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Thread: Why can’t Jesus be a Jew?

  1. #1
    indigo Guest

    Default Why can’t Jesus be a Jew?

    Judea and Galilee were two separate states and political entities, as illustrated on the map of Palestine in the time of our Saviour in the Bible. Jesus Himself was a Galilean or resident of Galilee (Matthew 26:69; John 7:41), and a Judahite or descendent of the Tribe of Judah. The Judeans of prominence were not of the Tribe of Judah, but of Edomites. Pilate was being ironic when he wrote the sign "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Judeans" for the Cross (John 19:19). That is, "the Galilean who was King of the Judeans," as in "Queen Victoria of England, Empress of India." Jesus grew up in Nazareth in Galilee. His disciples were fishermen from the Sea of Galilee. And although He visited Jerusalem, he spent most of His life in his home country of Galilee. John 7:1, "After this Jesus stayed in Galilee; for He could not walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill him." His followers were constrained "for fear of the Jews" (John 7:13, 19:38, 20:19).

    Psalm 83:3 says God's elect are "hidden" or protected ones, and that they are under attack from a coalition of evil groups led by Edom. Who was Edom?

    Terrible judgements against Edom are made in most of the prophecies of the Old Testament. For instance, Isaiah 34, 63, Jeremiah 49, and the entire book of Obadiah.

    We know that Saul was the first king of Israel and that John was the first man called Baptist, but who was the first Jew? Neither Adam, Seth or Noah are called Jew. Nor were Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. Moses was not called a Jew and neither were Saul, David or Solomon called Jew. In fact you will not find the word Jew in the first eleven books of the Bible. The first time Jews are mentioned in the Bible, is in II Kings 16:6 (and then only in translations revised in the eighteenth century) where we find Israel was at war with the Jews and drave the Jews from Elath. Jesus Christ tells John in Revelation 2:9 . We know that God changed the name of Abram to Abraham in Genesis 17:5, and that He changed the name of Jacob to Israel in Genesis 32:28, but nowhere in the Bible do we find where God changed the name of Israel to Jew! There is therefore no authority by which those who say they are Jews can claim to be Israel!

    By the time of Jesus the word Edom or Edomite had been translated by Greek and Latin into Ioudaios and Iudaeus meaning a Judean or person living in Judea. The original King James version of the Bible, 1611, translated Idumaean-Judean into Iewes. It wasn't until the revised editions of the King James Bible, that the word Jew appeared. The word Jew does not mean Israel or Israelite!

    The Talmud was originally compiled by the Edomites and Canaanites of whom our Lord spoke to in John 8

    "If you were children of Abraham, you would do the works of Abraham. But now you seek to kill Me ... If God were your father, you would love Me ... Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to hear My Word. You are of your father the Diabolical One, and the lusts of your father you wish to do. That one was a murderer from the beginning, and he has not stood in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own, because he is a liar, and the father of it. ... He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not hear Me, because you are not of God."

