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Thread: Passover

  1. #11
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    That's exactly how God slayed the firstborn because they were infected by the last of the grain that was tainted which was saved just for them.

    You're issue is not with me but with cause and effect how God slayed the first born. You really should read Colin J. Humphreys' book Miracle of Exodus. He's a brilliant scholar who has explained most of the events in Exodus.

    Since this explanation makes the most sense how God did it and you presented no better alternative then you're just blowing smoke.

  2. #12
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    Do you think God is doing the same today but on a much more massive scale? This time using Monsanto as his agent of death?

  3. #13
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    That's Satan not God working through Monsanto. Monsanto is one of many reasons why Jesus is returning, because mankind is unable to stop Monsanto, global warming, fracking, insane pollution in China, and the stupidity of placing a nuclear power plant next to tsunamis on the sea shore or on fault lines. Thank God though for generation 4 nuclear reactors that can withstand anything except a nuclear strike.

    Killing the firstborn of Egyptian children was the punishment for enslaving the Hebrews for over 400 years and the Pharaoh still unwilling to release them after 10 plagues. Egyptians were suppose to store up grain and they did not.

    By eating the last stores of grain that was tainted left for just the firstborn to eat was God's punishment. Monsanto's reach is global so I don't think that is God's punishment as much as the escalating evil work of Satan. We get God knows what other kinds of problems because of Monsanto, but the common man is unable to stop Monsanto so God will intervene.

    God is allowing this evil for good, but I think it is less specific like it was for the firstborn of Egypt. Things are so convoluted now, Satan is taking hold on a global scale so I don't feel it is the same as the firstborn of Egypt. It is just mass killing and corruption on an epic scale, and Satan is winning the day. This is why things lead up to the Tribulation, that is, the last 7 years God has in view before His Son returns.

    Jesus returns not for the sake of world in general that rejects Him, but for the sake of the elect.

  4. #14
    Choir Loft Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Taksuru View Post
    AlwaysLoved, you are a sick dálayyaisorin. You defend a genocidal god who for no good reason killed every single firstborn of Egypt, and yet you people on this forum dare call me evil for thinking that human sacrifice is honourable. You are twisted and cruel, and I hope all Christians and Jews distance themselves from your bizarre and dishonourable thinking. You are also dishonest, for it was "God" who hardened the Pharaoh's heart so that he would not let the Hebrews go; it wasn't the Egyptians that refused to set them free. The god you worship is nasty and petty and above all evil. What had the firstborn of Egypt done to him? What had all the Egyptian people done to him? Surely not all Egyptians were responsible for the crimes of the ruling elite, or perhaps you think that way. Do you not realise that what you are doing here is condoning genocide. That's a big "sin" if anything. Genocide is really the worst of crimes, way worse than rejecting Jesus or taking your silly little lord's name in vain. And yet you are defending it. You twisted demon, you gnarled dálayyaisorin, you foul, profane dog! The gods spit on you and so do I and all honourable people of this world. May your ancestors refuse to acknowledge you as their decendant.

    God, as you envision him, is a very nasty creature, a beast even the death gods would hate with passion. Killing defenseless people is void of honour, and killing children is even worse. Killing defenseless children en masse is just about the most dishonourable there is. I cannot see what you Christians find so attractive in that gnarled gnome god of yours, Yahweh.

    Why should people be punished by eternal damnation? That is not a good way to punish people. It is indicative of a sadistic and sick mind, void of love, honour, and integrity. Yahweh is a cosmic dictator who makes Hitler look mild by comparison, a psychopath with no like, the offspring of a dog and a redzo mating.

    Gods who act like dictators are deposed. Yahweh is a dictator, and he ought to be deposed.
    By what measure do you judge God and what method do you recommend for a heavenly coup d'etat?

    Those who hated Jesus Christ condemned Him without proper evidence and publicly executed Him with extreme prejudice. Even secular records attest to this event. Public murder of an innocent man was not permanent because Jesus rose from the grave. Again, even secular records attest to this miracle - Never seen on earth before or since, btw.

    What had the first born of Egypt done to G-d? How about enslaving His people for four hundred years in hard bondage. Slaves were mistreated and killed at will. After four centuries it was time for release.

    Not all Egyptians were to blame for the sins of their leaders?
    But they were. They were indeed. It has been a rule of history and a recognized axiom of social debauchery that leaders both political and religious lead their people into depravity and sin. The prophets of the Tanakh (Old Testament in gentile lexicon) constantly warned against leadership both political (Kings) and religious (shepherds and priests) who led their people to ruin. Eventually the old kingdom was destroyed by internal wickedness and divine release to captivity. In modern times the people of 1930's Germany, Italy and Japan were lead into aggression by their leaders. The people followed them like sheep - like people always do. They were destroyed for their decisions. Study history. The Bible simply relates the story of the release of Hebrew slaves by G-d through plagues and violence.

    Eternal damnation is not wrought by G-d. Jesus (Yeshuah is His Hebrew name) came that those who believed in Him would be saved. John, writer of the forth gospel, quoted Jesus who said, "Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son." The bottom line here is the responsibility of the human to seek salvation in the name of Jesus when it is possible. It is possible during life, because when life ends the ability to change is lost.

    Eternity without G-d is not punishment - by earthly standards. Has G-d not allowed everyone to do as he or she pleases during life? Those who hate G-d and who deny Him during life will not be given that which they despise in eternity. Why should they be given such a thing? G-d therefore gives them what they've always wanted - eternity without Him. Therefore the judgment is the man's judgment and the punishment is the choice he has made for himself. Is this not true in life as well? A man must suffer or benefit from his choices in life. Eternity isn't that different in that regard.

    Hate G-d and you hate the only One who can deliver you in life and eternity. Make peace with Him while you may. HE is more powerful than any spirit or man that you can possibly conjure. Wisdom then dictates you make peace with One stronger than yourself. It is a fool's errand to continually oppose G-d.

    Choose wisely, pilgrim.

    and that's me, hollering from the Choir Loft...

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