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Thread: The biggest problem

  1. #1
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    Smile The biggest problem

    Watchman Nee said he read the NT over 200 times and the book of Revelation more than that. In all his study, vasteness of thought with his extreme intelligence and clear conscience, he believed the biggest hurdle was the church not being in unity under Biblical locality, where the apostles appoint the elders to take care of a Biblical locality for a local church. He could not see it happening in his day, I can not see it happening in my day.

    There were 400 workers, then dropped to 200 who were apostles during Nee's time in his country that believed in Scriptural locality. Just as it was in the first century, it did not last long, when we in the church try to revive what God longs for. It does not last long because the flesh wars against the Spirit. Christ must return to solve all these problems.

    To show you what I mean, notice that I have had various forums for almost 2 years now, finally settling on this present one which will never change. In those 2 years and over 150,000 unique IP's, there is only one other person with the fervor in the Spirit to make Scriptural locality a reality again in the church. Such unity in the church is not on the minds, hearts or consciences' of Christians today. If it were they would recognize Biblical locality immediately, and move towards action testifying in agreement, by giving their meeting place and words in agreement.

    This shows how ruined the church has become. Even so, we know the local churches will come to pass again as it was in the first century. We do not know God's timing exactly, but we know He will bring about what the Scriptures show must happen from viewing the seven church periods.

    Nee was at least 50 years ahead of his time because still no one believes in Biblical locality. Today, those who teach the same truth are also ahead of their time. I can't say if we are decades or centuries ahead of when it will finally happen, though my expectation is it ought to be this century which ushers in the return of Christ. If you would like to read Nee's thought in what I just said, see page 179 of Revive Thy Work, CFP.

    Amen. :)

  2. #2
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    I'd like to say it's easy to live as Jesus says to. (It is) .
    I haven't met anyone lately , in person nor online, who wants to. (They admit this, even though the consequences are clear.).
    It seems God is saying "bad company corrupts good morals" applies.
    The company most people keep (almost everybody)
    'keeps them' from finding the kingdom.
    They don't even keep seeking Jesus.
    Instead, they stop someplace that's evil, idolatrous and wicked and deceptive, and accept that place because it welcomes them (to their death).
    A few times I've seen (what I thought were) true believers in the past. (God knows if they were true or not; they're gone now).
    I've read of true believers (known and proven by testing, observation, perfection (blamelessness) by grace, obedience to God's Word)
    in other countries,
    and 'supposed' true believers in a few places in the usa(but not tested or proven yet).
    It is easy to follow Jesus , I'd like to say,
    and it is true (as many who know what Jesus says have agreed with)
    even they (who agree it is easy to follow Jesus) REFUSE TO FOLLOW JESUS (they also readily admit, openly!)
    so far REFUSE to follow Jesus
    for the same reason(s)
    in Scripture that others REFUSED to follow Jesus.
    They CHOSE to love the approval of men rather than the approval of God. (and so they die in their sin, unless some day, IF God Permits, they repent).

    What happens to those who truly follow Jesus ? (there have been a few)
    They are harassed. Persecuted. Mocked. Denounced. Slandered. Beaten. Arrested. And Executed.

    So, if people can escape bad company. If they can see and overcome those little obstacles.

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    We should not be afraid to kick the dust under our feet. Let us not be unequally yoked with non-believers. People I have tried to give the gospel to for years have not budged one bit. If anything they have gotten harder. I know they are never going to give their life to Christ so I don't give them the gospel anymore except the occasional quip or offhanded comment. It seems nothing not even God can break through to reach them. If they lost their job that wouldn't convince them to reconsider their life. If they contracted a horrible illness that wouldn't draw them to Christ. If they lost their kids that won't do it. With some people you just know they are never going to give their life to Christ. They won't accept the God who sends people to Hell, for example. And they are just too selfish to come to the cross as helpless sinners to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior. I'm serious about this, because this is their exact condition. So better to deliver the gospel to someone else. For example, one person I know insists initial salvation and to remain saved requires works, but of course, the Bible says, salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast.

  4. #4
    jerrymc Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    We should not be afraid to kick the dust under our feet. Let us not be unequally yoked with non-believers. People I have tried to give the gospel to for years have not budged one bit. If anything they have gotten harder. I know they are never going to give their life to Christ so I don't give them the gospel anymore except the occasional quip or offhanded comment. It seems nothing not even God can break through to reach them. If they lost their job that wouldn't convince them to reconsider their life. If they contracted a horrible illness that wouldn't draw them to Christ. If they lost their kids that won't do it. With some people you just know they are never going to give their life to Christ. They won't accept the God who sends people to Hell, for example. And they are just too selfish to come to the cross as helpless sinners to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior. I'm serious about this, because this is their exact condition. So better to deliver the gospel to someone else. For example, one person I know insists initial salvation and to remain saved requires works, but of course, the Bible says, salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast.
    so did anyone ever give up on you? we only plant the seed some one waters God gets the increase .it took over 30 years for me

  5. #5
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    Yes, the effect of some giving up on me actually drew me to Christ after 10 years. I distinctly recall no more effort being put towards me by several people. It is likely if that if they continued, I would never have been saved, as I would have grown harder and contentious. But the effect of dust being kicked under with me, gave me time to reconsider on my own terms. And ultimately those who give their life to Christ do so on their own terms because it is their free choice. I see God's perfect working in this order. This is love, while carrying on would be a pretentious love.

    Jesus said, "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city" (Mark 6.11).

    If anything, my mistake is keeping with a person for too long. At some point we need to learn to kick the dust off under our feet with certain people. This takes discernment by the Holy Spirit. Do not make any hard and fast rules for yourself.

    It is often the case that the effect of kicking the dust under our feet will draw a person to Christ instead of incurring great judgment on them, because they have the free choice to reconsider. It was the act of kicking the dust under feet that was actually the catalyst that drew a person to Christ.

    In your case, you're not born-again because after all these years you still don't know if you are once saved always saved (as stated in your profile) even though the Bible is clear those who are born-again "they shall never perish" (John 10.28). If I spend considerable time helping you yet you still don't believe it, it is beneficial that I kick the dust under my feet with you, because I will have shown you many verses and still you don't respond to the Holy Spirit and God's word. So you incur great judgment upon yourself. [B]Eternal life is eternal in John 17.3.

    You can go down the list of your false teachings. Next one you don't accept women apostles and/or Mary was born into sin. I might help you with these false teachings, but there is no doubt after a certain amount of time I will have to kick the dust under my feet with you if you don't repent.

    Naturally you have other problems too because you reject the Apostles in your profile. If you are not born-again, naturally you will reject other important truths such as the Apostles were directly chosen by God to appoint Elders of each church locality in the region of churches they work. You've rejected the very authority and submission in God's kingdom because you exalt self.

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