Know that their is more information and property A women can have it their is a law that if a man dies and brother does not want to marry. The wife goes to council they remove his sandal and the women slaps that brother and she keeps the property. Know A women can have property and keep it. Many things the bible has influence the english in the magna carta and other things in laws in western culture.

And also God originally is not man or women he says he is consuming fire originally when created the universe but bear, hammer, arrows, thunder as his voice, coming as Jesus as A man, being A women who gave birth, and mother hen are things that represent him and his character for he is a mysterious God. And he only lets us know few things about all of him because he is powerful and his ways are mysterious.

Their many more things like the hardships women face in the bible and thanks to their wise decisions like rebekah treachery and things they help men to complete the law and the heart things throughout history. Women have sacrificied everything if it weren?t for women like Esther to save her people, women like Deoborah even though she killed, and women like thedaughter in law of Judah who lost his sons but her daughter in law trick her to sleep with him. And save the bloodline of Judah for he was old. The kingdoms of Isreal would of not existed and the state of Israel would of not of existed. Thanks to those brave women even though it brings debate and contradiction of thier actions remember Abraham lied, Jacob lied and tricked Laban and other prophets did the same in order to accomplish the will of God.

We are no one to judge he will judge it all but everything in life wether bad or good will work in the end to make great things like Israel and the path for Israel to teach and give the word of God to all. Women have important part in the will of God and his plan. Read about the plan of God that the will is to make his plan A reality.