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Thread: Why Doesn't Khalil Rehman Play Troy Brooks at Racquetball Anymore?

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    Default Why Doesn't Khalil Rehman Play Troy Brooks at Racquetball Anymore?

    Who Needs Enemies with Friends Like Khalil Rehman
    True Friends Call Avoidables Against Themselves not Just Against Others and Don't Try to Demoralize You
    We Should Uplift and Support Each other with Positive Reinforcement
    (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

    It all started July 31, 2018 (Tuesday). Keep in context Khalil is a Muslim so he is extremely antichrist. He rejects Jesus is God and that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world. In fact, Muslims, despite the plethora of evidence even deny Jesus ever died on the cross. Of course, this is nonsense since the Bible clearly teaches throughout extensively Jesus died, and the Apostles testified to this fact by their eyewitness testimony seeing Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings.

    Khalil was out of sorts this day because he told me he lost to Steve Dyck at racquetball the day before (Monday), and he said that is why he is not playing well. I told him, "You're up, you're down." If racquetball is suppose to be such a friendly encounter and just for fun as Khalil avows and prides himself in, why is he letting losing affect him so much? He seems to be of two minds. In my experience players sometimes take their bad days (the previous day or the same day) and bring them onto the court. Hence, this confrontation you are about to read if you can bear it. I beat him and Gerald 15-1 in two-on-one, and Khalil 11-2. I am painting a picture here to show his frustration in life as part of the cause for his behavior. Khalil is a taxi driver that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and has to share his income with the taxi company. On the other side is Uber and Lyft creating pressure and making his job more difficult and stressful to earn a living. Eventually there will be no need for either because of autonomous ride sharing.

    In this video, I called an avoidable and he argued against it for 10 minutes. Khalil said it was not an avoidable. Anyone can see that it is. Look at his reaction on the court after he commits an avoidable. He knows he is wrong yet willfully lies. Khalil calls avoidables on me all the time even when the avoidable was actually against him such as in another video when I am tripping over his foot and falling backward on my shot. He is playing in a Vernon tournament in a month's time so he should learn to accept avoidables called against himself, stop crowding players and not have such a one-sided affair. He argued against his crowding me for 20 minutes. Khalil is a C player and maybe doesn't understand the rules of racquetball. Nonetheless, his judgment is not that great.

    I might just have some authority on these matters.
    I still consider myself an Open player even though I am 50 (in 2013 at the age of 46, I was 9th in Canada overall). Khalil just might be wrong. Could it be? My point here is to point out his double standard about why he can call avoidables but I am not allowed to, and some other unethical behavior of his that I decided to comment on after he decided not to play me anymore under false pretense. He has a deep seated inability to be humble and accept when he is wrong as the evidence bears out. Pride in his false religion are behind it! Surely, he can't allow a Christian to usurp him on any issue. no matter how ludicrous his arguments are.

    Thus, follows our conversation on WhatsApp.

    July 26
    I asked Khalil, "Who is this referring to?"

    "Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities" (Isaiah 53.4-5).

    <No answer>

    July 31
    I asked Khalil, "Who is this Ransom?"

    "He is chastened also with pain upon his bed, and the multitude of his bones with strong pain: So that his life abhorreth bread, and his soul dainty meat. His flesh is consumed away, that it cannot be seen; and his bones that were not seen stick out. Yea, his soul draweth near unto the grave, and his life to the destroyers. If there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to shew unto man his uprightness: Then he is gracious unto him, and saith, Deliver him from going down to the pit: I have found a RANSOM. His flesh shall be fresher than a child's: he shall return to the days of his youth" (Job 33.19-25).

    "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man JESUS CHRIST; Who gave himself a RANSOM for all, to be testified in due time" (1 Tim. 2.5-6).

    <No answer>

    I sent Khalil a video of his avoidable because he said it was not an avoidable. I wrote under the video, "Avoidable 100% of the exceptions." He spent at least 10 minutes arguing with me after the game was done that he didn't think it was an avoidable. Gerald Frederick was a witness. Khalil changed his story in the comments below. Either way he is wrong! As wrong as wrong can be. Forgive him, his English is very difficult to understand. I hope he doesn't commit Jihad against me by my exposing him publicly. For the sake of Erik's contention who took issue with my use of this word and to help his confusion, Jihad is used in the Koran many times and does not always refer to heads being chopped off. It's a declaration of opposition by someone against someone else.

    Aug. 1
    Khalil responded [using his exact words and misspellings], "The question here is not if it's avoidable or not, the point here is when there are more then two people in the court then what I have experience in the tournaments that they reserve in this kind of scenarios. When you are playing with your friends then some time you have to relax the rules as it's a friendly gam. I am coming for fun and exercise not just to play racquetball, racquetball is just a means to have fun and some exercise."

    Khalil tries to get an avoidable out of other players when there are 2, 3 or 4 people on the court. In reality and in practice he exhibits no distinction. But he does not permit avoidables against himself. If you call an avoidable against him, he will argue for 10 minutes why it is not an avoidable. He's a hypocrite. Even the most blatant obvious avoidables by him, he will argue against for 10 minutes such as the avoidable in the video above. He doesn't have a conscience to understand what a doublestandard is, why it is wrong, and why this is a doublestandard clearly!

    I responded, "You have just made up some dumb rules that only you follow. We should play by the actual rules which makes the game more enjoyable and fuller. I don't mind avoidables called against me, it's part of the game. Plus your double standard is unethical. I give you avoidables all the time and you take them and argue for them so you should show me the same courtesy. Any ref that does not call that an avoidable is not doing their job properly. It was clearly an avoidable so it should be called otherwise you are developing bad habits and crutches. I play for fun and exercise which includes avoidables. If you were a friend you would drop your unethical doublestandard. You take the fun out of the game when only you can call avoidables and no one else can. Selfish!"

    Khalil replied, "So according to you I am a person who demoralize you, double standard, unethical and a cheater. Thanks for the compliments. It doesn't make sense to be with a company of such a person right? Ok I will add selfish to the list also."

    I responded, "These would be sins for me too if I committed them. [Note: 3 days ago when we played Khalil said his objective was to 'demoralize' me, and he used that exact word; I'm just repeating back to him what he said to hold him accountable for his abusive words]." Steve Dyck was a witness. Notice the trickery in Khalil's words. Khalil accuses me of accusing him of demoralizing me, when that is the word he used in his intentions against me. Twisted! Furthermore, he said this was so I don't do well in Albuquerque, New Mexico in the World Seniors at the end of August in 4 weeks. Who needs enemies with friends like that? One of the ways he intended to accomplish this was by not playing me anymore for he is the best player to push me to play better. Nice guy!

    Khalil responded, "Then you should choose some Saint to play with. As I am not qualified to play with you."

