapable because they will never repent. Evil never repents, admits any wrong doing, has a change of heart or apologizes, but continues on that evil path come hell or high water. When evil conspires they eventually turn on each other. That's basically the whole point. What a tangled web they weave if at first they practice to deceive (when at first Barb lied to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence which I exposed publically and was banned from the ARA for doing so). They only know how to be deceitful and cunning so they eventually turn on each other.

    "The king of the North's heart [Barb's atheist heart] will be set against the holy covenant [Jewish people and their religion] (or in this case Christians); he will take action, then return to his own land" (v.28).

    "At the appointed time he [Barbara May] will come again to the south [Lethbridge], but this time will not be like the first" (v.29). "Being intimidated [by the Iwaasa family], he [Barb] will withdraw. Then he [Barb] will rage against the holy covenant and take action. On his [Barb's] return, he will favor those who abandon the holy covenant" (v.30). In other words, discrimination against Christians. It will even take place against the Mormon Iwaasa family even though they are not Christians.

    "His [Barb and John's] forces will rise up and desecrate the daily sacrifice and set up the abomination of desolation" (v.31). "With flattery he will corrupt those who act wickedly toward the covenant, but the people who know their God will be strong and take action" (v.32) [I'm documenting the truth]. "Those who are wise among the people [Christians] will give understanding to many, yet they will die by the sword and flame, and be captured and plundered FOR A TIME [the Christian is first marginalized, silenced then martyred, and racquetball has been left desolate esp. in Edmonton where the king of the north resides]. "When defeated [now banned from Racquetball Canada as well], they will be helped by some, but many others will join them insincerely" (v.34) [racquetball community only superficially comes to the aid of Christians]. "Some of the wise will fall so that they may be refined, purified, and cleansed until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time" (v.35).

    "Then the king [John Halko] will do whatever he wants. he will exalt and magnify himself above every god, and he will say outrageous things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed...." (v.36). "He will not show regard for the gods of his fathers, the god longed for by women [Kathryn Iwaasa in eternal Mormon pregnancy as the mother goddess producing billions of spirit babies and ruling over them on some planet near Kolob], or for any other god [of other cults and religions], because he will magnify himself above all" (v.37). [John Halko is not the Antichrist, but he is antichrist.] "Instead, he will honor a god of fortress-a god his fathers did not know...." (v.38). "He will deal with the strongest fortresses with the help of a foreign god. He [John Halko] will greatly honor those who acknowledge him, making them rulers over many and distributing...reward" (v.39).

    "He will invade many and sweep through them like a flood" (v.40) even the "beautiful land [promised land of Israel], and many will fall" (v.41). "But certain ones will escape" (v.42). "Not even the land of Egypt [Lethbridge and Calgary in the south] will escape" (v.42)."At the time of the end, the king of the South [Iwaasa family] will engage him [John Halko] in battle, but the king of the North (Barb May) will storm against him...." (v.40). "He will get control over the hidden treasures of Egypt" (v.43). [Alberta Racquetball Association]

    However, "reports from the east [Racquetball Canada] and the north [Barb May] will terrify him [John Halko], and he will go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many" (v.44). "He will pitch his tents...but he will meet his end with no one to help him" (v.45).

    This is exactly how evil conspires, their eventual downfall, and reaction of others. They think they can outsmart God but they always do themselves the end. They just don't know it yet.

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    If It Wasn't for Kathryn Iwaasa's Complaint
    I Probably Would not Be Banned from Racquetball Canada

    Isn't it ironic that as hard and cruel as the atheists John Halko and Barbara May tried to get me banned from playing in sanctioned tournaments in Racquetball Canada with a half a dozen or so complaint letters over the past 2 years, and banning me for life from Alberta tournaments (going on 7 years now) to misdirect away from Barb lying to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence (2009), they still could not get it done each time the panel of Racquetball Canada had to formerly review each complaint from these two chubbies.

    But what finally did me in was a simple little link to a video and comment with words of encouragement to accept Jesus for salvation and not the Jesus of Mormonism on the Alberta Racquetball Facebook page. Why is this so? Because Racquetball Canada would really like to have Coby Iwaasa back on the scene so they had to give Kathryn Iwaasa what she wanted to have me banned because she knows I know she is going to Hell according to the Bible. Her lashing out is not turning the other cheek.