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by indigo
    There is therefore no authority by which those who say they are Jews can claim to be Israel!
    Those who say they are Jews know their descent from Jacob, but they forsake Christ. There is not a promise to only southern Israel, but all Israel, all Jacob, all Jews that a remnant of Jews will be the center of all nations. Though they will not reign or be priests, they will be from where Christ will be in Person as He rules for 1000 years on earth.
    The original King James version of the Bible, 1611, translated Idumaean-Judean into Iewes. It wasn't until the revised editions of the King James Bible, that the word Jew appeared. The word Jew does not mean Israel or Israelite!
    The KJV didn't change anything. Jews recognized their existence not as Edomites. Just ask them. The word Jew does mean Israelite. You are trying to be cute with when the word Jew actually came into usage. It was introduced sometime after Jacob. So what? Believers were not first called Christians until sometime later at Antioch. Just because some Jews were removed from any area, doesn't mean the other Jews in an another area are not Jews also. However, much they mix with other races does not change the fact that they are Jewish in descent from the 12 tribes of Israel. Regarding Rev. 2.9-“Say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan”—Who are these people? Before solving this puzzle, we should first find out who are the real Jews. By reading Romans 2.28-29, John 8.39-47, and Romans 4.11-12 we can readily perceive that a true believer in the Lord Jesus is a real Jew. Thus, those who are not Jews but say they are will naturally be a stance which points to the Jews according to the flesh together with the proselytes converted to Judaism. These people are organized into what may be called the Judaized church. Their teachings are Judaized, being partly based on law and partly on grace, a salvation partly by faith and partly by works. Their system follows that which is under the law, with a priestly caste. There were a great number of these people at Paul’s time; except that they were more developed and organized by the time of Revelation. Thus they have now become a synagogue of Satan, being used by him to propagate another gospel which is not the gospel at all.
    There is no authority by which those who say they are Jews can claim to be Israel!
    The true Jew is the Christian, but there is also the people of the Jews who refuse Christ, and they remain all 12 tribes of Israel. Israel was first all 12 tribes of Israel. Then Israel was broken into two. The bottom half was Judah and the top half was called Israel, or northern Israel. The top half was more corrupted than the bottom half so it went into exile sooner than Judah.Those being attacked in Judah in 2 Kings 16 were Judeans: "He drove out the people of Judah" (v.6), but as you can see, the Jews of Judah were behaving more corrupted than northern Israel:
    7 King Ahaz sent messengers to King Tiglath-pileser of Assyria with this message: "I am your servant and your vassal.* Come up and rescue me from the attacking armies of Aram and Israel." 8 Then Ahaz took the silver and gold from the Temple of the Lord and the palace treasury and sent it as a gift to the Assyrian king. 9 So the Assyrians attacked the Aramean capital of Damascus and led its population away as captives, resettling them in Kir. They also killed King Rezin.
    10 1 King Ahaz then went to Damascus to meet with King Tiglath-pileser of Assyria. While he was there, he noticed an unusual altar. So he sent a model of the altar to Uriah the priest, along with its design in full detail. 11 Uriah built an altar just like it by following the king's instructions, and it was ready for the king when he returned from Damascus. 12 When the king returned, he inspected the altar and made offerings on it. 13 The king presented a burnt offering and a grain offering, poured a drink offering over it, and sprinkled the blood of peace offerings on it.
    14 Then King Ahaz removed the old bronze altar from the front of the Lord's Temple, which had stood between the entrance and the new altar, and placed it on the north side of the new altar. 15 He said to Uriah the priest, "Use the new altar for the morning sacrifices of burnt offering, the evening grain offering, the king's burnt offering and grain offering, and the offerings of the people, including their drink offerings. The blood from the burnt offerings and sacrifices should be sprinkled over the new altar. The old bronze altar will be only for my personal use." 16 Uriah the priest did just as King Ahaz instructed him.
    17 Then the king removed the side panels and basins from the portable water carts. He also removed the Sea from the backs of the bronze oxen and placed it on the stone pavement. 18 In deference to the king of Assyria, he also removed the canopy that had been constructed inside the palace for use on the Sabbath day,* as well as the king's outer entrance to the Temple of the Lord.
    19 The rest of the events in Ahaz's reign and his deeds are recorded in The Book of the History of the Kings of Judah. 20 When Ahaz died, he was buried with his ancestors in the City of David. Then his son Hezekiah became the next king.
    God makes no distinction for He treats all 12 tribes as Israeli Jews.
    Rev. 7.4 And I heard how many were marked with the seal of God. There were 144,000 who were sealed from all the tribes of Israel: 5 from Judah 12,000 from Reuben 12,000 from Gad 12,000 6 from Asher 12,000 from Naphtali 12,000 from Manasseh 12,000 7 from Simeon 12,000 from Levi 12,000 from Issachar 12,000 8 from Zebulun 12,000 from Joseph 12,000 from Benjamin 12,000.

    Those in Rev. 7.1-8 are not the church but the various people of Israel.

    Before we deal with this group in general let us first notice that in 7.4-8 no name of Dan is mentioned. According to Ezekiel chapters 40-48 which predict the situation concerning the future kingdom, Dan will be located at the north end (48.1). Why then is Dan not mentioned here? This does not mean that Dan as a tribe has disappeared; it may suggest, though, the close relationship Dan has with the serpent. We will recall that as Jacob prophesied over his sons he mentioned Dan (Gen. 49.16-18). Verse 16 of that passage told of Dan’s existence and verse 17 of his conduct; but in verse 18 Jacob suddenly bursts out in prayer. He had not done this when prophesying concerning his other sons. Probably Dan’s behavior in the future would be highly dangerous. During the Great Tribulation the tribe of Dan may join itself to Antichrist in some special relationship.