    I responded, "That's your choice." The world would grow very small if I only limited my racquetball games with Christians, i.e. all Christians are saints what the Bible calls a "royal priesthood." "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light" (1 Pet. 2.9). God chose me before the foundations of the world. Khalil should still play me at racquetball and stop being a baby. Big baby!

    "Unequal weights and unequal measures are both alike an abomination to the LORD" (Prov. 20.10). "False weights and unequal measures - the Lord detests doublestandards of every kind" (Prov. 20.10 NLT). Clearly it is a doublestandard if Khalil can call avoidables but I a cannot in his scheme of things.

    Khalil said, "It's always my choice."

    I responded, "We all have free will to accept the truth including what Jesus did for us on the cross. Praise the Lord! You said you try to 'demoralize' me (you said that not me). Do you now intend to stop that bad behavior? If you are frustrated playing me losing all the time maybe you should address that as the cause [of your hostility] instead of falsely blaming me for your woes. That would be the mature way to handle things."

    Khalil said, "Good luck with your endeavors."

    I responded, "As expected. The Muslim tries to hurt a Christian [knowing I have a tournament in 4 weeks so I need to be pushed and challenged]. In the future don't call someone a cheat dozens of times and then accuse them of calling you a cheat when they never did. God hates double standards not treating others as you would like to be treated. I hope you don't quit racquetball." Every time I play Khalil he calls me a cheat several times. Why would I need to cheat against him when he usually gets 0, 1, or 2 points per game? He is morally bankrupt in his words and actions.

    Khalil said, "Don't worry I will continue playing racquetball."

    I responded, "I forgive you for retaliating by not playing me anymore. You're welcome to play me when your nose is not out of joint. Christians don't discriminate and we don't have double standards." In other words, I won't not play Khalil because he is a Muslim or Steve Dyck because he is an atheist or Jack McBride because he rejects Jesus is God. Khalil is not really mad at me but he is angry with Jesus since I am just reiterating what the Holy Spirit says in the Bible that doublestandards are wrong, and it is wrong to try to demoralize people. Gerald even said, how can Khalil demoralize me since I dominate him on the court so easily? If I were Khalil I would repent of his hostility instead of being angry and "mad" like Muhammad.

    Khalil said, "How we can play when you accuses me of cheater, selfish, double standard, unethical and I don't know what else you have in your heart ohh ya one thing more a Muslim who tries to hurt the pious Christian like you. And so nice of you to forgive me for the Sins I have done which hurts you, you are a true noble man and I don't deserve to be with you"

    I can play Khalil even after he sinned against me multiple times, because I am able by the Holy Spirit to forgive over and over! Muslims are often confused by how Christians can forgive so easily. If Jesus who was sinless could forgive us and forgive Muhammad's sins, surely we can forgive others. Muhammad the Pedophile is going to Hell because he never accepted the love of God when Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world. There is no greater love!

    "Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven" (Matt. 18.21,22). Jesus said (the Lord's prayer), "Whenever you pray, say: Our Father in Heaven Your name be honored as holy. Your Kingdom Come. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone in debt to us, everyone who has wronged us. And do not bring us into temptation. Deliver us from the evil one" (Luke 11.2-4). Muslims, in fact, worship Satan for they have little respect for their Creator Jesus even denying who He is. "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 10.32,33). Muslims deny Jesus is God. Jesus said, "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters" (Matt. 12.30).

    I responded, "I will keep forgiving you not just once but over and over. That is what Jesus instructs us to do. When you tell me it is your objective to 'demoralize' me it is my prayer you will repent and not be the only one allowed to call avoidables."

    Khalil said, "Well you don't have to as we are not playing again. As it's difficult for me to continue with these accusations."

    I responded, "You seem to be comfortable saying your intention is to 'demoralize' me [your word not mine]. And you feel comfortable calling me a cheater many times, and you take avoidables, but I am not allowed to call avoidables. Do you honestly think this is ethical and not selfish?" By the way, why would I need to cheat against Khalil? Every time we play, he accuses me of cheating multiple times. I never accuse him of cheating until now (enough is enough) because he is cheating: he claims avoidables against me are allowed but avoidables against himself are not allowed. That's cheating. He even hinders me when I step on his foot going for a shot and calls that an avoidable against me. Khalil doesn't think straight. Dare I say this is typical of Muslims. As they reject Jesus they reject many truths in Christ and the mind of Christ. They undergo cognitive dissonance. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No man can come to the Father but through Jesus! Such is not the case with Muhammad. Muhammad was a sinner, deceiver, murderer, raped 9 year old girls, and couldn't even save a fly. Jesus was sinless.

    Words are not empty, they have impact, so choose your words carefully. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits" (Prov. 18.21). "In the beginning was the Word [Jesus], and the Word [Jesus] was with God [the Father], and the Word [Jesus] was God [Triune]. He [Jesus] was in the beginning with God [the Father]. All things were made through him [Jesus], and without him [Jesus] was not any thing made that was made" (John 1.1-3).

    Notice how Khalil doesn't recognize or acknowledge any of these bad behaviors of his and instead, just has a pity party. Very immature!

    When Khalil found out I posted his comments on the Internet, he said, "That was light humour which I didn't know you are talking seriously."

    I responded, "Look forward to seeing you on Sat with your light humor."

    Khalil said, "Nopes." Khalil holds a grudge.

    I responded, "Not so light after all".

    Khalil said, "I think it's better we don't play"

    I responded, "I think it's ok if we play you're just overreacting."

    The flesh is funny and pathetic at the same time! He is altering and shifting his reason for not playing me which reveals his true desire. The real reason for not playing me anymore is not that I posted our conversation on the Internet after the fact but rather, he is just tired of losing to me all the time and being called out for being doubletongued. I think he just blew a fuse finally, because he has been playing me twice a week for many months now to no avail (and we have been player for more than 2 years now regularly). Like Steve, his stated goal he has said many times is to beat me one day in a game to 11.

    Khalil's flesh seeks to exalt itself especially before Christians who acknowledge Khalil is doubletongued and going to Hell according to the Bible. Let's say Khalil raped a woman like Muhammad did to a 9 year old girl and emails me what he did. I would be guilty if I remained silent. I should show the police what Khalil said in his emails. I ought to expose him. Khalil responds, "You are not allowed to post our private discussions." I disagree. Since he is being abusive he needs to be exposed.

    Please note, I did not post any part of this thread before Khalil said he would never play me again under false pretenses. It was only after the false pretense. He should just be honest and say he is tired of losing all the time. That's fine. That would be real. I can understand that. If he is not having fun anymore because he is tired of losing to me all the time (11-3, 11-0, 11-2 last 3 games) then by all means stop playing me and play the drop-in which is easier. Don't fabricate some lie why you have stopped playing me. Be honest with yourself. Different players have different ambition levels. Obviously, playing me exceeds his level of ambition as a C player.