    Cruel, cruel world! So I quit playing racquetball because of Kathryn's cruelty as a Mormon. I think the Lord here has shown the difference in the faith of Christian (we get martyred but shall be rewarded for it) vs. the faith of Mormons (aggressively cruel) and atheists (aggressively cruel). If I can't play sanctioned events I don't have that intensity which I simply don't get beating players 15-0, 15-1, 15-2 at the club.

    But there is a blessing in disguise. $6,000/year savings x 25% return per year in 50 years equals $1.7 billion dollars. I encourage all racquetball players to re-evaluate all the money they are wasting on tournaments across Canada every year and put that money to something more productive in life.

    p.s. my thought to Milton Iwaasa would be, who needs enemies when I have a friend like Milton.

    This is that video that a lot of ex-Mormons highly recommend,

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Kathryn-Mormon-Banning.png 
Views:	862 
Size:	380.6 KB 
ID:	478  

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    Proof God Uses the Evil of Atheists for the Benefit and Good of Christians Specifically

    "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Rom. 8.28). "So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though at present you may be temporarily harassed by all kinds of trials. This is no accident. It happens to prove your faith which is infinitely more valuable than gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world" (1 Pet. 1.6,7). "That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!" (2 Cor. 4.16,17) "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened" (Matt. 24.22). The earth would actually be destroyed if it wasn't for the sake of Christians. "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive" (Gen. 50.20).

    People become saved because they look upon the evil that has been perpetrated against a Christian so they don't want to be like those atheists on the panel of Racquetball Canada such as Terry Nelson or the board of the Alberta Racquetball Association, namely John Halko and Barbara Mayhem. God judges them. And He keeps on judging them until they repent. They may never repent but that's what Hell is a place of eternal unrepentance.

    When Joseph's brothers threw him into a hole and he escaped to Egypt, God used their evil for good, because Joseph became a leader in Egypt. When his brothers were starving they went to Egypt and Joseph looked kindly upon them--he was not vengeful--to help them out of their darkness and lead them to salvation as they humbled themselves before him. But let's look further even now how God uses evil intended by John Halko (atheist), Barbara May (atheist) and Kathryn Iwaasa (Mormon) for my good. They thought they were hurting me sending in complaint letter after complaint letter, sinning bearing false witness, but look how I benefited.

    Benefit #1 - Ranked 9th in Canada
    If it wasn't for Gordon Cutting (atheist) preventing me from playing in a tournament that I registered for in Edmonton in 2012, I wouldn't have gone to Regina to play the same weekend and beat the 9th ranked player in Canada. Just a few weeks later the same happened again in 2013 in which I was not allowed to play in an Alberta tournament, courtesy of John Halko and Barbara May who banned me since 2009, I beat the 5th ranked player also in Regina so I was 9th in Canada. Not bad for the oldest guy in the Open Division. Then just a couple months before Racquetball Canada banned me in 2016, it was my 4th try (2015) at trying to beat the 12th ranked player in Canada, and I finally succeeded this time. Praise the Lord!

    Benefit #2 - Ministry to Show Evil Never Repents
    My racquetball stint for 3 years from 2012-2015 after quitting the sport in 2009 was a ministry as well to show how Barbara May and John Halko are really evil banning me for life, going on 7 years now, from playing in sanctioned tournaments in Alberta. The Holy Spirit led ministry was to share with people across Canada how evil they really are for doing this. I knew they would not repent of their evil which began at first in 2009 when Barbara May lied to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence. Instead of repenting when I publically called her out for her misconduct and lie she got harder and harder along with John Halko which proved the point we are dealing with a Pharaoh type situation here, where plague upon plague comes against her and John. The work was done when Terry Nelson from RC showed he was complicit. Their atheistic hearts showed their true colors against Christians.

