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Thread: The Sun is Darkened At the End of the Tribulation NOT Before the Tribulation

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    Default The Sun is Darkened At the End of the Tribulation NOT Before the Tribulation

    The sun darkened and the stars not giving light take place "after the tribulation" (Mark 13.24). This agrees with Rev. 11.19 at the end of the Tribulation, for the cause of the darkened sun and stars is due to great stormy weather: "lightnings, rumblings, thunders, and earthquake (which has the ability to darken the sky), and sever hail (major cloud covering due to winter weather)." These natural events are pronounced. God uses nature to judge.

    Revelation chapters 7 to 11 are the major elements of the 7 year Tribulation so naturally Rev. 11.19 is at the very end when Jesus steps down on the mount of olives. Revelation chapters 12 to 19 are simply the details of those major events that occur during the Tribulation. Revelation chapter 20 is what follows the Millennial Reign of Christ on earth in Person.

    This is similar to how in Genesis chapter 2 & 3 gives the details of chapter 1. Chapter 1 is eternity past to creation to restoration and man; whereas Revelation 21 is eternity future.

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    When Israel becomes a nation again which she did in 1948 this points to the fig tree (Jews are represented by the fig tree in Joel 1.7, the "elect" in Matt. 24.31) when its branches become tender and sprouts leaves. Her branches began May 14, 1948 when Israel became a nation again, and the leaves began to show when Israel took over Jerusalem on June 7, 1967. Both dates coincide with the lunar tetrad Rev. 6.12 and again in 2014/15 that occur before the Tribulation can start. Know the summer is near, the millennial kingdom, and when you see all these things mentioned in Matt. 24, know that Jesus' return is near "right at the door" (Matt. 24.33). We can't say this hundreds of years ago, nor even the century before the last century, but we can say it is true today because Rev. 6.12 definitely happened 2010-215.

    This wicked generation today will continue until all these things take place (Matt. 24.34). Nobody knows when the world will end, but we do know when Jesus returns. There are 7 years of plenty from the 120th Jubilee 2015/16 to 2022/23 and 7 years of famine from 2023/24 to 2029/30.

    Notice how the economy keeps trickling along in the 7 years of plenty from 2016-2023. Low interest rates can do that. If you are in debt $100,000 and the interest rate is 5%, you have to come up with $5000 each year. But if interest rates are only 1% you only have to scrounge up $1000. It makes you feel like you are richer than you really are.

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