    Whenever someone is abusive or mistreats you like Khalil is doing here you have an obligation to call them out on their bullshit! Hold him accountable. Don't shrivel up. Ensure they do right by you! I got this idea from the movie "Fences" with Denzel Washington. Great movie! And if they don't do right by you and don't repent, then at least you can document it on the Internet for posterity sake.

    "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather EXPOSE them" (Eph. 5.11).

    Muslims are encouraged to lie (Taqiyya): the practice of deception against non-believers. The Koran tells Muslims to pretend to be friends with non-Muslims if the Muslim is yet unable to subjugate non-Muslims. Do we really want to live in a world where all non-Muslims are killed and everything is under shariah law? That would be hell on earth. The reason why Muslims cover the heads of women, against the woman's consent, is because the Muslim man can't keep his dick in his pants so he abuses women to restrain himself. And whenever a woman is raped it is hardly ever the man's fault. The woman is blamed. This is a deep seated sickness in Islam!

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    False Religion Leads to Bad Behavior, Unhealthy Beliefs, and Irrationality

    I probably should point out that this video is from a Calvinist. Calvinists are not Christians because they refuse to repent and believe in Christ "to be regenerated." However, he does great work, in particular, exposing Muslims.

    One of my favorite ways of disproving Islam is the false book, "Infancy Gospel of Thomas". This is one of the apocrypha books that the great harlot of religious Rome (Rev. 14.8)--the woman who rides the beast (Rev. 17), the Roman Catholic Church--endorses and maintains as their canon. In this book that came centuries after Christ (historians value material close to the events, not centuries later), long after the 66 books of the Bible in the first century, we are told of Jesus' first miracle when he was a baby that he could speak. This incident is recorded in the Koran in the 8th or 9th century, centuries after Muhammad was said to have produced the Koran. So the Koran stole this false idea from the Infancy Gospel of Thomas.

    Christians are very thorough with evidence. Muslims tend to waffle all over the place avoiding this or that subject matter when put to the test and proven wrong.

    You can't have the Infancy Gospel of Thomas as part of the books of the Bible because then you would have a contradiction. The contradiction is easily seen, because the Bible says the first miracle of Jesus was when he was a full grown adult at the wedding in Canaan when He turned water into wine. Scripture says that is when they first began to realize Jesus was God. How can Muhammad have any authority six centuries after the cross and claim the Bible is not true and that the Infancy Gospel of Thomas is true? Absurd! If you begin with a lie, and sin begets sin, there is no telling how much more evil Islam can get with their suicide mass murderers and declaring Jihad against particular humans with an order to kill us (interestingly, the very popular Muslim name 'Khalil' can be reworded as 'kill ah,' or sound like 'killer'). Muhammad wasn't even born yet; so what makes him an expert in claiming Jesus miraculously spoke as a baby? Crazy stuff! Insane stuff! You really have to be insane to believe the Koran. For Erik's sake, again, Jihad used in the Koran does not only ever mean a kill order. It refers more often as simply a position taken against someone else which can be in any number of ways. For example, in this case, Khalil has committed Jihad against me by discriminating, not playing me at racquetball anymore, when it is all his own fault since I had to expose his unrighteousness and misdeeds.

    The Koran also says that Allah deceived the Apostles when the Apostles testified to seeing Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings. But this theory poses major problems because then you would need a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles, and no such theory works, e.g. group hallucinations (supernatural or otherwise) are impossible, and people don't willingly die for what they know is a lie. Therefore, the Apostles were not deceived. They could not have been deceived, but Allah will keep on lying that they were deceived. Satan is the father of lies. Christians realize Allah in Islam is really Satan the fallen angel.

    The Koran says Jesus was a great prophet. But Jesus prophesied many times that He would go to His death. So that would make in Islam Jesus a false prophet. And if Jesus did die on the cross, again the Koran is false, because it says Jesus did not die on the cross. See how simple it is to disprove a false religion?

    Muslims are not too bright. They suffer from cognitive dissonance in all the crap they make up that is so self-contradictory. I really do think it is evil when Muhammad says to his followers to lie when at first they don't get what they want. I find that morally misapprehensible.

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    The Mind of Khalil

    There is more to this story I haven't disclosed that just came to mind and gives insight into the mind of Khalil.

    Khalil is learning to get in my way a lot more to take away my shots because he is finding it harder to get points against me (11-0, 11-3, 11-2 our last 3 games) so there are a lot more hinders that are really avoidables. I have recently taken away this punchbowl so now the avoidables are fair for both sides and not just against me for a one-sided affair. Sometimes I feel generous and give a person an avoidable or don' take an avoidable, but that's my prerogative. Khalil's gotten too use to my generosity.

    Khalil is reacting to this new opposition of no more unethical doublestandards which makes his life more difficult on the court. That's why he has gone ape shit on me in his long and perverse 10 to 20 minute arguing.

    Now Khalil is penalized when he doesn't try to get out of the way as it should be. Intentional or not is irrelevant! An avoidable is an avoidable. Avoidables don't care if you intended to obstruct or not or who was in the way. When you call avoidables as they should be called, the person who was obstructed doesn't feel cheated, and the person who obstructed doesn't feel like he is getting away with something. Everyone is happy in their conscience. That's proper balance!

    I suspect the drop-in on Mondays and Thursdays practice this type of "strange" racquetball and can be a source of annoyance where players are incentivized to get in each others' way to induce a replay. Steve Dyck does this lots with his big body (11-2, 11-2, 11-0 our last 3 games), not moving out of the way quite enough to restrict your stroke. This is why Steve got into a long 20 minute argument with me when I tripped over Khalil's foot. When you step on a person's foot as you are about to hit the ball that is always an avoidable. I can't think of a situation where it is not. Again, C players are telling me how to play racquetball and what is an avoidable or is not. Please, enough already!

    The only way to alleviate this problem of "retarded racquetball" is to call avoidable hinders across the board, not just against the better players and not dependent on the number of players on the court. This is not like golf where you get a handicap.

    The game of racquetball is more fun now not just because avoidables are in play, but avoidables are fairly and accurately called for everyone. The more accurate you can be with the calls, the more enjoyable and respectful the game will be. The game becomes more free flowing and players learn to get out of each others' way better. And God forbid, they burn a few more calories by exerting themselves to get out of the way.

    Players, especially, are not surprised when they go into tournaments and get an accurate avoidable called against them. Khalil is playing in a Vernon tournament in the next month. The player is now more equipped to discuss with the referee what an avoidable hinder is and when it should be called. But if you never play avoidables or only avoidables against the other player, you're going to be in for a rude awakening when you enter a tournament. "As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information."