    Benefit #3 - Only Solution to Reduce Inflammation
    My shoulder is fried. I had surgery on it but didn't help. My shoulder was in a sling for 6 months after diving into the wall playing Joe Morin. I really do need to stop playing racquetball, but I could not stop on my own accord because I love the sport so much and have such a good time despite the hostility from these Atheists. I have to stop playing because I have perpetual inflammation in all the joints on the right side of my body. As it so happens with Kathryn being the reason with her complaint why I am now banned from Racquetball Canada as of a few days ago (more on this below), even if I was allowed to play in sanctioned tournaments I wouldn't play anymore anyhow because it is like a switch that went off and another turned on when I was banned from RC. God used this evil of banning to change my priorities. I finally appreciate that I can't keep carrying around this inflammation. I have to take better care of myself. I have been playing for 34 years. It's time.

    Benefit #4 - Time and Money
    I mentioned this major benefit of quitting the sport entirely. Saving $6,000/yr at a return of 25%/yr is $1.7 billion in 50 years. Racquetball is quite time consuming from driving across the city to the club, taking a month off the calendar for tournaments, and all the down time needed.

    Benefit #5 - Accepting Mormons are as Nasty as Atheists
    We have seen how Mormons are just as every bit as nasty as Atheists. They put on a veneer of being friendly and good people, but at the slightest provocation they become aggressive and will marginalize you into the dredges. I could never send in empty complaint letters to Racquetball Canada or ban someone because they are a Christian, defending the gospel, doing apologetic work, or exposing some wrong doing, but they have no compunction in doing so. In fact, Mormons are really just "supernatural atheists" because they believe material/matter/nature always existed alongside their god, and that God was not alone from everlasting even though the Bible says God was. Mormons believe the Church was missing for 18 centuries before they came along, and they reject the Jesus who created all things. To them the Bible is only true insofar as they say it is true. Such brutish arrogance is so unattractive to me.

    Antichrist Hooligans!

    The guilty parties none of whom are Christians: Barry Ould (atheist), Barbara May (atheist), John Halko (atheist), Cam Bourque (atheist), Manny Gregorio (atheist), Terry Nelson (atheist), the two mystery panel members at RC (likely atheists), Jack McBride (atheist), Kathryn Iwaasa (Mormon), and Milton Iwaasa (Mormon). And going back to 2009, the other ARA board members banning: Gerry Slamko (atheist), Shanda McKnight (atheist), Marc Caouette (atheist), and James Brayley (atheist). They are hooligans really!

    How should you behave like a normal decent human being?

    1. Don't ban people from racquetball associations when they call you out on your abuse (Barbara May) that you're trying to cover up.
    2. Don't ban someone because they are a Christian under some false pretense.
    3. Don't try to influence the manager of a racquetball facility to ban someone just because your name is John Halko and Barbara May.
    4. Don't tell people at the racquetball club you are not allowed to talk about Christianity (Barry Ould).
    5. Don't tell someone they have to apologize when you don't tell them what for (e.g. Terry Nelson, Cam Bourque, Manny Gregorio, Barry Ould).
    6. Don't discriminate against Christians by not playing them at racquetball by insisting they must apologize for something first, but you don't know what for (CB, MG, BO).
    7. Don't be cruel and send in complaint letter after complaint letter with vague accusation and no substance in hopes if you send enough letters you can get someone banned.
    8. Don't discriminate against and ban someone because your gluttonous obesity and jealousy are pointed out even though it hurts your ego (Halko and May). "Jealousy is as cruel as the grave" (Song of Songs 8.6).
    9. Don't ban someone for 7 years going on a lifetime as nothing justifies such aggression and hostility.
    10. Don't be like Terry Nelson who doesn't give me a copy of the snapshots so I can't respond to them before he bans me from Racquetball Canada.
    11. Don't create a panel entirely of atheists (RC) and not disclose who they are or render a verdict of entirely atheist board members (ARA)...none of whom are Christians.
    12. Even though you reject Jesus as your Lord and Savior, go out of your way not to discriminate against us Christians.
    13. Don't tell someone they can't participate in an association unless they remove any comments on the Internet made about someone for their wrong doing.
    14. Don't be like Cheryl Adlard blocking the favorite website link on a player's ranking profile page at Racquetball Canada because that website is Christian.
    15. Don't send in a complaint letter because someone publically exposes you are in a cult (Iwaasa family).
    16. If you are on some panel or board don't ban someone and then not give a reason for fear of being sued for religious discrimination. That's cowardly.