    These people who are sealed with the seal of the living God are:

    a) the Jews who will rule with Christ on earth in the future (though not as kings). Twelve thousand is the resultant number of the multiples of 12, it being 12Х103. This number represents the eternal perfection of God’s government.
    b) the suffering Jews who make up part of the little brother mentioned in Matthew 25.
    c) the Jewish counterpart of those who endure to the end as spoken of in Matthew 24.
    d) the Jews upon whom the Holy Spirit will be poured out in the coming day (the former rain has already been poured out—Acts 2, but the latter rain is yet to be poured forth—Joel 2.28-29). The blood and fire mentioned in Joel 2.30 coincide with the phenomena of the first trumpet; the pillars of smoke agree with the fifth trumpet. Thus the second outpouring of the Holy Spirit will occur between the sixth seal and the fifth trumpet.
    And e) those Jews who receive the New Covenant when the Lord Jesus shall establish His New Covenant with Israel on earth (Jer. 31.31-34).

    The Talmud was originally compiled by the Edomites and Canaanites of whom our Lord spoke to in John 8
    No. The Talmud is compiled by Jews and this is widely known by scholars. And Jesus was speaking to the Jews. This is not a new entry to the Bible. "Then said the Jews..." (John 8.22). "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him..." (v.31). "Then answered the Jews, and said unto him..." (v.48).
    Both of the detailed geneologies in Matthew and Luke trace Joseph's lineage to King David, albeit differently since Matt. 1:16 says that a fellow named Jacob was Jospeph's father, and Luke 3:23 tells us that Joseph was the son of Eli. (It seems that that family had a lot of problems determining fatherhood.) But these geneologies are bogus because Matthew tells us that Joseph wasn't the father of Jesus,
    Jesus was indeed a Jew, born of Jewish descent from the line of David all the way back to Jacob. There is no issue.

    Matt. 1.1-17 In the list of the generations given, it especially makes a point of mentioning “David the king,” thus indicating that the seed of David is to be King. Though in chapter 2 we see Herod as king in Jerusalem, the wise men nonetheless asked those at Jerusalem, “Where is he that is born King of the Jews?” (v.2) For the list of the generations already tells us how Jesus is the descendant of the royal family. The Son of David is to be praised.

    The prophecy God gave to Jeconiah (Coniah) was this: “no more shall a man of his seed prosper, sitting upon the throne of David, and ruling in Judah” (Jer. 22.30). Joseph is a descendant of Jeconiah. Had Jesus been born of Joseph, He could not have sat on the throne and ruled. For this reason, the Lord Jesus could not have been born of Joseph, but must be born of Mary. He is the only Savior, the One born of God. This is the One whom we serve and worship.

    (1) Compare the four Gospels. Of the four, only Matthew and Luke record the genealogy of the Lord Jesus. Matthew presents especially Jesus as King, and therefore a genealogy is necessary; because as far as the throne is concerned, it is required to prove that Jesus is the legal heir. Luke particularly presents the Lord as Man, so he also presents a genealogy. This is because, so far as human relationship is concerned, it is necessary to describe His lineage. Mark specifically presents Jesus as the Servant, and hence he gives no genealogy; for according to the rule regulating slaves, there is no need to have any genealogical record. John uniquely presents the Lord Jesus as God, wherein no genealogy is given, since in the Godhead there is not even the possibility of a genealogy.

    (2) Compare Matthew with 1 Chronicles: (a) In Matthew 1.8-9—Jehoshaphat, Joram, Uzziah, Jotham are mentioned. In 1 Chronicles 3.10-12—Jehoshaphat, Joram, Ahaziah, Joash, Amaziah, Azariah (Uzziah), Jotham are listed. By comparing these two records we discover that in the genealogy of Matthew the three generations of Ahaziah, Joash and Amaziah are missing. Why did the Holy Spirit omit these three generations in writing this portion of the Scriptures? Several reasons can be given: (i) These three were the descendants of Athaliah the daughter of the wicked king Ahab and wicked queen Jezebel. Athaliah tried to destroy all the royal seed of the house of David. So that God remembered her sin and forgot her sons to the third or fourth generation (cf. Ex. 20.5). (ii) By omitting these three, the entire book of the generations could be evenly divided into three periods of fourteen generations each. (iii) Under the divine government of God—that is to say, under the theocracy—these could not be considered as legal successors. (iv) What follows after Matthew 1.1 is but an extended explanation; so that what is given is adequate in serving this purpose.