    I don't want to get too much into this, but there is one last element I would like to share: "Passivity". Passivity leads to deception, obstinacy, lack of concentration, inactivity, vacillation, and extends to an unrenewed mind, an improper mind, misunderstanding God's truth, and a blank mind. So racquetball players caught up in "passivity" have the appearance of looking like zombies walking around the court. For example, their feet remain planted in the same spot for several minutes and don't move. They don't get out of the way. The evil spirit can work anywhere upon our bodies, in our souls, even our spirits if we give him ground to operate. So let us guard the truth, put on the full armor of God, and rebuke the suggestion of the evil spirit that says, "maybe if I encroach a little here, or violate someone's space there, I can win this game." Resolve to choose to refuse and resist this temptation.

    You don't see this passivity as much in singles as you do in doubles. It's lazy racquetball. I don't find this type of racquetball enjoyable. It's not fun for me, plus, you are less likely to break your racquet on someone crowding you with 4 people in the court. I don't think the solution is for an Open player to have to condescend to C players and play their ruleset. I think if any C player wants to play me, he should up level his experience and play avoidables.

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    There is Nothing Worse than a Self-Righteous Fat Person

    I wake up at 172. 172 is my perfect playing weight. If I have a bad day I make up for it the next day by consuming less calories. I have a lot of liberty when I wake up at 170 or 171. I am never more than 2 pounds out of wack either way and can quickly adjust.

    Something else is interesting I noticed. I get bad feedback from these two C players: Khalil (Muslim) and Steve Dyck (atheist). They are not very uplifting people like my brothers and sisters in Christ. They seem to try to exalt themselves at every turn which gives you a bad vibe. As one friend said, "Those Atheists are not as passive as they would like you to believe....and Muslims are not as friendly as they try to let on."

    What is common between them is they are heavily overweight, or more accurately, morbidly obese (BMI above 35). Khalil has a big belly and Steve is at least 50 lbs. overweight. He said so to me. I am pretty sure his BMI is over 35. My BMI is 25. What is it with these heavy set people that try to crawl up my crotch? There are several others in the racquetball community I have not mentioned here.

    A person who is obese has a "high time preference" of now, not for the future. He can't see into the future, nor is he concerned with the future. Such a mindset is self-centered and is ultimately, harmful. Whereas a person who has "low time preference" does not care about the present as much, but is building for the future (as one who has 'eternal life'). Not until the pain of being selfless is embraced--being willing to die on the cross with Christ--and is less painful than the pain of all the negative consequences of gluttony will that person have a change of mind (repent). Some never change because they mistakenly perceive it is too painful to die with Christ, and thus, cannot be resurrected with Him. Yet Jesus said His yoke is easy.

    One way or another you are going to die; better to die with Christ right now. You might not be alive tomorrow then the opportunity is forever lost.

    From the tv series Preacher this is the pious Allfather. Funny show!

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    The Truth Will Set You Free (If Accepted!)

    It's not even that they are fat. I really believe that by the Holy Spirit the reason for this hostility is because they know that I know they are going to Hell according to the Bible, since they reject the love of God, prefer to remain in their sins and be eternally separated from God of the Bible and our Lord Jesus Christ whom alone is qualified to pay for our sins and no one else.

    Naturally, they try to exalt themselves above a Christian, but I call them out on their pretention and misgivings. So you catch them in all kinds of bad behavior in their attempt to rationalize their flesh. Nothing new!

    I can see how it eats away at the non-Christian in the back of their mind always knowing that if the Bible is true, they most certainly are going to Hell, yet they still never give their lives to Christ. They prefer to be lost in the world than give up self. There is the sensation of real tangible fear they are afraid to let go of self. The world controls them. Giving your life to Christ has the same sort of the sensation as jumping out of a plane the first time just letting go. I did that so I know. At some point you need to acknowledge the evidence is 'overwhelming beyond a reasonable doubt' and just let go! And placing your trust in that which will never let you down. I can never be like the unregenerate again because I am once-saved-always-saved (John 10.28,29), but the unregenerate still has time to receive regeneration of their spirit and a new life, to be a new creation of God. Praise the Lord! Amen.

    If what I am saying is true then you have everything to gain by accepting the truth. If I am wrong then no big deal, you just cease to exist. If I am right, and you don't accept Jesus into your life, nothing is worse than Hell. Even a gambler can see there is only one logical bet worth taking here. Since Jesus was not a lunatic and not a liar, He must be God! Easy.

    We know atheism is false, because something can't come from nothing, and an infinite regress of nature is impossible, otherwise, you would have had an eternity to come into being before now, so you should have already happened. Therefore, nature needs a cause outside itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God.

    And the Muslim we know is living a lie because you can't come along six centuries later and claim Jesus didn't die on the cross without any evidence, otherwise, you set precedence for one lie to lead to another lie and there is no telling how far your lies will build up and extend to. Evidence flies out the window. Faith should be evidenced not blind or belligerent.

    Mormons are not Christians for they reject Jesus is the uncreated Creator. Boom! Simple. Mormons don't acknowledge an uncreated Creator so they are very much like atheist who believe in an infinite regress of cause and effects of nature by which their gods take from nature to produce their alleged spirit children through endless sex from spirt matter or what they like to call intelligences (think of Mormon nature as the pre-existing placenta). Crazy stuff! There are many ways to disprove Mormonism. One of the best is Joseph Smith plagiarized a couple chapters word for word in Isaiah and placed it in his golden plates around 400 AD which he claimed existed to make the Book of Mormon, but of course, there is no way the ancient Americas could have known what Isaiah said since they were on separate continents. Mormons are so dumb! Yet I know they pride themselves on being 'intelligent' as 'pre-existing intelligences.' I am not sure who is more dumb, Mormons, Muslims or Atheists? They all suck at being human beings!

    Lots of Mormons finally leave Mormonism based on Article #1 in the Book of Abraham in which there is a funeral setting pictoral, but instead, because Joseph Smith only had a partial copy, he made up the other half and turned it into a human sacrifice. No Egyptian scholar on the planet interprets this common funeral pyre as a human sacrifice. This shows what a con artist Joseph Smith was. He was fake! We have found now dozens of Egyptian pyre depictions which show a burial ritual, not a human sacrifice.

    As for other non-believers, God does not contradict Himself, so only one religion is true and fully proves itself which is foundational Christianity. Simple and sweet so you are without excuse! Nobody has been able to find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings. Group hallucinations are impossible according to the DSM-5. And people don't willingly die for what they know is a lie.