    Racquetball in Canada is suffering because people in power can be this abusive. I can assure you if there were at least 50% on the RC panel or 50% of board members on the ARA who were Christians, or I was not the sacrifice to appease Kathryn and Milton Iwaasa (to bring back Coby) after I called them out on their cult which is Mormonism, I would never have been banned from RC or the ARA. Therefore, to condone this by being silent [Racquetball Canada Executive and ARA Executive] you should be ashamed of yourselves. I know I would be. We should always practice to treat others as we would like to be treated and not have any doublestandards.

    "Don't team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?" (2 Cor. 6.14)

    Today in the change room a friend said to me, You have the right attitude. He suggested I take legal action, but I told him the Holy Spirit will perform a greater judgment if I don't as it will linger in their hearts and cause them to question themselves: Why are we treating Christians so unkindly and unfairly? Discrimination against a Christian just because he is vocal is a sin. When God shows forth His judgment, people will be IN AWE of the power of God of the Bible! My friend also said, No wonder why racquetball is so dead in Edmonton [and in Canada] because of the way they [atheists] are behaving. As Jesus said how you treat one of His "little ones" (Matt. 18.6) you are treating Him also.

    Praise the Lord for this discernment! Amen.

    p.s. What an amazing feeling to have quit racquetball. It's quite liberating. I did not expect to feel this good. No more striving, thinking about strategy, trying to manage the inflammation, planning trips, spending loads of cash, putting up with Wayne Woiken, trying to get 2 on 1 or singles games instead of doubles, and watching the IRT. Now I can spend more time in my "first love" (Rev. 2.4) the 66 books of the Bible--the word of God--, and help lead people to Christ. There is much greater satisfaction in this seeing people get saved (John 3.16) and receive eternal life (John 17.3). Praise the Lord!

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    The Scapegoat Troy Brooks

    A scapegoat is a person or animal which takes on the sins of others, or is unfairly blamed for problems. The concept comes originally from Leviticus, in which a goat is designated to be cast into the desert with the sins of the community. Other ancient societies had similar practices. In psychology and sociology, the practice of selecting someone as a scapegoat has led to the concept of scapegoating.

    In the King James Bible for scapegoat you'll find the following practice described in Leviticus 16:

    "And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the LORD, and the other lot for the scapegoat. And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the LORD’S lot fell, and offer him for a sin offering. [Jesus is the sin offering] But the goat, on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat, shall be presented alive before the LORD, to make an atonement with him, and to let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness. —Lev 16:8–10, KJV

    What's going on here? What exactly is the role of this goat sent out to the wilderness [Racquetball Canada is the wilderness]? It sounds a little like the "scapegoat" was the more fortunate of the two goats, since it merely got released into the wild while its counterpart got sacrificed. [Initially banned by Halko/May from ARA for 7 years plus life BUT could still play sanctioned tournaments across Canada with RC.] In this illustration ( see the priest laying hands on the scapegoat and confessing Israel's sins over it. The scapegoat is also Jesus. He goes out into the wilderness for the removal of sins. And you'll see the scapegoat (Troy Brooks) being pushed off a cliff to his doom! [Banned now also from Racquetball Canada 7 years later so can't play sanctioned tournaments anywhere in Canada at all now].

    Whosoever believes in Jesus his sins are forgiven and removed. Of course myself as a scapegoat is used evilly by Terry Nelson, Barbara May, John Halko since they reject Christ for forgiveness and removal of sins. They carry their sins like a heavy chain around their necks. It weighs them down.

    Clearly, the scapegoat didn't get off any easier than its counterpart who was offered as a sin offering. Then again, that shouldn't come as that much of a surprise. After all, the one who escapes punishment (John Halko, Barbara May, Terry Nelson) by means of a scapegoat (Troy Brooks) is not the scapegoat himself, but the one whose wrongdoing gets blamed on the scapegoat.

    What then was that wrong doing? Barbara May lied to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence so when I publically exposed her evil, I was banned. Both Barbara May and John Halko got aggressive because I have given them the gospel of salvation and they reacted negatively to what Jesus did for them. So they know I know according to the Bible they are going to Hell. Terry Nelson from RC, who is also atheist and antichrist, partakes in this evil kicking me off a cliff. It's all very nefarious and evil!