    (b) In Matthew 1.11-12—Josiah, Jechoniah, Shealtiel, Zerubbabel are cited. In 1 Chronicles 3.15-19—Josiah, Jehoiakim, Jechoniah, Shealtiel, Zerubbabel are named, among others. By comparing these two passages we realize that in the genealogy given by Matthew the generation of Jehoiakim was left out and Zerubbabel the son of Pedaiah was given as Shealtiel’s son.
    There were several reasons why the name of Jehoiakim was deleted: (i) he was set up by Pharaoh; (ii) he exacted heavy taxes from the Jewish people for Pharaoh (see 2 Kings 23.35); and (iii) he did not turn to Jehovah but was evil in God’s sight at a time of national disaster.

    Though Zerubbabel was not born of Shealtiel, he was still reckoned as his son. This was probably done in conformity to the words of Deuteronomy 25.5-6 which declares: “If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no son, the wife of the dead shall not be married without unto a stranger: her husband’s brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of a husband’s brother unto her. And it shall be, that the first-born that she beareth shall succeed in the name of his brother that is dead, that his name be not blotted out of Israel.”

    (3) Compare Matthew and Luke. Both Matthew and Luke (3.23-38) recorded the genealogy of the Lord Jesus, but they differ in many points. The genealogy in Matthew follows the lineage of Solomon; while that of Luke, the lineage of Nathan. Matthew records forty-odd generations; but Luke, seventy-odd ones. Matthew begins with Abraham, Luke ends with Adam and God. Matthew outlines his genealogy forward in time, Luke traced backward. Matthew calls the Lord by the name of Jesus Christ; Luke simply calls Him Jesus.

    Upon comparing these two books of the generations, we find a most puzzling point: Matthew 1.16 states that “Jacob begat Joseph”; but Luke 3.23 reads: “Joseph, the son of Heli.” By reading the verses preceding that of Matthew 1.16 and the verses succeeding that of Luke 3.23, we come to know that Jacob and Heli were two different persons, not one person with two names. If that be the case, will not this give Joseph (nominal father of the Lord Jesus) two fathers? Yet it is impossible for one person to have two biological fathers. How, then, can this seeming discrepancy be reconciled? We know that after David the lines of succession given in Matthew and Luke differ: Luke records forty-two names while Matthew records only twenty-seven.

    Unbelieving commentators would naturally conclude that one of the two must be wrong. They deem error to be inevitable here because of the extensive number of years covered by the genealogy plus the same names shared by people. But is this really an error? If so, the enemies of faith in the early centuries would have certainly noticed it. These critics were mostly people of great learning, and skillful in critique. Yet they did not find these records to be erroneous, neither did they even cast any doubt on them. We can assume, then, that the records given by both Matthew and Luke must be highly accurate. The Jews, too, can be cited as a witness, for they would have doubtless voiced their own objections had there been any discrepancy between these two records. Since they offered no criticism of these two genealogies, this fact sufficiently proves that they accounted them to be truthful. (What we see here is the fact that contemporary people could have much more easily detected any error in these genealogical records than can today’s critics, yet the contemporaries said nothing against these records.)

    Here, then, are two different explanations which can be offered to resolve the problem: (a) Some regard Joseph as the actual son of Jacob, but he was also the son of Heli according to law, that is, as an heir. According to the custom of the Jewish people, if one died without having a son, his brother would marry the widow, and the first son born would succeed in the name of the deceased. According to this explanation, therefore, it can be assumed that Heli died without a son, so his brother Jacob married the widow and begat Joseph. With the result that Joseph was a son born of Jacob’s flesh but was also the legal son of Heli. So that this is why the Scripture says in Matthew, “Jacob begat Joseph,” and in Luke, “Joseph, the son of Heli.” Even so, we cannot prove the brother relationship between Jacob and Heli.

    (b) The second explanation, therefore, is seen to be more satisfactory. Some believe that Matthew in his Gospel gave the genealogy of Joseph, while Luke in his Gospel gave that of Mary. Since, according to this explanation, Joseph was a half son to Heli, he was deemed to be the son of Heli. We know without any doubt that the Lord Jesus was not really the biological son of Joseph, and thus He could not possibly be the Son of David unless there was clear evidence that Mary herself was a descendant of David. Otherwise, the Lord Jesus would not be related to David in the flesh.