    1. Jesus died by crucifixion.
    2. He was buried.
    3. His death caused the disciples to despair and lose hope.
    4. The tomb was empty (the most contested).
    5. The disciples had experiences which they believed were literal appearances of the risen Jesus (the most important proof).
    6. The disciples were transformed from doubters to bold proclaimers.
    7. The resurrection was the central message.
    8. They preached the message of Jesus’ resurrection in Jerusalem.
    9. The Church was born and grew.
    10. Orthodox Jews who believed in Christ made Sunday their primary day of worship.
    11. James was converted to the faith when he saw the resurrected Jesus (James was a family skeptic).
    12. Paul was converted to the faith (Paul was an outsider skeptic).

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    My Experience is As Follows

    The Atheist, Muslim or Mormon will try to play the Christian at racquetball for awhile, but eventually they can't take it anymore, because when they look at me they look at a person who knows the Atheist, Muslim or Mormon is going to Hell according to the Apostles and Jesus in the 66 books of the Bible. Which is interesting because when I look at an Atheist, I know he thinks I will cease to exist, but I can still play him at racquetball as I have the grace of the Holy Spirit. When I look at a Muslim, I know he believes I am going to Hell, but, again, I can still play him at racquetball. I don't discriminate against him by not playing him at racquetball. This shows you the character of the two faiths. One is of God, the other is not! When they stop playing me, or banning me, there is this perverse sense of pleasure they seem to get by ostracizing me as were the Apostles eventually martyred.

    There is a relief when the Muslim, Mormon or Atheist stops playing me at racquetball, because they are no longer reminded just by looking at me that they are going to Hell. The Mormon looks at me and considers me an "Investigator." That's what they teach their Missionaries to call anyone who has anything to say about Mormonism. Funny. Trust me, Christians are not investigating. We are doing Apologetics work to help lead the Mormon out of a lie and into the truth. Mormons have 3 heavens (which are attainable by works) and Hell which they call Outer Darkness. They confuse these terms, and you can't be saved by works. Salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast. They misuse these terms because in the Bible Outer Darkness is not Hell, but outside the light of reward of reigning with Christ during the millennium. Though Christians are saved the non-overcomer believer loses this splendid reward to reign over the nations for 1000 years. After the millennium is the New City and New Earth when rewards are done away with and the non-overcomer believer becomes an overcomer believer.

    Mormons are mostly unclear who gets to go to their 3 heavens, but it is a false concept to begin with. Blacks are not allowed into the higher heavens usually and if so, they can only become servants to those who got married in the Temple. Mormons likely would place the Christian not in Hell, but certainly not the top heaven they call the Celestial. The second heaven is the Telestial, and the lower heaven is called Terrestrial. Most Mormons don't realize Emanuel Swedenborg made up these 3 terms. He existed two centuries before Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith writings were mostly plagiaraized, pulling from several books he read. Maybe he was a smart guy, but he was also a con artist. He had no intention of ever giving his life to Christ. Mormons remove the cross from all their temples. They even ask, would you wear a symbolic electric chair around your neck? The answer is YES because the cross saves.

    The Correct Teaching About Heaven
    In the Bible we read about 3 heavens mentioned by Paul. 3rd heaven is where Jesus and the Father are at the throne with the angels. The 2nd heaven is where the fallen angels fell down to. 1/3 of the angels rebelled with Lucifer. The 1st heaven is simply earth and this universe. You can see how a cult changes the meaning of terms. Like the Roman Catholic Church, the Mormon faith is a faith based on works for salvation. Whereas in Christianity salvation is not by works because no amount of works could satisfy God, for God is eternally perfect and we are sinners. God can have no fellowship with sin. All our works are but filthy rags tainted by self and sin. A solution is in order! Jesus atones for sins and forgives us if we accept the ransom and penalty due to us He paid on the cross. If you don't have the intuitive sense in you to accept this, then it shows you are not saved. If you don't want this salvation there is only one way for God to deal with you and that is to put you in the Lake of Fire for all eternity. This Fire is not like some natural fire that eventually burns out, but it is the fire of judgment that never goes out.

    You can't say I didn't do enough to try to lead you to Christ with all these words, so if you still remain unrepentant and unchanged, you are without excuse. The way someone receives salvation is through forgiveness by God, but many people don't receive it willingly. They kick against the goads. It's not until you receive loss in one area or your life or another that then the cogs in the wheel start turning. Even then you still might be holding onto and clinging to self. Then that third thing happens that becomes too much and you realize, possibly through another person who is unsatisfied and constantly searching, that there is no satisfaction in anyone or anything but Christ Jesus. And in that moment you are born-again for there are no other option. You are at your wits end, and now truly saved and completely satisfied for the first time in your life! "All things sum up in Christ".

    "Unto a dispensation of the fulness of the times, to sum up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens, and the things upon the earth; in him" (Eph. 1.10).

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    Atheists Plotting and Scheming

    I didn't think I would have to post yet again. The reason I am posting this is because discrimination is a sin. As the saga continues, Erik Youngson was sent a link to this page from Steve Dyck. Steve Dyck is the guy who said to me that if I talk about Christianity to him ever again, he will never play me ever again! In no uncertain terms. What kind of world do we live in that someone has to act this way? The Bible says Satan is the god of this world. Fortunately the Internet and other avenues exist so we can have a discussion even if we play racquetball too. Fortunately, I don't really feel like I have lost anything not playing Steve. He is 17 years younger than me and lost 11-2, 11-2, 11-0 last time we played. It might be detrimental for me to be playing him to begin with.

    It's interesting how quickly Steve found this link (who then informed Erik Youngson). Steven hasn't talked to Erik in 6 months. He found it a day or two after I posted it so he must be scouring the internet for my comments on a regular basis, or maybe Khalil just gave him the link. I never knew he was that obsessed over me. Steve is an Atheist and Erik admitted to me he is one as well. There are no Christians that I am aware of in the racquetball community (Pentecostalism and Mormonism are not Christian by the way), or on racquetball association boards, so this feels like a gang banging experience. Erik is discriminating against me now by not playing me (he is not showing up Saturday mornings at 9:30 anymore). He says he has to think about it. I think he has already decided; hence, this commentary to expose the abusive behavior (abusive because it is under false pretense and false accusation, for in reality he is just tired of losing and trying to exalt himself above Christian). Why look to find something wrong with a Christian? Because in their minds it proves Christianity wrong. I would urge them to look at themselves, to judge themselves, for they call Jesus and the Apostles liars. Jesus said to pick up this stone and throw it whoever is without sin. I am willing to play everyone, and open up the line of communication and dialogue. This is how Christians are different than Atheists, we do not discriminate against people. We still play them at racquetball. Even though we have differences, we treat others as we would like to be treated. We are not afraid of the evidence and the facts.