    And it's nothing new under the sun. People have been behaving evilly towards others just like this for millennia. Religious discrimination is rampant! I'm a victim of scapegoating which is prominent in the Satanic realm. But of course, though they think they have escaped judgment and gotten away with something, nothing could be further from the truth. God's in control. I would conjecture the longer unrepentance and not rectifying the situation remains, the greater the judgment will be in the end on them. I would not want to be in their shoes. I leave it in God's hands and have nothing to do with it anymore.

    This is a sculpture of the piercing (Is. 53) the scapegoat endures.
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    Quitting Racquetball for Good is Good

    What I noticed about playing less and less is you lose the torque, punch forward, and pop in your wrist. It's hard to get it back. Unless you are playing twice a week regularly, you lose the joy of playing and competitiveness because you're not playing at the level you could be at.

    I don't intend to ever pick up the racquet again. It was a good run beating the 5th, 9th and 12th players in Canada. God's purpose for me to play for the last 3 years was to expose unethical and abusive behavior in Alberta Racquetball and Racquetball Canada then to get out of dodge after being banned for life.

    All I want physically is to trade days back and forth between the bike and lifting weights, and in the summer jog a few times per week. That's less mentally and physically demanding. I am certainly not jealous of those old guys in their 50's and 60's still playing as I can already feel myself slowing down at 48.

    Look how much I am saving ($7500/yr)...

    # Tournaments Gas Flight Food Hotel Entry Total Played Total
    1 Vernon 170 0 100 350 65 685 685
    2 Saskatoon Open 120 0 80 70 50 320 320
    3 Selection 1 Brossard 0 545 100 500 75 1220 1220
    4 Selection 2 Ontario 0 620 100 400 75 1195 1195
    5 Precision 160 0 80 309 65 614 614
    6 Saskatoon Classic 120 0 80 120 50 370 370
    7 Burnaby Nationals 0 450 200 650 150 1450 1450
    Total Tourn. 5854
    Mill Woods (70 x $6.30) 441
    Mill Place Weights (38 x $8.1) 308
    LA Fitness (6 x $15) 90
    Gas to Mill Woods (40 km x .10 x 70 times) 280
    Gas to LA Fitness (64 km x 0.10 x 6 times) 38
    Gas to Mill. Place (10 km incl. Subway x 0.1 x 38) 38 1195
    Racquetball Canada Membership 25
    New racquet 82
    Grips, gloves, bag, eyeguards, string, dampner 200
    ENET 145 452
    Overall 7501

    Those who go to tournaments probably underestimate how expensive racquetball really is!

    Click image for larger version. 

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    There is a way to make this cheaper. Just play the US Open and World Seniors, two tournaments per year is all I need. There is no point playing in Canadian tournaments because there is no challenge for me in the aged divisions and I am too old to play in the Open division. But at the World Seniors and US Open 50+ should be good competition for me.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Don't Go to US Open 50+ Unless You Win the 50+ in World Seniors in Alburquerque
    Play Less Tournaments to Build More Strength Gas Flight Hotel Entry Total Total Total
    World Seniors 400 600 200 1200 1200
    US Open 500 1300 150 1950 1950
    Gas too and from airport 100 100 100
    0 0
    0 0
    0 0
    0 0
    Total Tourn. 3250
    GARC 600
    Grips, gloves, eyeguards 100
    Total Total 3950

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    Default A Spirit of Rapture

    This is definitely my experience...

    How frequently God’s child, when engaged in spiritual labor, entertains many expectations and plans. He is full of the Holy Spirit, wisdom and power; he believes God will greatly use him; and he looks forward with anticipation that before long his labor shall produce much fruit. However, in the very midst of prosperity the hand of the Lord suddenly sweeps down upon him, suggesting to him that he must conclude all his undertaking and be ready to take another course. This comes as a genuine surprise to man. He naturally asks why it must be so. Is not my power for working? Is not the profound knowledge I have for helping people? Need everything be closed in and cold? Nonetheless, under guidance of this kind the believer learns that the purpose of God for him is an alteration in his course. Previously everything was going forward; henceforth it is to ascend. It does not signify there is no more work; what it does mean is that that work can be concluded at any time. God continually has employed such circumstances as persecution, opposition, plunder, etc., to cause saints to comprehend that He wishes them to have the spirit of rapture rather than to make progress in the work on earth. The Lord desires to change the course of His children, many of whom do not realize there is this far better spirit of rapture.

