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Thread: Is Shawn McCraney a Christian? He Rejects the Trinity

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn McCraney
    How about I believe in God, even the Father, and in His Son, the Lord
    Jesus Christ,
    by the Holy Spirit. Will that work?
    Sounds good to me. All 3 are uncreated together One Being.

    God experiences love in the Trinity.

    loves the Beloved and between them is the Spirit of love.

    Community of Unity and Unity of Community.

    In the Bible the 3 Persons are never confused so if we are humble we accept before time and space they remain distinct. We have no grounds to put them together, just like we have no grounds to confuse our spirit with our soul with our body. We are a trinity too.

    Looking forward to your show to express what your alternative to the Trinity is.

    You can't be saved and reject the Trinity at the same time. It's a different God that has fellowship in His 3 Persons (before time and space) which by the way is supernaturally impossible to understand fully which is a good thing because you don't want to believe in a God you have fully figured out. I like being humble. I pray you join the Triune God team, then you will skyrocket further in your work.

    What do you say to someone who believed in the Trinity and no longer does. I am sure there are some people like that out there. All you can say is they never truly believed in the first place so they were never born-again.

    I am still profoundly affected by the implication that you would not be born-again in 1997 if you didn't accept the Trinity then.

    Is there anyone on the planet who has been in a similar situation like you yet they take another turn than the one you have by confessing they were not born-again coming out of Mormonism when they thought they were saved because after all these years they finally admit they were not Christians back then, for now they accept the Triune God and can clearly say they are saved and on the Triune God team of traditional Christianity.

    So much was invested for so many years in thinking you were saved when you were not that's why it is seemingly impossible to take the position of this hypothetical person I just described.

    I think I am clear because I don't have any such similar problems.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn McCraney
    Take just a minute, take a deep breath, exhale slowly. Relax. Jesus has
    had the victory. All these fretting and questions of who is saved and who
    is not, all of these insights and opinions, and views are just side issues
    men have made so important...and they're not. The gospel has nothing to
    do with trinitarianism. When you let go and live through Him you will
    discover His liberty... which is invaluable in this world.
    I have all this and more. Just realize there are some Christians willing to reach out to you. People would not reach out to you to help you if we didn't care. By rejecting the Trinity you reject some aspect of the uncreated Creator in the Father, Son and Spirit as 3 Persons before creation. You can be coy about it, but the problem remains, rejecting very God of very God. The Father has a will, Jesus has a will, and the Spirit has a will in Scripture. Since you say they don't, not only does Scripture not make any sense in your view, but you are rejecting who God is.

    You don't resolve this problem you have, nor do you repent of it showing you will likely never change. This is why Christians don't consider you a Christ because you worship a false Christ. For Jesus to have the same will as the Father is called modalism. It's a heresy. That's why this commentary is placed under "Modalism" at

    Hope that helps though I doubt little will because you are not born-again. You are worshiping by the power of your flesh. We are not brothers in Christ, because you have never been born-again. Just calling a spade a spade.

    The Trinity is essential doctrine.

    Maybe we should call you a pantheist (I know that is not the original definition of pantheism), hope it all works out even though you reject the Triune God. Another person rejects God is Triune and believes He is a Quaternity. Another says Binitarian, another says Modalism. All these gods, so much confusion. Where does it end? But you say it doesn't matter their character and nature before the cross. If anyone should be concerned about all these different gods it should be you coming out of Mormonism, but yet you embrace them all. You should be hypersensitive to so many gods. In Mormonism, I have seen some teach that God is gods. They literally use the term "God" as an overarching term for gods.

    Where does it end in this multiplicity of gods that can all save?

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