    I gave Erik the gospel of salvation many times and prayed that he look at some stuff on YouTube such as the Cold-Case Christianity by detective J. Warner Wallace. He says he will give it a look, but he said that last time, and never did. The choice is his and the burden is on him alone. He doesn't understand that sin leads to death and the second death which is Hell--an eternal separation from God. He just thinks he will cease to exist when he dies. That kind of idea leads to moral degradation because ultimately it doesn't matter what you do. You can murder someone and receive the same consequence of merely just ceasing to exist. Thank God that is not true; otherwise, God would not be righteous, holy and true.

    My prayer always is for Steve, Khalil and Erik to one day give their lives to Christ because I don't want them to go to Hell. Nor does Jesus, or the Apostles, that's why He died on the cross for the sins of the world. There is no greater love!

    Praise the Lord!

    The main difference between an Atheist and a Theist is the Theist believes in a personal creator, whereas the Atheist believes in an impersonal creator since the latter is not a being and does not have a mind. We see personableness all throughout creation. But the Atheist is impersonal, cold and insensitive.

    You can prove God's existence by observing inside the box. You do not have to go outside the box.

    Evil is evidence for the existence of God. If nothing is evil then there is no law giver. But since we all know evil exists, there must be the Law Giver.

    Erik took exception to the term "Jihad" but that is the term the Koran uses. "The word jihad appears frequently in the Koran with and without military connotations" (Wikipedia).This is the definition I used too. But Erik decided to selfishly redefine the term so as to accuse me falsely for using this term. When I use the term Jihad I am not referring to Khalil cutting off my head. I am referring to the non-military use of the term, but also not leaving out the more aggressive forms in the Koran. Can we really know the spirit of another human being and what they are capable of?

    "Jihad is sometimes referred to as the sixth pillar of Islam. In TwelverShi'a Islam jihad is one of the ten Practices of the Religion. A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid (plural mujahideen). The term jihad is often rendered in English as Holy War, although this translation is controversial."

    Khalil believes Erik and Steve are going to Hell. So the discrimination against me (not playing me at racquetball anymore) can't merely be due to some comments expressed, because Steve would discriminate against Khalil, and Khalil would discriminate against Steve and Erik, and so on. Therefore, what this all has to do with is vocalized Christianity, because only in Christianity do we testify to Jesus being God. And that's what seems to drive non-Christians mad. The Atheist, Muslim and Mormon would not take issue if the Christian was silent for the rest of his life, but the minute a Christian speaks and spreads the gospel, or judges someone for inappropriate behavior or words, they bring out their guns against us. Why? Because Christianity cannot have moral authority in their world views.

    In addition to Erik accusing me of using the term Jihad--him not accepting the use that particular term by Muhammad in the Koran--there are some other accusations. Is this not evil to accuse me of using the term when I am just repeating the term used by the Koran? This shows you how naïve Erik is. His willful misunderstanding must come down to his Atheism because only Atheists would say this. Atheism causes him to not think straight. Christians don't get this term wrong. Muslims don't deny this term. The Atheist has his own rendering which is off the beaten track. Erik seems confused.

    My use of the term "morbidly obese" for a few people Erik took exception. I posed the question what is it with these heavy set people that are being so hostile and against Jesus? A fair question indeed! People say the true Buddha was not fat. Some of the Buddha's were fat, morbidly.

    "Morbid obesity is diagnosed by determining Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is defined by the ratio of an individual’s height to his or her weight. Normal BMI ranges from 20-25. An individual is considered MORBIDLY OBESE if he or she is 100 pounds over his/her ideal body weight, has a BMI of 40 or more, or 35 or more and experiencing obesity-related health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes." Steve will be the first person to admit this as do others. He has admitted it to me before. I believe he said he was over 300, and so did one other. My point is only to point out why such heavy set people are so hostile that they need to discriminate against me by not playing me? Jesus can forgive them this sin if only they accept what He did on the cross.

    A morbidly obese person can have a BMI of 35. Am I really that far off in describing Steve as morbidly obese? How do you expect to be cured from an illness if you won't accept you sick? You need the right diagnosis too. How do you expect to be cured if you don't take the right medicine? Being overweight, no doubt, makes you frustrated. There is a direct connection to the immorality of being fat and the immorality of rejecting Christ. The Holy Spirit has a tendency to push down obesity into a healthier weight level. I would like to see a study done on that. What is the probability of fat people not accepting Christ vs. the general public? My experience is the obese person is more likely to not be a Christian than a thin person. Why is this? Because sin begets sin. If you start with the sin of rejecting Christ, naturally your sin will spread to other areas of your life, including weight gain.

    I really think players are just frustrated playing me, getting beat so handily all the time since I am an Open player and these three are C players. Then just stop playing me, don't concoct some stupid reason for not playing me. I did not force you to play me. I understand you are frustrated. Be frustrated. Embrace it!

    Erik accused me of bragging. I asked him, Why would I need to brag? Erik said, he doesn't know. I said, exactly! And we both laughed at his suggestion. Erik needs to read more conscientiously and have some empathy when he reads my words, because, he is obviously, misreading what I said. Forming arguments by misreading what someone says is called sinning bearing false witness. I point out the scores only to reflect on where the frustration is coming from.

    Erik takes exception to the phrase "retarded racquetball" which involves never calling avoidables. Everyone stands around in doubles with no attempt to get out of each others' way. Talk about bad habits. Erik says that is offensive to people who have disabilities. Actually, no, calling a child a retard is offensive. Erik has no problem calling living human beings retards, but when I use the phrase against a dumb way of playing racquetball, he comes out guns a blazing. That to me sounds like hypocrisy. The caring term is Intellectual Disability (ID). And I know lots of players that are totally against doubles. They hate it! Racquets get broken. It does nothing for conditioning. Lots of physical contact. And people get hurt on their opponent's backswing. Jeff Buller can't see out of one of his eyes properly because Trevor Webb was careless. Crowding only increases with twice as many players on the court. Crowding is an avoidable.

    Erik basically nitpicked through this thread and came up with ONLY 3 or 4 issues which I have fully addressed, and all of them have been squashed. Erik was looking for a fight. He didn't care about the truth. He's an atheist. I have to admit I had a lot more respect for Erik before our hour long discussion on the phone.

    Lately, I have been recording my games on video at the courts, and this too may have played a factor in Khalil, Steve and Erik not wanting to play me anymore as they don't want their losing ways posted on YouTube for all to see (esp. losing to a Christian). They have not directly asked me to stop recording. They in fact, said it was ok. But maybe they really don't like it. I don't post games on the Internet for others to see anyway so that should not be a problem. When you give someone a copy of the video you can send it to them privately on YouTube. That's what I do. Furthermore, I delete permanently almost all the videos after watching them. Perhaps Khalil doesn't like the evidence in what the video replay shows when I play a clip back for him in slow motion. He really is going over the encroachment line in clip after clip. I take 4 or 5 still images to show he crossed the line before the ball hits the floor. You can see how the ball has not hit the floor yet while part of his foot is on the line. Yet he argued on the court for 10 minutes. He, in fact, encroaches almost every time he tried to short hop or hit the ball in the air in the encroachment area. Instead of being caught on camera or admit that he is wrong, he has chosen not to play me anymore. So immature.