    This spirit has its definite effect on life. Before one secures. it his experience is bound to be changing constantly; after he receives the witness and assurance of rapture in his spirit, however, his life and labor will be sustained on a level worthy of this kind of spirit, thus preparing him for the Lord’s return. Such preparation includes more than outward correction: it is making the spirit, the soul, and the body of the believer wholly ready to meet the Lord.

    Hence we should pray and petition the Holy Spirit to show us how to obtain this spirit of rapture and how to retain it. We should believe and then be willing to eliminate all obstacles to the realization of such a spirit. And once we have appropriated it we should habitually check our life and work against it. In case we lose this spirit we should determine at once how it was lost and how it can be restored. Such a spirit once obtained can be easily forfeited. This may be due chiefly to our ignorance (at this stage of life) of how to preserve such a heavenly position through special prayer and effort. We must therefore ask the Holy Spirit to teach us the way to retain this spirit. Such prayer usually leads us to seek “the things that are above” (Col. 3.2), and this is one of the requisites for preservation.

    Since he now stands at the door of heaven and can be transported at any moment, the Christian should choose to wear the heavenly white garment and perform heavenly work. Such a hope separates him from earthly matters while joining him to the heavenly.

    The fact that God wishes a believer to look for rapture does not suggest that he should be concerned only with his rapture and forget the remainder of the work God has appointed him. What God actually designs to convey to him is that he should not permit God-given labor to hinder his rapture. In both his walk and work, heavenly attraction should always be greater than earthly gravitation. The child of God should learn to live for the Lord’s service, but even more so for the Lord’s receiving him. May our spirit be uplifted daily, looking for the return of the Lord. May the things of this world so lose their power over us that we do not in the slightest wish to be “worldly”; nay, we even delight in not remaining “in the world.” May our spirit daily ascend, asking to be with the Lord earlier. May we so seek the things above that not even the best work on earth can distract our hearts. May we henceforth pray in spirit and with understanding, “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22.20)

    For the full article read here...

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    Your Conscience Effects Your Play

    Let's see what happens as a result of John Halko (atheist), Barbara May (atheist) and Mormon Kathryn Iwaasa (whom Milton Iwaasa, also Mormon, is responsible for) gang banging me by sending complaint letters to Racquetball Canada all within a week, being evil towards me by convincing Terry Nelson to ban me from Racquetball Canada sanctioned events after already being banned 7 years from Alberta sanctioned events. No reason was given. They never give a reason for fear of lawsuits. The gospel of salvation was given to them which is salvation from Hell so you can understand why they are so hostile, because they know I know according to the Bible they are going to Hell.

    Mormons by the way are atheists also, but with a twist, since they claim their god use to be a man who had a god who once was a man also, and this goes on for an eternity in the past, instead of God creating time and space as Monotheists believe. So I call Mormons "supernatural atheists". Whether atheist or supernatural atheist, they both reject God almighty, Jesus Christ. Mormons worship a false Christ. Christians believe in the Trinity. If you deny the Trinity you are going to Hell according to the Bible.

    I don't really care about Terry Nelson (atheist) as he is just a pawn of the system when he received never ending vague complaint letters from the above culprits. He probably doesn't want to have to deal with it anymore as they (Barbara May and John Halko) keep sending in complaint letter after complaint letter in the vaguest way possible. Doesn't make it right, but such is the world where people don't stand up for what is right. But we can say they knew the end result as I did as that was their intended goal. All you need to do is keep sending in enough complaint letters year after year for no good reason at all, and the powers that be will cave into your demands. But what does this really say about them? It says a person will do anything to protect their first sin, in which this hostility all started when I gave them the gospel and Barbara May lied to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence so when I publically exposed her for doing so, I was banned. Evil!