    Who can deny that the Holy Spirit moved Luke to demonstrate that Mary came from David? Accordingly, He having come from Mary, the Lord Jesus was related in the flesh to David indeed. And hence, Jesus was called the Son of David and the heir of God’s promise to David.

  3. #3
    Choir Loft Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by indigo View Post
    Judea and Galilee were two separate states and political entities, as illustrated on the map of Palestine in the time of our Saviour in the Bible. Jesus Himself was a Galilean or resident of Galilee (Matthew 26:69; John 7:41), and a Judahite or descendent of the Tribe of Judah. The Judeans of prominence were not of the Tribe of Judah, but of Edomites. Pilate was being ironic when he wrote the sign "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Judeans" for the Cross (John 19:19). That is, "the Galilean who was King of the Judeans," as in "Queen Victoria of England, Empress of India." Jesus grew up in Nazareth in Galilee. His disciples were fishermen from the Sea of Galilee. And although He visited Jerusalem, he spent most of His life in his home country of Galilee. John 7:1, "After this Jesus stayed in Galilee; for He could not walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill him." His followers were constrained "for fear of the Jews" (John 7:13, 19:38, 20:19).

    Psalm 83:3 says God's elect are "hidden" or protected ones, and that they are under attack from a coalition of evil groups led by Edom. Who was Edom?

    Terrible judgements against Edom are made in most of the prophecies of the Old Testament. For instance, Isaiah 34, 63, Jeremiah 49, and the entire book of Obadiah.

    We know that Saul was the first king of Israel and that John was the first man called Baptist, but who was the first Jew? Neither Adam, Seth or Noah are called Jew. Nor were Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. Moses was not called a Jew and neither were Saul, David or Solomon called Jew. In fact you will not find the word Jew in the first eleven books of the Bible. The first time Jews are mentioned in the Bible, is in II Kings 16:6 (and then only in translations revised in the eighteenth century) where we find Israel was at war with the Jews and drave the Jews from Elath. Jesus Christ tells John in Revelation 2:9 . We know that God changed the name of Abram to Abraham in Genesis 17:5, and that He changed the name of Jacob to Israel in Genesis 32:28, but nowhere in the Bible do we find where God changed the name of Israel to Jew! There is therefore no authority by which those who say they are Jews can claim to be Israel!

    By the time of Jesus the word Edom or Edomite had been translated by Greek and Latin into Ioudaios and Iudaeus meaning a Judean or person living in Judea. The original King James version of the Bible, 1611, translated Idumaean-Judean into Iewes. It wasn't until the revised editions of the King James Bible, that the word Jew appeared. The word Jew does not mean Israel or Israelite!

    The Talmud was originally compiled by the Edomites and Canaanites of whom our Lord spoke to in John 8

    "If you were children of Abraham, you would do the works of Abraham. But now you seek to kill Me ... If God were your father, you would love Me ... Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to hear My Word. You are of your father the Diabolical One, and the lusts of your father you wish to do. That one was a murderer from the beginning, and he has not stood in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own, because he is a liar, and the father of it. ... He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not hear Me, because you are not of God."
    The Talmud (first five books of the Bible) was written by Moses. During worship, when the Torah is moved to the high table and unrolled, the Rabbi reads the Hebrew words to the congregation. According to the Bible, Jesus did this very thing during synagogue service on at least one occasion (Luke 4:20-21). The Hebrew readings are done to this day.

    The Tanakh (the Old Testament prophets, chronicles, proverbs, psalms and kings) were all written by Jews for Jews.
    The New Testament (with the exception of the gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts) was written by Jews for Jews as a testimony of the work of redemption by God for His people in the person of Jesus Christ (Yeshuah Ha-Mashiah is His Jewish name).

    Taken as a whole, the Bible is a testament of the fall and redemption of man. It is a statement of divine grace offered to men who embrace God's gift of salvation. The work of redemption was begun by G-d for His people the Jews and was enlarged to enrich all gentiles (non-Jews) who seek peace with G-d.

    Grace is now available to all , not as an abolition of the law but in fulfillment of it.

    There are 613 laws enumerated in the pages of the Old Testament. 603 of them are dietary and ceremonial in nature. According to the apostles of the New Testament, gentile believers are only required to obey 10 - called the Law of Moses. Jesus cut the number to two.

    In addition, the Bible in its entirety clearly identifies the person and nature of Almighty G-d.

    HE is a male Jew.

    and that's me, hollering from the choir loft...

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