    Also, notice my comments only come AFTER Khalil's abusive comments and indication he is not playing me anymore, and Steve's overbearing ultimatum trying to lord himself over me. Let's not put the cart before the horse. Don't go after me. Go after the source of the problem, their original comments I am responding to here, and expose them which is God's will.

    When an Atheist comes at you, it won't be direct; he will look for other things to accuse you of.

    Honestly, at the end of the day Erik doesn't want to play me after losing 11-4, 11-1 (last week was the first time he played anyone in 6 months). I really believe Erik is frustrated and tired of losing to me. That's ok. There's nothing wrong with being frustrated. Find a lower level group of players to play with if that solves your problem.

    My non-Christian attackers won't get me off the court as they try to hurt me. I feel ashamed for them. You can't be king of the court by trying ban people. I'm actually drawn more to racquetball with all these non-Christian attacks. They drive me to succeed. I am still going to the US Open and World Seniors to try to win the 50+ for the next 5 years running. And there are still a few other players to play. Steve Dyck hasn't ostracized all of them against me yet. People want to get good at the game, so naturally they are drawn to play me. The only game that really suffers is Erik's, Steve's and Khalil's. A fair conclusion is: it was just a matter of time before a person can't handle losing consistently anymore. I gave them the easy way out by making the Christian a scapegoat. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I would rather stand on the truth.

    When I put myself in the shoes of the Atheist or the Muslim and see their discrimination,
    I would feel ugly inside, and could not do what they do, if I was an Atheist or Muslim attempting to hurt another,
    because I still feel the discrimination is wrong not playing people at racquetball, under false pretense, whom formerly played quite a bit.

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    Living a Lie

    How more simple can we be why Atheism is false and Islam is false? If you can't understand this it's not because it is too complicated but because you don't care for the truth. It doesn't allow you to be selfish once you accept it. You allow yourself to be accountable. As the saying goes, Truth is not unreasonable, it is just unloved. True love is selfless and needs nothing in return.

    The universe can't come from nothing, because that which does not exist is non-existent.

    And there cannot be an infinite regress of nature because if there was by that definition you would have happened already, having had an eternity to do so.

    Furthermore, if there was a past eternity you would never have existed, because a past eternity would continue on for how long? Eternity. That's right!

    Therefore, nature needs a cause outside itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. The uncreated Creator is whom we call God.

    Even Muslims accept there must be an uncreated Creator, but where they go wrong, is Muhammad can't come along six centuries later without any evidence to claim to Jesus never died. He made it up because he was antichrist.

    Historians and scholars consider parchments and papyri most valuable close to their events when they took place. Late dated texts have no credibility.

    The Koran says the Apostles were deceived. If the Apostles were deceived explain how. No explanation exists. Group hallucinations are impossible. God would be evil if he deceived the Apostles and Jesus would be a liar. Jesus was sinless.

    The Koran said Jesus was a prophet and never died. Jesus prophesied His death. If Jesus never died He would be a false prophet, therefore, the Koran is false when it says Jesus was a true prophet. If Jesus did die, again, the Koran would be false, because the Koran says that Jesus never died. Either way you look at it Muhammadians are living a lie.

    So simple. So true. How can any human being not understand this? A person has to literally shut his or her mind down, block it off, or think about something else. And ultimately isn't that what Satan wants because that is what gives him room to operate?

    "As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear" (1 Tim. 5.20). On the Internet
    "But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible"
    (Eph. 5.13). By the Word of God
    "Declare these things; exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you" (Tit. 2.15). Rebuke Khalil, Steve, Erik

    Jesus said, "There is nothing covered that won't be uncovered, nothing hidden that won't be made known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in an ear in private rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops" (Luke 12.2,3). Erik said he insists that I remove what I wrote here, but Jesus said nothing should be hidden.

    The reason I present this verse, is because as I was reading it (I did not search it out, I just came upon it through my 2nd reading of the Bible), Erik Younson came to mind. Erik insists I remove this thread. But God says to uncover and expose with the light of God the Holy Spirit of Truth and in the presence of all, made public. Erik is like the split image of Steve. One is morbidly obese, the other is morbidly thin. Very unhealthy! They are two Atheists that think alike. Their arguments are the same. I can't tell the difference between who is talking. They are both dullards. I won't stand idly by and let them defame God's name as any good Christian should do. They hate God so much they have to try to pretend He doesn't exist. Evil! Why do they hate God so much? Because they want to avoid a true loving relationship and accountability. They want neither for they are too selfish and self-centered for that. Humility and humbleness of heart are not in the cards for them.

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    The Full Armor of God

    Once you decide to discriminate against a Christian, or anyone for that matter, I am going to bring out the full armor of God against you, because what you are doing is evil and extremely aggressive, abrasive and corrosive. Religious discrimination is a horrible, horrible sin, and will not be tolerated. Those who don't have a conscience don't seem to have a problem doing this. If everyone stopped playing everyone at racquetball, let's say, over some issue there would be no one to play with. I play everyone. But if you discriminate against someone then the gloves come off from this point forward. I know, experientially, this person will never repent. Those who go to Hell will never repent. All we as Christians can do is pray one day they do repent, and they will be forgiven, but if they don't then they are thrown into Hell for all eternity without any recourse. They don't understand they are under the spell of the Devil and reject the gospel of God's saving grace and mercy in Christ on the cross shedding His blood for forgiveness. That's why they behave as they do.

    Ephesians 6.10-19 (Spiritual warfare is just as important as spiritual life)

    10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

    11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].

    13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

    14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

    15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

    18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

    19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

    20 For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

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    Chronological Summary in 10 Points

    For the person who is completely daft and needs me to explain this again succinctly, here is a short summary of all that went down. I find point form helps people understand better.

    1) On July 31, 2018 (Tuesday), I played Gerald and Khalil. Khalil got in my way. I called an avoidable. It was blatant and my right. Khalil preceded to argue against it even being an avoidable for 10 minutes. He's an idiot! He takes avoidables against others, but does not allow avoidables against himself. Morally he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

    2) I recounted when Gerald was present on July 31st, and Steve Dyck was a witness (July 28 Saturday), that Khalil said precisely these words: "My goal is to demoralize you Troy, so you don't do well in Albuquerque at the World Seniors." I told Khalil with Gerald present that is not the right way to behave. Gerald said, how can Khalil demoralize you, he doesn't have a chance against you? There is a word to describe Khalil's behavior. He is just be a "dick."