    So was there any impact in Halko's or Milton's play at the Feb. 5, 2016 Selection Event #2 in Grande Prairie for the first tournament I was banned from playing in by Racquetball Canada?

    In the first tournament (and the only one that I will monitor for this little experiment) that I was banned from by Racquetball Canada, these are the results...

    First, notice Milton Iwaasa lost to John Halko by some injury he incurred so it is not a true win, but Halko gets the win anyway. But since Halko is ranked way above Milton it doesn't really matter. Then John Halko played Dan Ladouceur from Calgary, Alberta. This is important because John Halko is ranked 11th in Alberta and 80th in Canada; whereas Dan is ranked 17th in Alberta and 93rd in Canada. Dan beat John. So now Dan is tracking John. See how that works? John Halko's conscience is pricking him that he knows he is being evil so naturally he underperforms. Another example is extremely obese and abusive people like Wayne Woiken are fat and unkind because their conscience is dull, and they don't listen to it so it manifests in exploding weight and insensitive behavior.

    I could say the same thing about Ryan Blackmore who lost every single one of his matches in this tournament in both doubles and singles because he tries to defend Mormons as Christians, and he literally outside the court kicked a woman in the face, bruised her temple, and he never apologized. She quit playing racquetball because of him because she is uncomfortable being around him at the club. He will never repent because that is the type of person he is. He is self-righteous! Same goes for everyone mentioned in this post. He is also estranged from me because on a trip we took together, I called him out in his inordinate nose picking that he gets all over the steering wheel which I had to touch when it was my turn to take the wheel. Totally unsanitary. As a result, he got violent with me in the car just like Wayne Woiken did at the club even though he is the one at fault. Both of them reject the traditional Jesus. We have never been friends since. He even tried to rationalize that his nose picking is a good thing. How absurd the flesh is!

    What's worse is all the above mentioned individuals engage in self-rationalizing as sin begets sin because that is what you do when you don't, one by one, repent of your sins. If I did any of these things I would immediately repent if brought to my attention because I am a Christian, but not them. They are above repentance and accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

    People overlook these things in God's judgment and dealings, but God will use our environment to judge.

    I would have liked to play Mitch Brayley one more time. It was my turn to get him, that would have been fun! Oh well. He jumped in front of me this tournament so he is now 19th, up from 25th in Canada, and I am 23rd, down from 22nd. But I am tracking the 14th ranked player in Canada while Mitch is tracking the 15th after this tourney. Because I wasn't in the tournament I didn't get the opportunity to defend myself so I feel he didn't quite earn it to move above me in Alberta. It's all good and fun!
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    Parable of the Persistent Widow (Luke 18.1-8)

    1 One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up. 2 “There was a judge in a certain city,” he said, “who neither feared God nor cared about people. 3 A widow of that city came to him repeatedly, saying, ‘Give me justice in this dispute with my enemy.’ 4 The judge ignored her for a while, but finally he said to himself, ‘I don’t fear God or care about people, 5 but this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!’”

    6 Then the Lord said, “Learn a lesson from this unjust judge. 7 Even he rendered a just decision in the end. So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? 8 I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?”

    The Last Days

    When the Lord Jesus finished speaking this parable, He concluded with a final word: “Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” Judging by this statement, it would seem as though at the time of His soon return, there will be a great lack of this kind of prayer among His own people. They do not pray such prayer because they have no faith. They speculate that it is too big and too difficult a thing to cast Satan from heaven into the bottomless pit and then the lake of fire. Since the promise that “the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly” (Rom. 16.20) has yet to be fulfilled after twenty centuries, how can I expect God to finish off Satan through my prayer?

    What the Lord Jesus means by His word is that at the time of His imminent return people will lack faith in praying about this matter. However, the last days is the time when we should so pray. Can we be the few faithful ones who, in the days when such prayer is so rare, offer up prayers against the devil so as to cause him to lose position and power? We know in the last days Satan and his evil spirits are to be exceptionally active in their operations. Therefore, we must pray more than ever against him and overthrow his government. Speaking truthfully, there is no greater work which God’s children could do today than this work. Who is willing to pray against Satan for the sake of God and himself?