    3) Instead of Khalil repenting of his abusive behavior, he tells me in WhatsApp on Aug. 1st because I point out (1) and (2), he will never play me again at racquetball. Let's get this right. Because Khalil sinned, was unkind, and I called him out on his b.s. as he tries somehow to attempt to fabricate some error on my part, he won't play me ever again. Twisted logic! Surely, his motivation for being so belligerent is something else.

    4) My conclusion with regard to Khalil is this: he doesn't want to play anymore because he is tired of losing all the time; so he started this confrontation to get to where we are now. He doesn't realize he is motivating me to succeed. The other half of the issue is that he is a Muslim. He knows I know he is going to Hell because I am a Christian. Consequently, he is lashing out. What percentage of his behavior is due to being antichrist and what percentage is due to being tired of losing all the time who can say!? I'm not a mind reader.

    5) Because of his discrimination under false pretenses, I consider his words and actions inapprehensible and morally bankrupt. I decided to write this thread about his abusive behavior once he confirmed he was not playing me anymore. I gave him the link.

    6) Khalil gives a copy of the link to Steve Dyck (Steve already has it out for me because he is an atheist, and I explained to him why according to the Bible he is going to Hell). He threatened never to play me again if I mention Jesus Christ ever again. Wow! Aggressive. He is also, if not more, frustrated by losing to me endlessly, yet said one day he will get me. Even though he is almost 20 years younger than me, I doubt it. Steve I have found does not play me unless Khalil shows up due to his insecurity playing me alone. Khalil will never show up on Saturdays anymore at 5:30, but I do continue to play with Darry and Gerald at 9:30 a.m. and to accommodate Erik. They say this is a better time for them. And I enjoy getting up early.

    7) Steve Dyck then gives a copy of the link to Erik Youngson whom he hasn't spoken with for 6 months, Erik said. So why all of a sudden give Erik this link? It seems clear he is trying to hurt me. I find Steve the most backstabbing and underhanded of all in the things he does. Very manipulative. I want Erik to read it, but Steve thinks he is harming me by giving Erik the link. Vagaries ensue.

    8) Erik read part of this thread and he asked me to call him. I called him and we talked for about an hour. He listed only 3 or 4 issues, none of which hold up, so Erik is just being obtuse, nitpicking, and misreading to be contentious Not very conscientious I must say. He is looking for a problem where there is none. He should be on my side as I exposed Khalil's misdeeds. But that's not how atheists operate. They have another agenda that they won't take a moment to let pass. He insisted that I take down this thread. Not going to happen! We spent most of the time discussing Christianity. I thought I was going to get Erik to come out and play because we played the past week with Gerald. Erik is placing us on hold for now, which is already acting out in discrimination. Steve has now squashed that effort in his attempt to hurt me from having Erik as a sparing partner on the court. I can see Erik is in the same boat, frustrated losing to me every time. Actually, our play a week ago was the first time he played in 6 months so I would think he has just lost interest in racquetball again after playing just once.

    9) So whom do I have left to play? Gerald and Darryl. Gerald and Darryl both beat Khalil the last few times they played, and Khalil usually beats Steve. Erik usually beats them both, but not if Erik only plays once every 6 months. Prior to 6 months ago I recall Gerald easily beating Erik. They should not be losing to Gerald since they are 30 years younger so got to hand it to Gerald for owning them. The players in Edmonton, Alberta today can't hold a candlestick to the players of the past. It really shows what a poor job the Alberta Racquetball Association has done over the years. I have a theory on that. John Halko has been the intermediary to introduce the sport, but none of them have stuck with it. What is it about John Halko that turns kids off? He was morbidly obese. Even his own son Devin Halko told me he has quit racquetball. Before Halko was Marc Caouette who was also morbidly obese. This would turn anyone off. They may ask, is this what is going to happen to me if I play racquetball too? If Kane, or even a half decent player, was here building the juniors, I am sure it would be a thriving community.

    10) It is my assessment since there is no legitimate reason all of a sudden for ostracizing and discriminating against me after playing me for several years, we must come to the conclusion it has to do with two things that are eating away at them that has finally taken its toll: (a) faith, and (b) tired of losing. Since I have discussed the gospel of salvation with Erik, Khalil and Steve they know according to the Bible they are going to Hell. Religious discrimination is a sin! Think how immature a person has to be to not play someone at racquetball because they don't have the same faith or because they are jealous. Tired of losing is jealousy if you fabricate some false reason for not wanting to play anymore.

    I won't be texting them to play ever. If one day they want to play I am available. I am very forgiving after all I am a Christian. It's sad really how dead racquetball has become that this is all I have to play (frustrated C players engaged in religious discrimination), and now, not even that. Fortunately, there are a couple players heretofore I still play with. What happens if they turn on me or leave the sport? The way I got good at racquetball was hitting the ball on my own. I see no reason why I can't still do that. In fact, I think my game will improve more than it would otherwise, because I won't be picking up bad habits from C players. I can hone my skill even more through practice. Various players joined me at Sherwood Racquetball Courts in the 80's to give me some games occasionally, but most of the time I just practiced and practiced and practiced. Practice makes perfect!

    I don't take it personally because, firstly, I don't pick up the bait of Satan. And I know it is just a couple of bad actors with big egos that don't want to damage their egos by getting beat so badly by me all the time. They would rather not play me than learn from me, how to play better racquetball. They are their own worse enemy and only hurt themselves. This end result was just a matter of time. I only helped it along by contesting and calling out Khalil's abusive behavior in person that sparked his discrimination, further plotting by Steve, and Erik's self-rationalizing and nitpicking.

    Bottom line: a Christian would not behave this way which shows you the difference in morality between a Christian vs. a Muslim or Atheist. Christians are Christlike. Atheists and Muslims have a different standard which fail to compare to Christ.

    The dumbest comment
    has to come from Erik because he says he has no problem with Muslims. Therefore, he has no problem with Muslims sending him to Hell. How lovely!

    Prior to March 1, 2004, the official Saudi government website stated that Jews were forbidden from entering the country, however, it was not enforced into practice.

    In the City of Mecca, only Muslims are allowed. Non-Muslims may not enter or travel through Mecca; attempting to enter Mecca as a non-Muslim can result in penalties such as a fine; being in Mecca as a non-Muslim can result in deportation. In the City of Medina, both Muslims and Non-Muslims are allowed in. The exception are non-Muslims entering the Nabawi Square, where the Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi is located. And of course, this is not even a scratch on the surface of all the psychotic rules imposed by Islam and the Koran, and restrictions on women.

    Isn't it wonderful that Erik Youngson doesn't have a problem with this! How noble he must be!

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