    “Strive thou, O Jehovah, with them that strive with me: fight thou against them that fight against me. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for my help. Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that pursue me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation. Let them be put to shame and brought to dishonor that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and confounded that devise my hurt. Let them be as chaff before the wind, and the angel of Jehovah driving them on. Let their way be dark and slippery, and the angel of Jehovah pursuing them. For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit; without cause have they digged a pit for my soul…. Stir up thyself, and awake to the justice due unto me, even unto my cause, my God and my Lord” (Ps. 35.1-7,23).

    Hosea's Message of Love
    The Lord requires that all people must worship Him alone, and they must treat each other justly. We can not say this of Terry Nelson on the panel of Racquetball Canada. He wrote, "Remove all postings, blogs and videos with negative comments regarding any and all Racquetball Canada members and their families from the internet." So I am banned from Alberta Racquetball by John Halko and Barbara May for 7 years and running, and now Racquetball Canada as well, and I am not allowed to defend myself. If this is not an abusive of power, I don't know what is. Does that not strike you as evil? I would never treat someone that way, but Terry Nelson has no compunction in doing so. He further writes, "Provide a written apology to each of the Complainants, namely, Kathy Iwaasa, John Halko and Barbara May who are mentioned in a negative manner in your postings, blogs and/or videos on the internet." [Once Kathryn sent in a complaint when I exposed publically that Mormonism is a cult, Barb May (atheist) and John Halko (atheist) were quick to capitalize sending in their own letters all within a week. They have sent in a half a dozen letters in 3 years always rejected by RC until now.]

    Apologize to Kathryn for exposing why Mormonism is a cult? What has this world come to? Truly Satan is the god of this world, the Bible says. Apologize to Halko and May for her lying to protect her hide in 2009 at my expense to cover up her own negligence? How more twisted can you get? These are evil people behaving evilly trying to justify their atheism in the face of a Christian. They think that if they can make the Christian look bad it bolsters their faith. Christians have been martyred in the past for no less. The common thread is none of them are Christians. They all reject Jesus is the Creator of the universe, 2nd Person of the Trinity, died on the cross for the sins of the world, and was resurrected the third day. They can keep coming at me as much as they like, but that will never change the fact that they are going to Hell, that is, the Lake of Fire, where there is no rest day or night.

    Hosea shows us what it means to "love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength" (Deut. 6.5) as well as to "love your neighbor as yourself" (Lev. 19.18). Terry Nelson said, "Refrainfrom discussing these matters with any of the people involved or anyone other than Executive Director or Director of Sport Development." Think how evil this statement is. I am not allowed to defend myself. I can't discuss with my friends or anyone who plays racquetball, except the high council of Racquetball Canada. Crazy eh? If someone is on a bridge about to commit suicide, is it not incumbent upon us as fellow human beings to reach out and try to save that person? That is love. But Terry Nelson says, let the Atheist and the Mormon (which is really atheism with a supernatural kicker) perish. Whereas the Bible says, spread the gospel to the nations and expose unethical behavior. Praise the Lord!

    Hosea's message that God loves His people even when He has to discipline them is needed for any people who ignore their Creator and treat their fellow human beings as things that get in the way of personal pleasure. The truth is harmful to the ego of those living a lie, but that is a good harm, because it causes them to question what they are doing and how they are behaving. God's judgment is upon Terry Nelson, the two other undisclosed mysterious panel members of Racquetball Canada, and our obese friends John Halko and Barbara May.

    When someone says you have to remove all postings and videos in defense of your position, you know you are dealing with unrighteous people. They do this for their idol which is Racquetball Canada, and for Coby Iwaasa, to sacrifice someone for them. All you can do at that point is leave it in God's hands. We will observe in the coming years the extend and kind of judgment God will inflict on Terry Nelson, John Halko, Barbara May, and the two other mysterious panel members of RC. I am honored by the fact I was banned by Atheists and Mormons, because they know I know they are going to Hell according to the Bible, so they feel the need to get aggressive and hostile with me to rationalize themselves. And not one of my Christian brothers and sisters came against me, but have all supported me during this ordeal. In this I have peace and comfort. "For the kingdom of righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Rom. 14.17).

    Thank you Jesus! Amen.

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